Great blog, you should definitely keep the series going if you would like to! Your story is interesting. I think it's cool you were raised Buddhist. I've never met many Buddhists in Colorado, so I never get to learn about them and study them. It's sad that the kids bullied you when it came to religion, sad that they bullied you in any fashion. My environment has always consisted of Christians of all different types. My whole family belongs to that particular faith and some of them are really great people, some of them are dangerous. I've found that religions don't make people good or bad, and magical forces don't make people good or bad. People make their own choices and have to be held accountable for how they treat others. Even though I was raised in such an entirely Christian environment I was never attracted to faith of any kind. I learned a few very important virtues from the Christians around me, but I never wanted to become a practitioner of the mythology.
I've grown up to be a non-spiritual person, I worship nothing, I curse at nothing, I beg for nothing, I don't want eternal life, and I don't believe in any deities. I gravitated towards science instead, and when I study science and study the world around us I find things far more mysterious and beautiful than anything I ever learned about in religion. Mythologies and religions are often beautiful to study and learn about though, and I always wanted to learn about Buddhists since they are so hard to come by around here. They always seem so peaceful, patient, open minded, and disciplined. Buddhists seem to exhibit many philosophical traits I appreciate a great deal and would love to see in more human beings.
I always felt alone as a kid because everybody around me just followed in line, never asked questions, and everybody was always told what to think. I always wanted to ask questions, think for myself, learn about science, study people, the planets, and not be told what to think. Teaching people how to think is better than telling people what to think.
Like yourself I found ways to let out my emotions and deal with them on my own terms. I'm glad you found things like martial arts and music to be creative outlets. I know what it's like to fuck up and disappoint my parents, I did that all through high school. I would ditch a ton of classes, run away from home, and make them worry. I never got into fights, I wasn't violent, and I never stole anything from anybody, I wasn't a trouble maker at all in the sense most people think. I never did anything bad or destructive, I would just disappear and go be by myself. When I ditched school do you know where I went? I went to the University library lol.
Whenever I ditched classes and left school I would take a walk through the bird sanctuary (a small forest-park in between my high school and the University) and I would spend a few minutes there in forest just looking around. There were birds and small creatures there wandering around that I would look at. There were trees you could climb, and there were also fallen logs you could just sit on to relax. It wasn't the wilderness because it was actually surrounded by housing and schools, but all the trees and the creek made it very secluded and peaceful. Whenever I sneaked into the sanctuary it was like I was hidden away from the world for a while. Once I was done wandering around the forest I would walk up this huge hill and when you got to the top you were able to walk across a road and the University was right there.
I always looked older than my age so nobody bothered me or told me to leave, I looked like a college freshman. I would spend the whole day in the library reading, drawing on the chalkboards, using the computers, or sitting in the nooks listening to music and looking out the windows. When it was time to go back to school and get picked up for a ride home, I would just make the short trek through the forest and sneak back into the school. My teachers and advisers were always confused as to why I would ditch school so much. I was very intelligent and respectful, but I never showed up for their classes.
Once I left high school and began college a couple years ago I really started learning about who I was, what I wanted to do, what I didn't want to do in life, and it was a much better environment for me. All along the way listening to music, playing guitar, playing video games, and learning about space became hobbies and passions that helped me stay busy and happy.