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Help! I'm Becoming a Weeb!

On 11/21/2016 at 02:51 AM by Blake Turner

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 So after playing a ludicrous amount of hours of Trails in the Sky, I decided I wanted to take a break before starting the second one. I didn't want to burn out on the series, afterall. However, I still had a weird itch for some JRPG goodness. I bounced around a few games deciding which to stick with, and these are the games I've been playing:

Final Fantasy X HD

 Fun fact: Child Blake was a dick. In the year 2002, I was 10 years of age and one of my best friends had just received a copy of Final Fantasy X after begging his mum for it for the better part of a year. Since we were both huge fans of Final Fantasy VIII and IX he decided to bring it over to my house after school one day. We started a new game, took the battles in turn and stared longingly at the then state of the art graphics and story. We were so immersed that we played it long into the early hours of the morning. 

 Now, there was a problem: the next day he was going to stay with his dad for a week in another town, and naturally he wanted to take the game with him. However, he fell asleep before I did, so I took the game out of the console, put another one in, and hid the disk. When we awoke and couldn't find the disk, I acted shocked and blamed my brother who I said must have played something else and lost the disk. My friend was disappointed when he had to leave without it, but it gave me a week to finish it. Yeah... not my greatest moment.


 Anyway, the HD remaster was on sale on pc, so I picked it up hoping to relive those glory days. Then I heard the voice acting.  Oh dear god, the voice acting.Tidus might just be the most annoying character on the face of the earth. In fact, none of these actors seem to know how humans talk! It got so bad that I downloaded a mod to switch to the original Japanese voice acting. That didn't fix things though, as somehow Tidus is EVEN MORE ANNOYING in Japanese. Seriously, you thought the infamous laugh scene was bad? Wait until you hear the japanese version!


 Yup, it's pretty fucking bad. So I went back to the English version, and I must say after a while the I stopped noticing the voice acting. The game is quite charming despite (and maybe because of) it's bad acting, weird translation, and occasional hamfisted dialogue. I got really into it, possibly because Final Fantasy X has the best combat system in the series. That's objective fact. Unfortunately, it takes so long for it to be interesting, especially when for the first 2 hours you're underwater mashing attack because you don't actuallt have any other skills to make use of. Once you have a full party though, it's a thing of beauty, and maybe one of the best JRPG battle systems period.

 Anyway, I stopped playing the game for a bit because it keeps asking me to play Blitzball. Fuck Blitzball.

Chrono Trigger

 So I bought two other Jrpgs for two different systems. I bought the DS version of Chrono Trigger for my 3DS and I bought Suikoden II for Vita since they were both super cheap. I haven't played much of Suikoden II yet, because I got hooked into Chrono Trigger something fierce.

 Believe it or not, I'd somehow gone all of my adult life without ever playing Chrono Trigger, and I was a little worried that it wouldn't hold up. After all, I had just attempted to revisit Final Fantasy VI and found it maybe hadn't aged as well as we'd all been lead to believe, especially in the visual/animation and level design departments.

 However, Chrono Trigger has aged exceptionally well. The graphics look pretty damn nice, with only a few areas looking a bit dated (the first time you go into the future and see the ruins is a sharp reminder of the age this game came from).  Honestly, this game feels like it could have been released today on steam as an indie. It feels slick to play, and it's always throwing something new at you so you never become bored. It's just so goddamned entertaining!


keeping up the weird Japanese obsession phase, I've also been watching some Anime. Firstly, Bilby hadn't seen Cowboy Bebop, So I decided we needed to remedy that ASAP. The other anime I've been watching is Claymore, which is quite great even if it constantly reminds me that Japanese people struggle with the letter 'l'. It might sound a little racist, but it is a little offputting to have the only words you understand be Cooware (Clare) and Craymore. Otherwise, it's a pretty entertaining show. The plot starts out pretty generic with an organisation of half human half monsters being the only ones that can kill monsters, but it's a lot more interesting than that, especially with the character backgrounds. The atmosphere is also bleak as fuck and the animation is awesome, especially in the bloody fight sequences.


 Anyway, that's me done. Bye!




Jamie Alston Staff Writer

11/21/2016 at 07:53 AM

For FF X, I think the voice acting for Tidus was uneven, to say the least. It vacillated between being bearable and at other times downright annoying. I really hated that scene where he taunts the rival Blitzball team on the megaphone.  Ugh.

