Well, yesterday involved more moving; luckily this time it was just a dresser, so it didn't take long; unfortunately, my brother lives very close to both Cowboys Stadium and Rangers Ballpark, so traffic was terrible and roads were blocked off, making getting to where he lives a lot more frustrating than it had to be if we had known about certain side and/or back roads earlier.At least I'm pretty sure that's the last of it all, so no more moving.Thanks Wonder Woman, wherever you are.
No wheels today, as dad needed to borrow them for work; been looking up used cars and such for him, hopefully we get it figured out this week, then work calls me next week. That'd be perfect. Well, more or less ideal, anyway. To be honest, I'd rather work call this week and every week after, and I get tons of jobs from what I've applied to online, but in the middle of figuring out who needs who's car at what date and time, and the fact he's a delivery driver that goes to multiple locations ... I'd be lying if I didn't say my looking up cars for him wasn't also a selfish measure. I could borrow mom's car, but don't want her staying at school too much later than usual, and that would mean if I was at work, I'd be thirty to fourty minutes to hell, an hour or so out, depending on when I got off.
But hey, I saw an armadillo on my second walk yesterday. Actually went six miles instead of three that way, and I tried to take a picture of the armadillo, but it figured out I was big, strange, and rather close before I remembered there was a zoom feature on my camera phone, so it scurried away before I could make it any more than a black dot amidst the grainy, yellow light of the street lamps at night. It was a cute little thing too, nibbling away at some grass or whatever it was; I haven't seen one in years, even though I live in Texas.
My Favorites in Gaming
Since a lot of people told me their favorite system was SNES last blog I posted, and a lot asked what some of my favorites/systems were in the blog before that, I figured I'd post a blog about my gaming favorites, starting with
System- Gamecube

Slight alterations here and there can turn your son's Mario player into a drug smuggling companion for just $9.99; includes labor, shipping, and handling; call now!
Deals this good don't last forever!
My favorite system of all time is the Gamecube, as I told smartcelt, because it was the first system I bought at least mostly myself when I was eleven with gas mowing money. Also, because I knew I'd have to pay for it myself, I got really into the console wars, reading every EGM and Nintendo Power about the thing I could, and hyping it up to anyone who would listen along with some friends, though I was the most vocal one, cause well... it was the cheapest system, so I wanted to keep my costs low, and I was a Nintendo fanboy anyway. In a way, this thing further served to pigeonhole my place on the lower half of the social totem pole, but I didn't care because fucking look at that water in Wave Race: Blue Storm

Look at that shit!
Of course, my first game for it was actually Luigi's Mansion, which may have been the part that was a Christmas gift as opposed to what I paid for myself, but I would subsequently buy all my own games for this system and my DS, minus Christmas presents. I don't know that I'd say this is when I first got into gaming, as I did love my N64, and I also enjoyed playing on my older brother's systems (NES, SNES, PSX, PS2), it's just that I remember when it was XBOX vs. Gamecube I had a lot of nerd rage in favor of Gamecube, and have the clearest and most distinct memories playing the system. Overall, I'd have to say PS2 had a bigger and better library, and in retrospect, XBOX was a damn good system, but I just had so much fun playing Gamecube, was really invested in it, and loved finding surprises like Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem on the system. Metroid Prime turned out to be not half bad, either.
I genuinely did want the thing over the other consoles, too. It wasn't just the money factor, that control, perfectly described by an EGM writer as the result of robot vomit fit my small, eleven year old hands perfectly, and just felt good to play on; I loved how small the thing was, that it could easily be carried, and later on that it could link to GBA (mostly useless) and play GBA games on the TV screen with the Gameboy Player add-on (awesome).
It was the first and last console I bought, and the one that brings back the gaming nostalgia the hardest outside the N64.
Game - Elite Beat Agents

Carrot Top has a neat day job
If I went purely on nostalgia, I'd go with Star Fox 64, as that was the first game that was truly mine on the first system that was truly mine, N64. No, I didn't pay for that one, but Santa clearly gifted the system and game to me.
Going purely on how much fun I've had playing a game, though? Have to go with EBA, as I could never put it down, got all S ranks on all stages and all difficulties, loved its wacky storylines, animation and great mix of popular music. It was addictive without feeling like an addiction; I never caught myself needing to grind through it like some addicting games, only wanting to, cause it was that fun.
Of course, until you figure out which rythm some of the songs want you to go off, which is not always what you think, even on easy mode, the last few stages can be a real challenge, and I don't think I'll ever be able to beat "Jumpin' Jack Flash" with the cheerleaders again, considering how unforgiving it can be. But while that was initially frustrating, the challenge was solid and mostly followed a logical curve of next stage = harder.
I know it seems like an off-beat, random title to have as a number one, but I just don't know if I've had more fun with a game. Maybe Super Mario Sunshine, but I only ever rented that game. This one I know, nostalgia goggles or not, is the most fun I can remember having in video game form.
Favorite Character - Sly Cooper
Finally, yes, despite my clear Nintendo fanboyism evidenced by my gaming collection, as I told Chunopo, my favorite character is one that got his start on the Playstation 2.

He's just got such a cool attitude. He's a lot like the animated Robin Hood fox, if Robin Hood had a long line of Japanese ancestors that taught him how to go kung fu on your ass with a cane.
I don't feel any further explanation is needed.
What are some of your gaming favorites?