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Quick Hits: Superhero TV

On 10/21/2016 at 12:24 PM by goaztecs

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Good morning Pixlpeeps! It looks like everyone has an opinion on the new Nintendo Switch so hell I might as well give my two cents. Overall I like what Nintendo is doing, but I have a feeling this might be a flop. For the causal crowd it will be great. Having a console/7” tablet is a cool feature that Nintendo has improved on from their Wii U, but it also seems like its another underpowered console that Nintendo will push a ton of units on and when the numbers start to slow down, release another port of a Zelda game that has appeared on previous Nintendo consoles. I do hope I'm wrong and Nintendo releases a product that everyone is happy with. I hope Nintendo delivers on the product that Sony promised when it released the Vita and talked about how I can stream games from the PS3 (HA!) and PS4 to the Vita. The cartridge is a damn good idea because kids can't scratch them, they're tough, and portable. The little Joy-cons are cool but what is the battery life on them, and are they comfortable?


The initial library for this console looks solid: An NBA game, Skyrim, new Zelda, new Mario games, along with I'm assuming their Nintendo Store available to download onto the system. Hopefully I'm wrong about it being a flop and even with the underpowered hardware, Nintendo can compete with Sony and Microsoft


Ok that's out of the way let's get into regular Quick Hits with Chris!


Chris Watches...


So I'm still in a Superhero mood and I am all caught up with Supergirl, Arrow, and SHIELD so why not throw in my favorite character from Arrow, Sara Lance's current show Legends of Tomorrow!..The Black Box Edition

Since I'm new to the whole Legends of Tomorrow group with the exceptions of knowing the folks who appeared on Arrow, this is all new to me but after watching the first couple of episodes I thought this show was terrible. I found Rip Hunter, Captain Cold and his voice, Hawkman, Vandal Savage and Dr. Stein all annoying. After the initial couple of episodes I warmed up to Vandal Savage because he plays one hell of a heel (wrestling bad guys) while the other folks I still find annoying but not as much as before.

I am currently at episode 13 in the first season, and I decided to watch part of last night's season 2 episode 2 and yeah a lot of things were spoiled but it wasn't a big deal, but now I'm left with questions. The one thing I really like is the random moments there are light hearted scenes.


A couple of years ago I used to use this app called Get Glue. You check into TV shows and certain shows had a sticker available. You collect 15 stickers and then you placed an order and they would be mailed to you, free of charge. The company went under for a bit but now a new version is back called Teflie and once again I'm back to checking into TV shows in hopes of getting a sticker


They better release some Supergirl stickers!


Chris Listens To...

Yesterday while doing some cleaning I found my micro USB to female USB cable that I bought for my Memo Pad. I have a couple of 128GB thumb drives laying around why not try and load a ton of music onto it, connect it to my Memo Pad and have a kick ass music player. Well turns out a lot of the music apps don't automatically read files from the drive even after mounting it so my dream of having a big music player have been dashed (for now). I have however found that it reads video files without a problem which means I have a mini TV Show/Movie player now when I go on trips. This should reduce the weight of me bringing a laptop because what I would essentially be carrying is an iPad and the Memo Pad. It'll probably be even lighter once the lightning to female USB cable comes in from Amazon (seriously why is this “two day” shipping for this item close to four days?)

As for my dream of having a music player I'll look into it after I finish this blog.



I didn't buy any games this week because I've been trying to finish off a couple from the PC portion of Mount Backlog


I did however find a couple of new CDs to add to the library.


I believe this was released last week and I just found out about it a couple of days ago. I like Colbie Caillat and she has the perfect summer beach voice. This is an acoustic album which would have been perfect for the summer. Not a bad CD


The next one I took a chance on because I'm not a huge fan of The Game


I liked his first album, and wasn't too big on his albums after that but this one isn't bad. It reminds me of mid 90s rap right down to the samples and it comes with a CD Single of what I guess is the radio hit from the album.


Alright Pixlpeeps I am off. Have a good weekend!


That's all for now, more later!




Matt Snee Staff Writer

10/21/2016 at 02:33 PM

you have such eclectic music tastes.  

yeah I'm excited for the Switch. I prefer handheld gaming, and getting full games on that kind of medium really does it for me. 


10/26/2016 at 11:52 AM

Thanks! I always tell people to try out new music because you're just robbing yourself of something good if you stick to one genre. 

I like handheld gaming as well but I'm going to wait a bit to see if the Switch is something I would like to play. 


10/21/2016 at 02:43 PM

I think I like Legends of Tomorrow more than all the other DC CW shows, although I did find both of the hawk people and Vandal Savage to be boring.  I'm glad all three are currently gone in the new season.  At first I didn't like Captain Cold's voice, but I eventually grew to love it and he actually became probably myfavorite character on the show.  


10/26/2016 at 11:55 AM

I really liked his character at the end. There was some real growth from the sarcastic thief who only cared about Mick and himself. I'm still a Sara Lance fan because of Arrow. 

As for the show itself I like how it got better over the course of the season, and I am over Vandal Savage. I still need to watch the first episode of Season 2. 


10/21/2016 at 07:24 PM

Im excited about the Switch. I pretty optimistic, i just wonder what there gonna do for the wii u library. There are excellent games on there that should carry over. Skyrim isnt fully confirmed. Bethesda apparently isnt  fully confirming its gonna release Skyrim on it. I think their trying not to lose sales since the remaster on ps4 and xbone is around the corner but still, why show it if your not fully prepared to make it a title.


10/26/2016 at 11:58 AM

I bet you Nintendo is going to make their first party Wii U stuff available to download on the Switch. One of the positives for the Switch is that massive library. Hopefully Bethesda doesn't do a bait and switch on Nintendo fans by having some footage of Skyrim on that commercial and then not go through with it. 


10/24/2016 at 01:25 AM

Those removable controllers seem a bit small, but you can still use the classic controller whether on-the-go or not, which is neat. 


10/26/2016 at 11:59 AM

I like that but at the same time I don't if folks would want to carry an additional controller for something that is supposed to be portable. This kind of reminds me of the old Game and Watch handhelds that had little controllers. 


10/27/2016 at 01:06 PM

Probably awesome in dorm rooms. 

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