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Random update 11-6-16: Finally something to write about

On 11/06/2016 at 09:36 PM by Ranger1

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I've had stuff to write about, Beau is just keeping me very busy. Snee asked for a new dog blog, so there will be some of that to go along with everything else.

Playing: After months of not playing anything, I've gotten out of my slump. I was bad and went into Game Box looking for DQ VII. They didn't have it, so I got Lego Marvel Avengers instead. It's not the best Lego game out there, but after I figured out how to turn off the motion blur, I liked it a little more. The main game was kind of meh, it was all over the place in terms of story and if you're not familiar with the Marvel Universe movies, it makes no sense what-so-ever. Being as I am, I could figure out what movie and which scenes were being played. The hub areas were by far the best part of the game, and I was able to find a couple of characters that worked for all of the races that could actually be controlled fairly well. Vision for the flying races and Quicksilver for the ground ones. I avoided having to use for vehicles almost the whole game. I ended up buying the Season Pass for the dlc, and that was pretty fun. I got all the achievements, found everything, and have moved on to other things.

I started playing Tomb Raider Anniversary Croft Manor a couple of days ago. I got stuck because I missed something obvious and rage quit. Then this morning I looked it up, got unstuck, came across a platforming area where you need to grapple across a big gap between two platforms and I kept missing. The one time I managed it get across, the game glitched and I went through the platform and got stuck. Rage quit a second time and moved on.

Played Flashback for a few hours this morning before the dog got too bored and started barking at leaves blowing by the windows. I think I'll stick with this one until I finish it. Enjoying it so far. I don't think I played the original, so I have nothing to compare the remake to.

Watching: Song of the Sea, a really charming animated movie with a lot of Irish mythology. It's streaming on Amazon Prime. Still watching a lot of old westerns on TV. My favorite is Cheyenne, like it so much I've been buying the seasons on DVD. Also watching Star Trek the original series on Netflix. I've seen them all, just never watched them in order before. Oh, and I watched the first movie by the guy that did Song of the Sea - The Secret of Kells. It's good, just liked Song of the Sea better.

Reading: Still haven't finished Trespasser by Paul Doiron yet, but I think I may do that after I finish writing this. Also bought City of Bones by Cassandra Clare tonight while I was waiting for Jason to get out of work.

Listening: Haven't, really.

Other stuff: Beau is keeping me busy. He's pretty much non-stop, so I have to make sure he gets plenty of exercise. He goes through at least one stuffed toy a week. I finally gave in and ordered Bark Box for him. It's pretty much Loot Crate for dogs. I figure it may be cheaper in the long run. I have to crate him while I'm at work, because I have the feeling that if I didn't, I'd come home and my house would be destroyed. He's bad enough in the crate - the first day, I didn't move it far enough away from the futon and he managed to pull a bed pillow half-way into the crate through a hole about and inch and a half in diameter and chew it to pieces. Then he got hold of the sheet I keep on the futon to protect it from dirt and hair and pulled half of that into the crate and chewed it up. Another night, I came home and he had managed to turn the crate 180 degrees and had pulled one of my favorite hoodies half into the crate and shredded that. Sigh. But he's cute and very devoted. And he makes me laugh.

gamer pets

And here he and Kaylee were helping me finish off the last of the achievements for Lego Marvel Avengers.

Well, Pixlbit Nation, I'm going to wrap this up and either read, game, or watch something on Netflix.




11/06/2016 at 10:14 PM

I still want DQVII, a LOT, but I want to see if my wife wants to get it for me as a gift. She sometimes gets disappointed if I buy a game when she wants to get it for me.

Awesome that you're getting along with your new dog. I know you miss Bandit.


11/08/2016 at 10:36 AM

That's sweet that Amy likes to get you games. Best Valentine's Day gift Jason ever gave me was one of the DQ games, whichever one had the Slime plushie as a pre-order bonus.

I loved Bandit, but he was a difficult dog with many issues stemming from having been abused. Beau is a much easier dog with fewer issues. And he's keeping me active, which is a good thing!


11/07/2016 at 01:39 AM

I love seeing Beau, he's a crazy bundle of energy and that face is too cute. I love Tomb Raider Anniversary but Croft Manor was a pain in the butt


11/08/2016 at 10:33 AM

Oh, that dog! He keeps me laughing, that's for sure! We're on Lambchop #3, he even brought it with him in the car this morning when I went to vote and then dropped the car off at the garage for an oil change. He spent his time at the garage charming the socks off everyone in the waiting room and all the mechanics came out to meet him.

I finished Croft Manor yesterday and started the actual game. I like the puzzle solving and platforming parts of Tomb Raider Anniversary, but not so fond of the combat bits. I got a little stuck on one level and watched a video of the level and was all fine until I discovered I was going to have to take down a T-Rex later in the level. I think I'm done.

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

11/07/2016 at 08:48 AM

It's funny you just got the Lego Marvel Avengers game. Last week, I just got Lego Star Wars Complete Saga and the Force Awakens for my PS3. I had the Complete Saga previously on my Xbox 360 back in 2008, but the system crapped out on me before I could get around to playing it. I left my Xbox 360 games behind when I moved out and got married, but my sister got another 360 console and finished the Star Wars games.

As she was asking me questions about the game, I decided it hight time I got my act together and just purchased the PS3 version for myself. Figured I might as well get The Force Awakens too since I've seen the movie so many times. I'm looking forward to starting the Complete Saga at some point maybe this week or very soon after.


11/08/2016 at 10:26 AM

I got so stuck in The Complete Saga at one point that I quit and didn't go back for a couple of years. I finally did, found a decent walkthrough and discovered what I'd missed and all went fairly smooth after that. I think my two favorite Lego games are Lego Indy and Lego Jurassic Park, with Marvel Superheroes coming in a close third.

Cary Woodham

11/07/2016 at 10:09 AM

LEGO Marvel's Avengers definitely looks like it was made by Traveller's Tales B team.  I think they prioritized most of their resources then into LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens.


11/08/2016 at 10:23 AM

I still had fun with it, but I agree with you that I've seen better Lego games.


11/08/2016 at 01:11 AM

I restructured my game purchasing just other day, prioritizing stuff to keep me from over doing it. Unfortunatley the Lego games got pushed down a few pegs in favor of other stuff, so it might be a while before I play one again. I totally want to though. I recently heard Lego City Undercover for the Wii-U was pretty good, and it is exclusive to Wii-U. If I get the system this holiday, I'll want that game. 


11/08/2016 at 10:22 AM

Lego games remain fairly high priority with me, not because they are necessarily good games, but because I always have fun playing them. And if I take a break, they're fairly easy to jump back into.


11/08/2016 at 01:31 PM

I'm using Skylanders as my low key backup game when I need a break. I'll have to move some Lego games into that spot next. 


11/09/2016 at 02:03 PM

I liked Lego Avengers but once everything was found, and collected I was done as well. Actually I think I have maybe two DLC's where I need maybe one trophy each but I lost interest. 

I think I played that part of Tomb Raider awhile ago, but I don't think I ever finished it. Speaking of Tomb Raider I really need to finish Rise of the Tomb Raider. 

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