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10 Year's Later: Cap N's thought's on TLoZ: Twilight Princess

On 01/01/2017 at 01:51 AM by Captain N

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 10 Years of Twilight Princess...

Hiya everyone, how are you? It has been 10 years since the release of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Well the Gamecube one was not too long ago. The one on the Wii passed, but I played the Gamecube one first and that's the version I played first when the game came out. Well I guess I could write about all 2, or should I say all 3? I kinda almost forgot to write about this...

Twilight Princess

But yeah, this time I'll be using my own images from Twilight Princess HD since everytime I post about Twilight Princess, I use images off Google. I wanted to make it special this time around. I will be using some Google images of things I don't have access to at the moment. So let's get started on my thoughts on The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, 10 Years later...

Twilight Princess

                                                                This time in HD!

I remember I was onmy last months of middle school, it was around 2004 and there were rumors that there was going to be a new Zelda game. I remember we only had a few screenshots to go by at the time that I found on the internet that I printed. At the time, according to Nintendo's website, it was dubbed "The Legend of Zelda: The Tentative Title" I'm not making this up. I knew at least one person at the time that was a friend of sorts and was into Zelda as much as I was. I showed him the prints I got and we were all freaking out about it.

I remember trying to find as much news and screenshots as possible at the time. Whatever source I got, it didn't matter if it was a blurry image or not. I remember going to stores and reading any kind of magazine there till I found something on it. I just wanted to know more about it. I haven't been hyped for a (Zelda) game this much since, my hype was Over 9000.

It was 2005. I remember reading a bunch of Nintendo Power magazines and finally found a few issues that had E3 news coverage and there it was, news that I've been looking for was finally here. I wanted to read the whole magazine at Gamestop, but it was too much to read in less than 10 minutes, so I bought it. There was another issue that I bought later on that had more coverage, except this one came with a dvd of trailers from E3, and this one had a trailer of the new Zelda game, now known as Twilight Princess.

            Nintendo PowerNintendo Power

                                      I still have these issues somewhere in a box

I read the news articles and was so hyped, then I saw the trailer from the dvd and I was even more hyped. It looked amazing seeing it in action. The magazine even said that it would release in 2005, and you can bet I was super excited for it. There was even a contest Nintendo Power had, the issue came with a slip that you can mail back and enter it for a chance to win a copy of Twilight Princess and play it before anyone else. I entered it but lost unfortunately. 

Unfortunately it got delayed, and eventually it got delayed to 2006. I don't know why but it may have something to do with the Wii, known as the Revolution back at the time. I read more issues as the months went by and there were reports that it would be on the Wii as well. Christmas came by and got 3 games instead of Twilight Princess like I originally wanted. I got A Link to the Past on the GBA, I mean it was a Zelda game, so it would have to do for now.

2006 rolled by and I waited and waited. I read newer issues of Nintendo Power and there it was, Twilight Princess would be released in the fall the same year. That's all I wanted for Christmas, and that's all I asked for. My dad said he saw a new system in stores called the Nintendo Wii. He even said if I wanted one for xmas. I declined his offer, I told him all I wanted was Zelda. I was such a fool for not taking that offer, which I'll explain why later.

.Twilight Princess

                              Pretty much my expression after getting Twilight Princess

After opening presents I rushed to the room to pop the game I had so been looking forward to. Years of waiting led up to this very moment.  I was so hyped and was really blown away. Sure it was the start and all, but was just amazed how great the game looked and how good it played. At this moment I knew that the game was worth the wait.

One of the new things I loved about the game is that Link could transform into a wolf. I love wolves so this made it even more better. I know some people didn't like this, but it was either Link transforming into the Badge Arcade Bunny or a wolf, though that would be neat to see and would look so out of place. It was interesting as it changed the gameplay and I felt it mixed it up differently, so it's not all stabbing things to death, but also bitting things to death at the neck. Some puzzles even involve using Link's wolf form as well as his newfound abilities.

Like there's only things can do in his human form while there's only things Link can do in his wolf form.

Twilight Princess

                                  The architecture still looks great 10 years later

The dungeons themselves were so amazing. I think out of all the console entries, Twilight Princess might have my favorite dungeons. I really liked the designs of them. I even enjoyed the begining ones. Though the dungeons start picking up after you get into a certain point in the game.

I like how some were pretty clever with the puzzles and just the overall theme and design of the dungeons themselves. When I first played the game, it was just mind-blowing. I was like I didn't know you could do that with this item and whatnot. Or this dungeon is incredible. Arbiter's Grounds was just amazing. Everything that followed that dungeon was amazing back then and I still like them now.

