Ah microsoft, you daft buffoons. Have you not been paying attention to anything that has happened in the past two years, or have you just hermitised yourself and been living in your own degenerate filth. You know what happened to Sim City? It bombed. You know what happened to Diablo 3? Everyone hated it. Also, it's a well known fact that the launches of these titles were spectacularly atrocious. So why in god's name have you put always on DRM on a bloody console?
Console gaming is about two things: convenience and affordability. Making it so I can't play a game if I don't have interconnection and running up my bandwidth negates both positives of owning a console in my honest opinion. So, I won't be owning an xbox this generation. I probably wouldn't anyway, since it has sweet fuck all in the way of exclusives. Halo and Gears of Boredom? Please, I'd rather grate my balls off than play those intolerable pieces of dross.
I'm done picking on microsoft. The banks will be doing enough of that soon enough. Anyway, the next target in my rant is Apple. Seriously, fuck you guys. The Iphone 5 requires a different cord, so my it won't connect to anything I previously owned. Nowhere on earth seems to stock cases for the fucking things so I need to order them online, and to top it all off, it offers no new features over the last one I owned. Apple, you guys are dicks. This is on top of my already seething hatred for them. "No games will with religious or political themes will be available on the app store, because video games aren't the same as music or films." Pretty sure Bioshock infinite just proved you wrong fuckwits. Honestly, this isn't really news, as apple seem to have been against games from day one.
Ok, lets talk about something else. Hmm... what do I want to talk about? Oh yeah, the ending of Bioshock sucked. Well it didn't, really. The plot twists and all that were kind of cool, and only really made sense if you explored the world. However, the problem is that the last 20 minutes were so rushed that it made no sense. Their just like: "Here's the twist, now this is how it applies. We aren't going to give you any time for it to sink in and let the emotional kick in the balls resonate, we just want this story to end already." Also, wasn't religion a big theme at the beginning of the game? Why is it not mentioned after the first 2 hours? That seems to be a thing with Infinite: It's talking points don't really do anything. They seem to be their just to say "Hey, look, video games can talk about this too," which would be alright, but it's kind of an immature way to tackle it.
Is there anything positive I can talk about this week? Miasmata is kind of cool. I got really addicted to that game today, and sunk about 5 hours into it. You should play it. Also, I haven't written anything in Plus10damage, so I have nothing to promote, but I just want to let you know once again that this is my rant page, and plus10damage is where my better articles end up. There is generally no swearing in my blogs, and the humour is more intelligent, mainly because I actually think about them before I write stuff. If you guys could please look at the site, even if you do just click onto the page and leave. It gets our traffic up, which means we get ads, which means revenue and new ways to better our site.
Finally... I just want to say Pixlbit is really awesome. Like, seriously awesome. I've still been skeptical, but any negatives I had with the site have been ironed out. It's an awesome community, and the owners of the site actually listen and do the best they can to make sure we're happy. Thanks guys!