yeah, both sides use popular rhetoric to shore up their own power. it sucks. I'm not happy about drones on U.S. soil but there's nothing that's going to change that. Pretty soon everything outside will be videotaped, and a lot of what happens inside will be too, secretly. The problem is the powers that be control this -- in my perfect world, it would be the politicians and the CEO's who are video taped all the time. Instead, the average joe gets video taped while politicians and CEO's get oral sex from lobbyists and sell our country to the special interests and the highest bidders. It's sad. I usually don't pay attention to the news or politics, because I believe it's better not to know what's happening -- it's not like you can do anything about it anyway. But sometimes I look around and say: "CRAP!"
Could it be a hidden agenda?
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![]() On 04/10/2013 at 12:36 PM by smartcelt ![]() See More From This User » |
I try not to be suspicious of the federal government on a daily basis. But some days it just gets to be too much. There was a front page story in the Tulsa paper about Agenda 21. It is described as a plan to inventory and control all land ,water,minerals,plants,animals,construction,and information in the world. Pretty big plan,almost too big to believe. It is also referred to as sustainable development. It is a completely voluntary program with no mechanism for enforcement[yet,anyhow] in place.
The key word that makes me doubt all of this is Marxism. Notice that at the bottom? It's what I call a trigger word. One meant to instill fear in us. The word was thrown about a lot during the first term of President Obama. But we are not socialists or Marxists 4 years later. So I kind of dismiss that part as fear mongering. On the surface it seems really great that they are at least trying to look out for the environment. But at what cost to our freedoms? That is the big question here. The key rules I follow when examining an issue like this one are to first.....follow the money. Who stands to profit? Who gains control and who loses. Is it megacorporations or the federal government at work? The media makes it very hard to get at the truth. Everyone has their own agenda and bias already formed about the story. Our local media panders to the right wing base of our state. Oklahoma is the reddest state in the country and fear sells on TV and in print. So I have to be very careful about their motives for promoting this story on the front page.
They all sound like good things,right? Who could not be in favor of that? Only time will tell if it is good or evil. At least someone is doing something! Guess I should be happy about that. Oh...and another wonderful thing our state is up to? Testing of the surveillance drones I described in a previous blog. They will be tested and manufactured right here. The crap that they spewed out on the radio about it this morning was shocking. Like this is a good thing! A positive thing for us. No one would ever use the drones inappropriately,that's just crazy talk.It never ceases to amaze me how stupid they think we are around here. Never ends I tell you.
What I'm listening to today...........