every damn 1st person shooter these days has a touch of Half-Life 2 as far as I'm concerned. That game invented so many things we now take for grantedk.
I ordered Titanfall 2 the other day. IT was $30 on amazon, so... why not? kind of excited.
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![]() On 11/17/2016 at 06:56 AM by transmet2033 ![]() See More From This User » |
It has been a little while.
So, I replayed through Bioshock and Bioshock 2 within the past month. Bioshock is still a fantastic game, but I still prefer Bioshock 2 for a handful of reasons. I have gone through all that ad naseum years back, so I won't go into that now. I finally started to play Minerva's Den, and have to say that I am ashamed that it has taken so long to play through this amazing piece of DLC. While I have not finished it yet, there is a very good possibility that Minerva's Den will become my favorite Bioshock game.
Once I finish up Minerva's Den I am hoping to play through Titanfall 2's campaign. There were a couple of little comparisons that really sold me on the game and got excited to play it. I heard several different sources reference Half-Life 2 when they were playing through Titanfall 2... and Half-Life 2 is definitely one of my favorite games.
Crap, I am running out of time and I have plenty more thoughts. Maybe I will make it back in the very near future.
It wasn't just Half-Life 2. The Kotaku review referenced Bulletstorm and Vanquished... Yes, I know how people feel about Kotaku.
I grabbed it for 40ish% off from Target last week. I am more than a little surprised to see Titanfall discounted so soon. I suppose EA is really trying to eat into CODs sales this year, especially since Battlefield is also being discounted along with Titanfall.
Bioshock 2 is my favorite in that series. I thought the story was really interesting and the combat was the perfect speed for me. Bioshock 1 was a bit too slow and plodding while Infinite was really fast and acrobatic; Bioshock 2's addition of dual wielding and plasmid combinations made things noticeably faster and more action packed without straying as far from Bioshock 1 as Infinite did. I think Minerva's Den had some of the best storytelling moments in the franchise. It's an excellent Bioshock experience you can get through in one sitting, with interesting characters and great pacing. I want to replay it sometime soon. It's a shining example of when DLC is done well.
BTW make sure to try out the cyclone trap plasmid, especially combined with elemental effects, it's insane. You can literally send people flying all over the place, bash them againt ceilings, etc. It's totally goofy and amazing. You can turn whole encounter spaces into pandemonium with liberal application of cyclone trap
And you pretty much summed up my love of Bioshock 2 compared to the original.
I am a big fan of the BEE plasmid, and don't think I ever picked up the cyclone trap.
So, Pauper's Drop is one of my favorite levels of any game, and Steve Gaynor was the level designer for that, and the lead on Minerva's Den... and essentially the guy who brought us Gone Home and I cannot wait for Tacoma. Dang XBOX first.
I tried playing the HD remake of Bioshock 2 and it kept crashing alot so I uninstalled in a rage. I love the atmosphere. I might have to install OG version because it did draw me in and I loved it. What are your thoughts on Infinite? I stayed away due to reviews, but was it that bad?
Bioshock 2 crashed a couple of times during the main game for me. I was pissed with Minerva's Den because it crashed 4 times at the same exact spot, and the first time through I had lost a good 40 mins of progress.
Infinite is a good game. It did not live up to the hype that it was given pre-release, but I did enjoy and do look forward to replaying it... possibly more for the Burial at Sea DLC because I love Rapture so dang much.