Unfortunately, some of the cooler items were useless once you finished the dungeon you got it on. Looking at you Spinner.

Twilight Princess

                        This blew my mind the first time I saw it. It still wows me

Boss fights were really cool. I don't think I've ever seen such massive bosses before. Maybe in Wind Waker if we are talking about Zelda games exclusively. But as usual, find the enemy weakpoint and hit the boss there. Repeat that and victory is yours. Though the bosses were really great though.

There's even some bosses that you have to climb on to attack them and that was really amazing. Some bosses required more to take down, but one you find the pattern, it is second nature.

Twilight Princess

                                                  Full of melancholy, yet beautiful

Hyrule was just huge. Big. MASSIVE. (That's from Star Fox Command. Except the Hyrule part) I just loved how big it was and how you can see all the other areas in the distance. Everything was big. It was great exploring and trying to find everything.

But how does one go through such a massive Hyrule? With Link's trusty steed Epona, of course.

Twilight Princess

                                                         Really love this scene

You can travel all around Hyrule on Epona. Well on areas that Epona can only go through cause there are some areas you can't. But this is still one of the best ways of travelling in the game. There are warp points in the game for more convinient travelling.

You can even fight while riding on Epona, which is very cool. Link can use his bow like in Ocarina of Time, but he can also swing his sword around as well. Not only that but he can use a variety of other weapons while on Epona.

Twilight Princess

                                    Recreating one of my favorite Google images

I remember we took a trip to Mexico around January in 2007 and I wasn't done with Twilight Princess. So I did the most logical choice anyone would do and that's take my Gamecube and some games with me. And when I mean games, I meant all of my games. I'm serious. I had to remove them off their box and put them in those cd/dvd binders. It was a really hard 3 days of travelling on the road. I just wanted to play Twilight Princess.

We arrived at our destination and I was wondering where I could set up my Gamecube. My grandmother had a tv so I thought I might as well hook it up there. After a few minutes of meeting and greeting and poking fun at my social life, I just ran to the tv to play the game.

Fun fact: This is actually the second time my Gamecube has been to Mexico. The first was in 2003 and the games I took with me then was Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time/Master Quest, and Melee. With a few more controllers. We even had those tvs that you can mount on your console so it can be "portable". Unfortunately that tv didn't survive the return trip, which is why we didn't have it during 2007, which would of been handy.

My cousins were in awe at Twilight Princess. They really liked it and seeing Link fight on Epona. It's... interesting having someone watch you play a game, like not just one person. but alot of people.

I eventually reached the Palace of Twilight and boy was it amazing. Here's an interesting story, I remember when I reached it and got an upgraded Master Sword, the power went out at my grandma's house. That was pretty frustrating. And not only that, at some point later, back at our home, the power ran out too when I went there again.

Twilight Princess

                                      The sword most likely drained all the light

Back when we came back to California sometime after, I replayed Twlight Princess again, and the thing I never thought would happen to me did. My Gamecube finally gave out, it died. I...cried. I never had this happen to me, but at least it held on till I beat Twilight Princess. It was the very last game I ever played on it. I felt like I lost a part of me. A very close friend who was with me for all the good times and all the bad times I had, especially when I needed it the most in 2006 when I wanted to watch the world burn. 2006 was a terrible time in my life, so the game I was so hyped for that year at least helped me in some way take off all that edge I felt that year. So, thanks Gamecube, you were the only thing I could count on back then.

So... remember that thing where I said I should of taken my dad's offer about the Wii? Well that year for xmas, that's what I asked for. But not right away. It wasn't till I saw a game that changed my mind, which I'll write about next year. So for a while I had to use my N64 till I got a Wii.

Twilight Princess

                             Shrek can't believe I bought Twilight Princess a second time

Fast-Forward to 2010, I managed to buy Twilight Princess again, this time it was the Wii version. I was always curious on this version actually since this one had motion controls. That and this was the version that had Twilight Princess delayed no doubt. It controls really well actually. Aiming the bow with the Wiimote felt really good.

The motion controls, while not as "precise" as Skyward Sword's motion controls, controlled really well. Even though it was kinda waggle-y. The only major differences in the game is that the game has motion controls and the map is mirrored. As in everything is in the opposite direction. Though that wasn't a problem for me as I've played this game so many times, so obviously if a town was towards the right, then on the Wii it was towards to the left. Same thing applies to dungeons and everything else.

I'll be honest, I've only played through this version once, but I was really surprised at how good this version was. I went back to my old Gamecube copy though. Also, ironically enough, the last disc based game I played on the Wii was Twilight Princess. It didn't want to read discs afterwards, and my Gamecube controller finally gave in. It still reads maybe one game, but at least Virtual Console stuff still works.

