Yep Dragon Quest Builders is nothing close to a normal DQ but I'm still liking it. I'll buy it eventually but not for full price.
The endless grind debate...
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![]() On 10/16/2016 at 05:50 PM by asrealasitgets ![]() See More From This User » |
For what ever reason, I enjoy the monotonous grind of some RPGs, and not others. RPGs are not all alike, and some offer more or less in different areas (combat, world, story, etc,) so it's hard to clarify what makes an RPG grind good or bad for different people.
I bounced off of Dragon Quest Minecraft Demo so fast. It's fine for what it is, but I got bored right away. I guess I just don't like sandboxes. Give me regular Dragon Quest any day. Also left Xenogears and DA:I on idle for a while, until I play more new Neptunia.
This 'grinding' issue was brought up again in a very good article on GameInformer which you can read here (link below). Although, I don't think the writer differentiates between enjoyable grindiness of games like Diablo or JRPGs like Tales of games and just sees grinding as needless "work".
RPG Grind Time – RPGs Shouldn’t Feel Like Work
I played the latest Neptunia game which is basically more of the same except it focused on new anime girls called the Sega Hard Girls, and are supposed to represent Sega Consoles. Its colorful, cutesy, anime, JPopp-- for better or worse and I enjoyed it. It is still very much stuck in its old 90s JRPG ways with the grindiness, but has open world design so you can take on quests in any order and explore freely to level up. It's fine.
(TWIN SAGA pictured above)
Also started a new MMO called Twin Saga which is basically a JRPG. It looks like Dragon Quest 9, the baby mmo-like on DS and it gives you a mount and companion very early on. It has a very giant-baby-head baby looking world that is maybe too gosh darned adorable to play at times, but it plays very casually and hits the right spots for me for some reason. Its good. You can also swap out between different job classes with a simple touch of a button, no need to make new character just like in FF14. Neat!
(TWIN SAGA pictured above)