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Random updates 4/9/13

On 04/09/2013 at 08:27 PM by Ranger1

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I managed to get a little gaming in on my weekend this week, otherwise, it's been work and getting over whatever wonderful virus the Easter Bunny brought us last week. I really would have preferred jelly beans, by the way.

Playing: Lots of Bejeweled 3. It relaxes me and lets my thoughts flow. I also downloaded the demo for Retro Rampage because it was on sale on Live. I liked it, so I bought it. Seems like the kind of game you can pick up where you left off pretty easily.

Watching: Being home sick all day last Friday and having no energy at all and feeling like I'd never be warm again, I spent the day under every blanket I own on the couch watching Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu Plus. Caught up on Bones (I have a rant about that show that I'll go into at another time), watched some cheesy horror/scifi movie called Leviathan from 1989 (it was OK until about the last ten minutes, and then it just went off the cheese chart. It seemed like the ending was made up spur-of-the-moment and tacked on at the last minute), and The Hunger Games. I liked The Hunger Games, but the book was better, and it could probably have been about half-an-hour shorter.

Reading: Re-reading a great book called Whatever You Do, Don't Run: True Tales of a Botswana Safari Guide by Peter Allison. It's hilarious, and reads a lot like Joe Step could have written it. The whole book is worth it for the chapter titled "Pets" which features a honey badger nicknamed "Badge".

Ranger stuff: The frogs in the local ponds and puddles have started their mating calls. The wood frogs sound a lot like ducks, and the spring peepers peep loud enough that I can hear them from inside the cottage with all the doors and windows shut. A very cool thing about wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) is their ability to freeze solid during the winter. Pretty neat trick, no? Spring peepers (Pseudacris crucifer) are only about an inch long and the amount of noise coming out of such a tiny creature always amazes me. We have a pair of ravens that we think are nesting somewhere behind park HQ. Ravens are amazing birds, with intelligence only just behind parrots. They learn, they use items, and they can puzzle their way through some pretty intense tests that scientists have put them through to try and measure their intelligence. Bernd Heinrich is a biologist who has done a lot of research on ravens and has a couple of very good books about them: The Mind of the Raven, and Ravens in Winter. He's a pretty interesting writer, unlike some other scientists that I've tried to read.




04/09/2013 at 08:37 PM

I'm sorry to hear that you have been sick Tami. Is it over with? Also, did you mean Retro City Rampage? I loved that game. So many awesome little references to my childhood. I'd rather that over GTA 5 lol.


04/09/2013 at 11:33 PM

Hey Aaron! Yeah, I had some flu bug last week, didn't last long, but was nasty while it did. And yes, I did mean Retro Cirty Rampage.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/09/2013 at 09:49 PM

I rememebr Leviathan.  That's the sort of movie I would watch when I was a teenager.  There was another movie called Deep Star Six or something that's really similar. They call came out about the same time as the Abyss, which is far better.  

Ravens sound really interesting.  I'm not sure if we have any here.  


04/09/2013 at 11:37 PM

I remember really liking The Abyss. Leviathan, not so much. The last ten minutes when they get to the surface after escaping the imploding underwater mining facility and the creature(s) and they get attacked by the shark was just too much, I started laughing and couldn't stop, and then the creature finds them on the surface and I laughed even harder.

You do have ravens in Arizona. Lots of 'em. Probably not in downtown Phoenix, though.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/09/2013 at 09:52 PM

I love match-three jewel games. I was addicted to one on my phone, but it seemed to correlate with my phone's audio going out, so I uninstalled it. Forget what it was called, but it was definitely coded by people whose first language was not English ... or just people who've only ever read things on the internet, which I'm not sure is different.

I agree the book was better, but I did like that they showed a side of the story not seen in the book; it was clearly implied, but it was cool to see the actual scenes that weren't described in the book play out in the background of the movie. Also, you're right, it could have been a lot shorter, and I'm not sure I'd watch that camera, presumably operated by Koko the gorilla on a sugar high, while I was sick. You're a trooper.

I am flattered that you think I could write a hilarious book, especially since it involves a honey badger, and in my final semester at SFA, our staff group on facebook was called the "Hall 14 Honey Badgers," based on the viral honey badger video.

Finally, ravens sound like cool birds. It's always interesting to find out how intelligent animals really are. I looked up the Poe poem after literature and ravens were mentioned. Would Psuedacris crucifer be considered the chihuaha of the frogs, then?


04/09/2013 at 11:41 PM

Luckily, the icky virus didn't include nausea or vomiting, so the camera in The Hunger Games didn't really bother me. As for frogs, there are much smaller frogs in the world than spring peepers. I dunno if they're as loud, though.


04/09/2013 at 10:11 PM

I spend a lot of time on Netflix when I'm just too tired to do anything else. Sorry to hear you've been sick.


04/09/2013 at 11:43 PM

That's kind of what I do, too. I wasn't sick long, it just ticked me off it happened my first week back at work.