Fast forward to earlier this year and I bought Twilight Princess again for a third time. This time in HD.

Twilight Princess

                                   Midna telling Link about Twilight Princess HD

Outside of Wind Waker, I always wanted Twilight Princess in HD, and I bought it. Twilight Princess is one of the only few games I have bought 3 times as a physical game. I remember hearing complaints that it really didn't look much different from the original version of the game when Nintendo announced it. And yeah, it is the very same game, in terms of looks. Though the textures look better, so it does look better.

But there are some much needed improvements, which I didn't think bothered me in the game's original format, but welcome additions. Like they reduced the number of Tears of Light you needed to collect, which in turn they did something similar in Wind Waker HD. You can have the mini-map on your tv screen on the screen of the Wii U gamepad instead, you can swap items faster too.

They even added motion controls to it. Not the sword ones because that would be an amazing feat if you can do that on the gamepad, but rather the aiming. You can also you the Wii U Pro if you don't want to use the Gamepad. On the gamepad however you can combine the traditional controls with the aiming controls to get the best of both worlds.

The game even has a Hero Mode too, as in the game is more harder, like you take more damage, and the map is mirrored like Twilight Princess on the Wii. Like Master Quest from the Gamecube version Ocarina of Time or Ocarina of Time 3D. You also have amiibo support, and if you have the Wolf Link amiibo, then you can get a new dungeon that isn't the the previous versions. So if you want to play it like you wanted to all those years ago, or if you're looking for an extra kick in an already familiar game, then Twilight Princess HD is your baby.

Twilight Princess

                                          My favorite duo in Zelda. Friends to the end.

As for the characters, I gotta say Midna is easily the best side character in the series. She is my favorite. At first she is really bossy and only care about herself and her goal, but she really warms up to you as you get further in the game to the point where you both are like best friends. She is really mysterious and think she is a great character and never thought she was annoying. That and at least Midna doesn't tell me every 5 minutes where I'm supposed to be or how close I am to an area, or tell me when the batteries on my Wiimote are running low. Yes I know Midna pops up every now and then, but at least she isn't holding my hand for 99% of the game.

I really love the designs for Link and Zelda here. Not sure but I always loved the more "mature" looking designs for the characters in Twilight Princess. Especially in the art. It's like an evolution of the Ocarina of Time designs. Like I love Ocarina of Time adult Link, but to me, my favorite adult Link is definitely the one from Twilight Princess. I really like the look of Zelda here too.

Twilight Princess

               This is still one of my favorite pieces of official art. It was so mysterious.

Final Thoughts: It's still a great game to this day. The game is 10 years old, but still holds up fairly well. The game has its fair share of flaws, but I really love it despite that. I really just love the darker tone and almost realistic mature look of the game. My favorite version might still be the Gamecube one because of the nostalgia factor, but the definitive version is the HD version. Twilight Princess on the Gamecube is also the last game I got for the Gamecube.

It's still the Zelda game I was the most hyped for and was definitely worth the wait. It's one of the few Zelda games that I have collected everything since I know this game really well and have replayed it since it released in 2006. And no matter how many times I've played it, I never get tired of it. It's still a great game, 10 years later.

Twilight Princess

So, those are my thoughts on The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, 10 years later. So, what are your thoughts on Twilight Princess? Have you ever played it? If so, what's your favorite version?

Thanks for reading and Happy 10th anniversary Twilight Princess! Here's to another 10 years!

*Images courtesy of my Wii U, Twilight Princess HD, and whatever I found on Google*



Cary Woodham

01/01/2017 at 02:14 AM

I didn't like Twilight Princess that much on the Wii, but the HD remake fixed the muddy brown graphics that made it hard to see sometimes, and got rid of the gimmicky motion controls, so I like it much better on the Wii U now.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/01/2017 at 02:11 PM

I only ever played the GCN version, which I thought looked muddy at times, but enjoyed.


01/02/2017 at 11:41 PM

Twilight Princess is far and away my favorite Zelda. In fact, on my list of all time favorite games, it ranks at number 2, behind only Final Fantasy VII.

To me, it was everything I wished Ocarina of Time could have been. A large world, lots of enemies, and TP's Epona actually seemed like an integral part of the game instead of just a novelty for being an admittedly good-for-its-time horseback-riding simulation. I had the Gamecube version rather than the Wii version and was glad that TP HD took its design cues from the Gamecube.


01/03/2017 at 01:33 AM

I always am curious about the Zelda games, but I never get around to them. I think if I didn't play co-op games so much with my friend Mark, I would focus in on RPGs and probably get to them. I still really want to play Wind Waker the most. 

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