Woohoo for employment!
Soul Hackers is coming out already? Man, that snuck up on me. I won't be getting it right now but I'm interested to hear about it. I really don't know anything about the game.
On 04/10/2013 at 06:33 PM by mothman See More From This User » |
I actually preordered mine last week because I'm not sure how many of these babies will be printed.
In other news, I'm employed again, at least for the next 4.5 months.
I'm still erratically employed (freelance is frustrating), so it's nice to see at least one person with a consistent job, even if it's only a few months at this point. Congratulations! I know how much unemployment sucks. Glad you're out of the woods for a while.
Did you use a particular site to track the job down? I've been having craigslist, mandy.com, and staffmeup.com for the last few weeks up on my computer.
As for Soul Hackers, all I can think of is the 90s movie Hackers with Angelina Jolie that I have vague memories of. So that would be a no, also because I have no 3DS. lol
Soul Hackers ain't yer style Joseph. LOL
The job I start on Monday came to me in a strange fashion.
Last year in June I interviewed for a position at the London and District Catholic School board. It was posted in the local newspaper for 1 day. In August I accepted a position with City of Kitchener and two days after I started the LDCSB called me and asked me if I wanted the job but they were obviously too late.
Fast forward to this year and the job in Kitchener is over. Two weeks after it ended the same ad for the LDCSB job is in the newspaper again for 1 day. I applied again and got interviewed 3 weeks ago. They offered me the job last week.
Impossible, well not in a little place we call "The Twilight Zone"
OK, just because I'm a nice person I'll do the plan for you.
1. Go to video game shop of your choice
2. Walk up to counter and repeat the following words: "Excuse me vendor but I would like for you to sell me a yellow Pikachu 3DS XL and a whole shitload of games.
3. Hand over money and or credit card,
4. Return to Cabin in the Woods.
5. Enjoy.
I would if I could. I've only recently gotten into the Persona games (and RPGs in general) due to the PSN and the PS3 and Vita. For several reasons (mostly the time it takes to complete them) I've mostly avoided RPGs up until a couple years. I've recently gotten the itch to play them, and have been downloading and playing a bunch of classics, but sadly I sitll haven't played a "real" SMT game.
Since my PS2 broke long ago I have no means of playing the SMT games, although I've been really wanting to try them out. Maybe one day I'll get a 3DS, but my backlog is already big enough that I'm trying to avoid getting any new system anytime soon.
Still don't have a 3DS, but if its anything like Devil Survivor for the DS I will have to get it eventually. Got my sights set on Bioshock Infinite at the moment. But moneys a little tight, just dropped $300 at the vets offices today (3 cats, yearly shots) and still gotta pay my taxes. Congrats on the job, being without work is scary, been there a few times myself.