I never played the Legends series, but a Mega Man developed by P+ does sound awesome.
5 Series I Want to See Platinum Games Take On
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![]() On 04/09/2013 at 03:00 AM by Casey Curran ![]() See More From This User » |
So basically I'm in love with Metal Gear Rising. Combat's a blast while doing just enough different to keep things interesting. I also love how absurd it is that this is by Metal Gear standards (think about that- absurd by Metal Gear standards), but somehow Platinum keeps it feeling like MG even though the gameplay and story structure have little in common. It also made me think how much I would love if Platinum did spin-offs like this more often. So I made a list of the series I'd love to see a Platinum spin-off.
5. Star Wars
Remember when The Force Unleashed was supposed to be some awesome new Star Wars action game? Yeah, that turned out well. But the idea itself was great, which is why I would love to see Platinum take on this series (because really, Star Wars is just as important to video games than a lot of other big name series out there). I think if they could make a game where using the Force and a lightsaber are both a blast to use, we could have something special on our hands. Hell, the lisence is up for grabs- someone fund this thing already!
4. Mega Man
Would be a great way to make up for this Capcom
Basically would be Ratchet and Clank meets Vanquish. Lose the cover based shooting and gain a cartoony look with platforming and a greater weapon variety, but with the fast paced shooting and movement found in Vanquish. Capcom, you want MM to work in 3D? Give it to these guys.
3. Fallout
Action game with Deathclaws. I shouldn't need to say more, but I will. While I think the main Fallout RPGs will stay in America, I would love to see the world outside this country in Japan or Europe. This is where a Platinum spin-off could come in: Put us somewhere with a ton of crazy creatures, give a few different kinds of weapons to fight with and drugs to make us stronger, and you have an awesome new action game.
2. Kid Icarus
Pit deserves another game
Kid Icarus Uprising was a very fun 3DS game that while not perfect is better than most people give it credit for (especially those who never bothered to use the stand). That said, I think Platinum would do an even better job from where Project Sora left off, taking the amount of weapons they gave you and the goofy, but fun story and going nuts with it.
1. Halo
Not only would this game be awesome, but think of how many fanboys it would piss off.
This idea is basically the reason I wrote this blog in the first place. An action game with a focus on the Energy Sword and Gravity Hammer by these guys would be amazing. There's already a wide variety of aliens to fight in over the top ways from the Covenant's Elites, Brutes, and Hunters to the new Prometheans and especially how much they could potentially go nuts with the Flood (imagine fighting Gravemind for the final boss). Not to mention finishing moves with plasma grenades, which would be fucking awesome. If Microsoft wants a bunch of Halo games from this point on, this would be a great idea to go on.
Series which should NEVER get one: Mass Effect
Swords in Mass Effect was a stupid idea. I just want to forget they ever happened.