Although I was completely oblivious to the existence of Chrono Trigger back in the Super NES days, I did catch on to it in 2001 when Final Fantasy Chronicles was released. I've only play Chrono Trigger a total of 2 times (years in between each play), but both times, I've immensely enjoyed playing it. I had never played a game that made me feel nostalgic about something I never experienced back when it was new. I'm planning on playing it again before the month is out.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

11/22/2016 at 05:21 PM

Yeah, that scene makes me cringe. I mean, even apart from the voice acting, you're like the only person on your team that actually play worth a damn. The rest of the team sucks, so you're basically just setting the team up for even more disheartenment.

 You're right about Chrono Trigger. It feels like the Shovel Knight of RPGs in a way. It captures the spirit and charm of the series so well without including any of the stuff that really bogged down the genre. It could have come out today and you wouldn't bat an eye. Even without the nostalgia for the genre, it just nails the spirit of youth and adventure early gaming had, and it's a charm that's impossible to resist.

 If you want another game that will make you feel similarly charmed, check out Trails in the Sky if you have a PSP/Vita or a pc. It's an amazing experience.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

11/21/2016 at 11:23 AM

damn dude you are getting some serious JRPG in your life.  Nice!  I bought Grandia 2 a while ago but I finally downloaded it to my new computer this week, and I'm thinking of checking it out.  

I wish Skies of Arcadia was on PC.  I'd really love to play that again. :(

Cary Woodham

11/21/2016 at 01:39 PM

Chrono Trigger is awesome.  I also like FF4 but my favorite is FF6.  My brother Jeff says I wouldn't like FFX, so I'll take his word for it.


11/21/2016 at 07:31 PM

So funny that I had a similar experience with FFX. I had a friend who kept going on and on about the game and basically put his copy of the game in my backpack and said "you better play this"! I had fallen out of gaming at the time, or started getting back in, but he basically gave me like 1 week to play it before he kept bothering me to give it back. He also gave me Kingdom Hearts 1 and forced me to play and hyped it the same way. I might have missed out on these series which I really love now. FFX probably stands out to me the most because I had a friend to nerd out about all of it. He also got me to buy an HDD for PS2 and play FFXI, which was my first MMO. 

I have CHRONO TRIGGER on DS, and I really love that game. I'm behind on SUIKODEN too.

How many hours did you finish Trails? I'm still playing Xanadu. I've unlocked short cuts like Dark Souls or Metroid, so now it's easier to get around, plus there is a medallion that lets me warp back to hub anytime.

Have you watched TOKYO GHOUL anime by any chance? It's one of the most recent animes I've enjoyed. Also, WHEN MARNIE WAS THERE is pretty moving for a cartoon. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

11/22/2016 at 05:16 PM

Trails took me 80 hours. I completed everything though, so your number might be less if you're not as completionist-ey. That said, the 80 hours isn't as bad as it seems since each chapter essentially has a self contained story with ties to an overarcching plot, and the chapters are generally around 5-10 hours depending on how many side quests you do. It makes it feel more like a tv show than a movie, and helped me a lot when getting through it. I played a bit more Xanadu. It seems pretty great. My copy looked weird until I messed with the settings.

  Games are always better when you have someone to dork out about them with. I miss that.

 I have Tokyo Ghoul but haven't watched it yet. I've heard good things though! When Marnie was there looks nice too, but seriously depressing. I should give it a look at some point though.


11/22/2016 at 01:30 AM

I heard Trails was a pretty long game. Congrats for finishing it. 

I have FFX on PS2. I want to get into the FF games before they actioned up the battle system. I didn't get on well with the system in FFXII. I'll give it another chance sometime, but it baffled me at first. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

11/22/2016 at 05:09 PM

Trails is a long game - took me around 80 hours to complete. However, the chapter structure helps a lot, as each chapter essentially contains it's own self contained story that has ties to an overarching plot which makes it feel much more managable. I tackled it like I would a tv show rather than a movie/book and that helped a lot for me.

 I haven't played XII in forever, but from memory it's rather similar to the Xenoblade series?


11/24/2016 at 02:37 AM

I really want to play FF X sometime. It's sitting there on my shelf, just don't know when I'll have the time. 

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