Glad you're feeling better and the chest cold is gone. Have you seen that clip from Planet Earth 2 going around where the lizard sprints through a bunch of snakes and escapes?
Random update 11-18-16
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![]() On 11/18/2016 at 10:48 PM by Ranger1 ![]() See More From This User » |
I'm kind of happy I'm only working part time at the moment. Life is pretty busy right now. Beau takes up a lot of my time, but in a good way. He's still moving his crate all around the cottage while he's in it, so I've taken to calling him my mini seismic event. I make sure he gets at least one hour plus walk a day, but I think I may have to try for two. He has boundless energy. But he also likes to snuggle up on the couch and he lets me get plenty of gaming in, when I have time to game. Oh, and tonight at the market, I had a customer who was a dead ringer for Gordon Freeman. I wanted to ask him if he'd ever played Half-Life in the worst way.
Playing: Took me a few days to decide what to play next after Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. I finally went back to a game on Mt Backlog that I started and never finished six years ago - 3D Dot Game Heroes. I know it was six years, because that's what the save file is dated. I think I may have been half-way through, but I can't remember much about it, so I just started over. If you've never played it, think Legend of Zelda with Minecraft-like graphics. There's a lot of tongue in cheek humor, some jokes about the difficulty of From Software's other game from the same time, Demon's Souls,and a lot of silly dialogue with NPCs. It's a lot of fun, and I'm hoping to finish it this time.
Reading: About halfway through City of Bones, and I'm also rereading Burning Chrome, a book of short stories by William Gibson. William Gibson pretty much pioneered the Cyberpunk subgenre of science fiction. The movie Johnny Mnemonic is based on the first story in Burning Chrome. I haven't seen the movie yet, so I can't compare the two.
Listening: Mostly to the radio unfortunately, as I keep forgetting to put some CDs back in my car.
Watching: Several nature documentaries - Wild Australia, a series of six very short episodes about Australian wildlife, and WIld North, an excellent series of three hour-long episodes about Norwegian wildlife. Also watched a couple of brainless action movies when I was feeling kind of brainless myself - Sahara, and Underworld. I also started watching a Norwegian movie called The Last King. It's based on actual historic events in 1206, when there was a civil war in Norway between two groups, the Birkebeiner and the Bagler. The king was assassinated, and two Birkebeiner hide the king's infant heir so that the Baglers can't kill him. I haven't made it more that 35 minutes in (I fell asleep), but what I saw I enjoyed.
Outdoor stuff: We've entered that odd time of the year when foilage season is done and snow hasn't fallen yet. Seeing lots of animal sign - the deer are being a pain and eating the fruit trees my landlady's son is trying to grow, the biggest skunk I've ever seen has been roaming around the neighborhood, and I once again have mice in the walls. I did find out how the mice are getting in and hopefully Elizabeth (my landlady) will buy something soo I can block up the hole soon. I also signed up for the Bradbury Squall (snowshoe race) again. Now that I've finally gotten over that nasty chest cold I had, I can start running again. That will make Beau happy. Hopefully, I'll be more in shape for it this year than I was last year.
That's it for this time, Pixlbit Nation. Have a great weekend!