04/09/2013 at 10:46 PM

Sorry you're sick right now. That has to stink when you have interesting stuff happening at work. I rarely get that in my job. Except maybe today,that is. Saw a beautiful peacock at one of the nursing homes we go to. They just have it wandering about in their courtyard where residents go to get sun. My wife got me hooked on Bones. We often watch it together. Will be interesting to hear your rant on that. My son was fascinated by your info about wood frogs and spring peepers. I was,too. Especially the part about the frogs being able to freeze solid! That's like a form of suspended animation or being frozen in carbonite like Han Solo. The books on ravens sound cool,too. May have to look for those at the library on Saturday. Oh,and the honey badger is my hero. I want to be just like them. Honey badgers just don't give a crap! They really don't.


04/09/2013 at 11:50 PM

I'm over whatever I had, I was back at work Saturday. Jason had it longer than I did, and he was over it yesterday morning. Bones has interesting characters and the plots are amusing, but the science is junk. I have been known to shout at the screen "Bad science! Bad science! Check your facts, idiots!" I'll have to find the article about wood frogs and mail it to you to give to Robbie. In the meantime, here's a pic of a wood frog I took a few years ago:

wood frog


04/10/2013 at 12:14 AM

Leviathan was a movie with an excellent story that went south toward the end, how can you have a movie written so well with a story that could have been great and thennhave it take a ninety degree turn at the mid point and just turn into god I dont even know lol. anyway hope you got rid of the flu, although being sick sucks it does sound like you got some me time accomplished and thats always good for you and I find the wood frogs interesting, im a big fan of the frog, matter of fact thats what my pet name for my son whos 2 1/2 he use to kick like a frog when he was a baby and every since then I have his room, pictures , stuffed animals all frogs now i just have to find a frogger arcade machine to put in his room lol.


04/10/2013 at 07:07 AM

I'm over the flu, it just laid me low Thursday night and Friday. I've been doing some reading, and it appears that several other species of frog hibernate by freezing solid. I've got a pretty awesome collection of frogs, too. Just need to unpack it.


04/10/2013 at 12:38 AM

FRogs are one of the few creatures I know that can freeze solid and live to tell the tale. As a country boy growing up on a mountain I found the frog croaks to be soothing though I'm sure those unaccustomed to the sound might find it a tad annoying. lol.


04/10/2013 at 07:08 AM

Scientists are very interested in how they manage it. As for the noise, I love it, it means spring is here.


04/10/2013 at 04:36 AM

I love jelly beans Tami, I saw a photo of Dr Pepper flavoured ones on Facebook the other day so the hunt is now on! It must be some pretty intense noise coming those Frogs, It's something I ve only just been able to fully appreciate as the evenings in the UK usually only contain song birds, lovely enough but I love the sound of frogs and crickets running through the night, and Aus has plenty of that. Glad to hear you ve managed to shake that nasty virus as well!


04/10/2013 at 07:13 AM

Adam, I did a quick search, and Amazon has Dr. Pepper-flavored Jelly Belly brand jelly beans. Check out Wildwood Wildlife Shelter on Facebook, I've been learning a lot about Austrailian wildlife on there. Which reminds me, I need to look up more info on Eastern Banjo Frogs...

Chris Yarger Community Manager

04/10/2013 at 06:08 AM

Sorry to hear that you've been down and out. There's been a real nasty case of the flu sweeping my office so I'm hoping to avoid it for now. But get well soon!!!

By the way.. We REALLY need to get together and play sometime! Maybe LBP or Rachet and Clank All 4 One?


04/10/2013 at 07:15 AM

I've been all better since Saturday AM, but thanks.

Saturday nights or on Sundays might be the easiest times to get a game going. And I don't have All 4 One, so it'll have to be LBP.


04/10/2013 at 12:19 PM

It's so cool how the wood frogs can freeze solid during winter and survive. Is that a common trait among many frogs or toads? Are there some of them that don't freeze during winter? If so how do they survive and get enough calories to survive since there seems to be less bugs during winter flying around?


04/12/2013 at 07:24 AM

Apparently so in many cold climate species. The ones around here either hibernate or freeze, so finding food isn't an issue. If you're interested in this stuff, there's a great book called Winter World by Bernd Heinrich (yes, that guy again, I have half a shelf of his books) that covers lots of really interesting ways that animals and plants survive the cold.


04/11/2013 at 03:53 PM

Seems like I saw Leviathan once. Freaked me out pretty good if I remember. Now when I hear that word I think of the Leviathans from the show Supernatural. Totally different but just as scary. I should really read The Hunger Games. Loved the film,but feel I missed a lot of details. I need to get caught up and ready by the time the next one hits the theater.


04/12/2013 at 07:26 AM

I have no idea what Leviathans are in Supernatural, I haven't gotten further than the beginning of the second season yet. And yes, you should read The Hunger Games. They're all fairly short, too.

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