I regret my purchase of the Wii U and the Wii, and maybe even the Gamecube and N64 if I'm being honest. So I probably won't be picking this up. It's a shame, because I adored my GBA, DS, and 3DS, but the Switch on the go looks way too cumbersome for me.
More In Depth Thoughts on the Switch
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![]() On 10/20/2016 at 11:38 PM by Blake Turner ![]() See More From This User » |
Jesus christ guys. Sorry for the bombardment of blogs. The Nintendo thing is kind of a big deal. Now that I've had some time to think about it I think I should make a proper in depth blog about what I think about the system.
Warning: Most of this is negative. I'm excited for the system, but everyone is so gosh darn optimistic I can't help but be a skeptic, especially when we got shit shoveled on us with that last console.
Okay, so let's get tech out of the way first: It's a neat idea. It's essentially an expansion of the Wii-U's gimmick, but this time I can see the actual appeal. That said, is it really a necessary innovation? How many people are going to want to really use this? Most Core gamers will probably just play indoors, and use this to keep playing their games when they go on holiday or if they have a long commute to work.
Anyone else... look, if they want a next gen console, they'll probably go with a PS4 or Xbox 1. Those systems offer more than gaming and are entertainment machines. The Wii-U struggled with that and this will too. If they want to play a game on the bus or tran, they'll probably play on their phones, and honestly, you and I probably will too.
It is cool, but people like Ken Levine and Warren Specter who are saying that this will revolutionise the way games are played are honestly talking out of their arses. It's another Nintendo gimmick. It won't further the industry, it'll just make things mildly more convenient for a small subset of people.
Now, onto the important part: Games. Oh man, that third party support looks intoxicating. They've got EA and Ubisoft who were loyal to the fucking end last time. Except... Oh. And um, yeah.
They've got Capcom who are super awesome at keeping exclusive deals...
Oh that's right.
They've got Bethesda porting a 5 year old game to their platform, and the Switch will probably get an okay port of Fallout 4 just in time for that to fall out of relevance. Oh, and that doesn't matter because none of this is confirmed.
They've got Konami, which is ironic because they just took pachinko out of pokemon.
They've got Square Enix, who as developers haven't done anything half way decent since the turn of millenium, and as publishers will probably just give you decent ports of games like Tomb Raider and that Deus Ex game from 2011 that they remade recently.
They've got Atlus, and I'm actually pretty excited about that one. Can you imagine a current gen Shin Megami Tensei? Or a Home Console Etrian Odyssey? I'm foaming at the mouth a little bit.
But they've got From Soft who will probably give the console Dark Souls 3 and then crawl back to groveling at Sony's feet.
And... I honestly feel like if I go through al of them I'm just going to be repeating myself.
About Nintendo themselves? They've shown a Zelda game that they tried to sell their last console on, a new Mario game which looks kind of okay, and a new Mario Kart, which looks exactly like the last Mario Kart.
I'm being ultra skeptical right now, but that's just because everyone's being ultra willing to open their legs for a company who've frequently shown how out of touch they are with technology and their fans, innovating only where it doesn't matter, shitting all over fan projects, youtube videos, or anything they can't control for whatever fucking reason.
The Wii-U was a piece of shit. It had some good games, sure, but I can count them on one hand. And while I really, really want this to be good, and I really, really want to love Nintendo again, I'll reserve my praise until I see some games.
But hey, at least we can tell what this thing is from the trailers this time.