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Could it be a hidden agenda?

On 04/10/2013 at 12:36 PM by smartcelt

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   I try not to be suspicious of the federal government on a daily basis. But some days it just gets to be too much. There was a front page story in the Tulsa paper about Agenda 21. It is described as a plan to inventory and control all land ,water,minerals,plants,animals,construction,and information in the world. Pretty big plan,almost too big to believe. It is also referred to as sustainable development. It is a completely voluntary program with no mechanism for enforcement[yet,anyhow] in place.


The key word that makes me doubt all of this is Marxism. Notice that at the bottom?  It's what I call a trigger word. One meant to instill fear in us. The word was thrown about a lot during the first term of President Obama. But we are not socialists or Marxists 4 years later. So I kind of dismiss that part as fear mongering. On the surface it seems really great that they are at least trying to look out for the environment. But at what cost to our freedoms? That is the big question here. The key rules I follow when examining an issue like this one are to first.....follow the money. Who stands to profit? Who gains control and who loses. Is it megacorporations or the federal government at work? The media makes it very hard to get at the truth. Everyone has their own agenda and bias already formed about the story. Our local media panders to the right wing base of our state. Oklahoma is the reddest state in the country and fear sells on TV and in print. So I have to be very careful about their motives for promoting this story on the front page.


They all sound like good things,right? Who could not be in favor of that? Only time will tell if it is good or evil. At least someone is doing something! Guess I should be happy about that. Oh...and another wonderful thing our state is up to? Testing of the surveillance drones I described in a previous blog. They will be tested and manufactured right here. The crap that they spewed out on the radio about it this morning was shocking. Like this is a good thing! A positive thing for us. No one would ever use the drones inappropriately,that's just crazy talk.It never ceases to amaze me how stupid they think we are around here. Never ends I tell you.

What I'm listening to today...........



Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/10/2013 at 12:47 PM

yeah, both sides use popular rhetoric to shore up their own power.  it sucks.  I'm not happy about drones on U.S. soil but there's nothing that's going to change that. Pretty soon everything outside will be videotaped, and a lot of what happens inside will be too, secretly.  The problem is the powers that be control this -- in my perfect world, it would be the politicians and the CEO's who are video taped all the time.  Instead, the average joe gets video taped while politicians and CEO's get oral sex from lobbyists and sell our country to the special interests and the highest bidders. It's sad.  I usually don't pay attention to the news or politics, because I believe it's better not to know what's happening -- it's not like you can do anything about it anyway.  But sometimes I look around and say: "CRAP!"


04/10/2013 at 03:29 PM

You're right that we can't do anything about it. I try not to get worked up into a tizzy about this stuff. Easy when they cover it up well. But when it finds it's way to the front page it makes me wonder. Are we being conditioned? Like in the Wizard Of Oz when Dorothy and crew are told "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!". I think every now and then we catch a glimpse of him.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/10/2013 at 01:57 PM

I'm just glad I voted for Aldous Huxley.


04/10/2013 at 03:32 PM

I think what worries me most is that our politicians have little to do with anything. They are merely puppets putting on a show for us. Corporations and the mega-rich pull their strings and make them dance. That is why they always get what they want. No matter who wins elections,they are covered.


04/10/2013 at 02:17 PM

I saw this cheap sci fi movie called Eye-borgs. It dealt with security camera robots and how they eventually got to the point they could alter the footage they recorded. Pretty much they learned to "lie" and began taking over.

The government must be paranoid if they want to watch me scratch my ass and walk around naked in my living room on a daily basis. lol.

Though I think the real problem is not as much the government as much as the mega corporations that make their own rules and form unstoppable monopolies right under our noses. If we are late paying our payments we get evicted or have our property ceased yet if a bank or business doesn't pay up they get slapped on the wrist and get free bail out money. Fuck that noise!


04/10/2013 at 03:38 PM

Wall Street has gone right back to doing the same stuff that nearly wrecked the economy. Why would they not? If it blows up in their faces we will bail them out again. It is absolutely an unsustainable cycle of greed and arrogance. It will destroy the nation if something isn't done to change the status quo. As far as surveillance goes,they tell you it is to help fight crime and do good. But once a government can watch you at all times they never hesitate to try to start some big changes.


04/10/2013 at 06:52 PM

The Daily Disappointment (The Daily Oklahoman) is just as bad about this kind of bullshit.


04/10/2013 at 07:47 PM

I gets almost comical at times. The writers of editorials(the local ones,anyway) are so biased to the right it's predictable what they will say.  Guess it's just business. They write what they think folks want to hear. 


04/10/2013 at 09:28 PM

What the Hell are you Bat crap crazy? LOL. Because I am! I knew I liked you for some reason. Anyway, great blog.


04/11/2013 at 12:01 PM

I've decided to take off my aluminum foil hat,close up my shanty up here in the mountains,and move back into polite society. Now if I can only mount this 50 calibur machine gun to my truck I will be ready to face the world! My still is being shut down,too. Dang revenuers got no reason to come on my land now!

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