Me. I have a whole shelf full of Wii games I need to get to. Zack and Wiki among them.
Oh gosh, the Wii is 10 years old?
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![]() On 11/21/2016 at 11:12 PM by daftman ![]() See More From This User » |
Holy cow. Where has the time gone? The Wii came out my first year in college, so I really didn't get to spend as much time with it as I would have liked in its heyday years but I still enjoyed a bunch of great games. Ploughing through Twilight Princess on my Christmas break in 2006 was sure a tight experience! But rather than list my favorite Wii games ('cause lots of people are doing that)—except Super Mario Galaxy, which is just SO GOOD—let mention a couple in my backlog that I haven't gotten to yet.
I've been meaning to play The Last Story for years now but there never seems like a good time to start it. People complain about it but I think it sounds great through and through. Plus it's the most manageable of the Operation Rainfall RPGs (which I own all of and have not played any), so there's little excuse to not play know, other than all these other games. And life.
I played the first level of Zak and Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure and then got distracted by other things. Never got back to it. It's a good showcase for the wiimote. I hope to play all the way through it some time.
Redsteel 2—near 1:1 sword fighting and gunplay. What's not to like? My brother played this and enjoyed it and he's not one much for 3D action. I want to give a whirl at some point.
I have a bunch of other backlogged Wii games (TOO MANY) but those are some at the top of the list. Who else is sporting a respectable pile of shame for the Wii?