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Silent Hill Downpour

On 04/11/2013 at 01:48 PM by Nicoleb1989

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Lets try this once more, if it doesnt work Im done I tell you!

The silent hill franchise has kind of been a spiral downfall for the past few years now. While I honestly cant say I hate any of the games ever since 4 and up, the games didnt live up much to 2 or 3. My first Silent Hill game was SH2 and it brought me into the games, not to be able to get back out! I remember the nights scarfiiced to stay up and play it and the times me and my sister screamed because something had scared us nearly to death. We were young, give us a break! Downpour might just be on to something, It might be what finally is the first steps to series making a recovery.

Before I even speak of the story or characters I wanna get its flaw out of the way. The game does indeed have one but in all honesty the game was given more shit then it deserved. The game will occasionally lag a bit with you. It does have a minor framerate issue but its not a freaking buzz kill and for half the damn game it disappeared. Now for those who did buy on release day, could it be a bit disappointing? Yes, $60 is a high price to pay for a game with a minor framerate issue but I feel the reaction to it was over done way too much. I at first didnt wanna buy the game because of it, but since I found it cheap used I decided to say whatever and give it a go. Im glad I did because I would have honestly missed a good game if I let that one thing get in the way.

The Characters of Downpour are well a different kind of bunch.You have Murphy Pendleton who is the main. Depending on the choices you make with him he can either come off as a dick or nice guy but his nice side shows more when you arent making choices. So to me deep down he is actualy a really kind guy but with a lot of emotional baggage surrounding him. Anna Cunningham is a police officer who I swear has a mixture of Bi polar disorder and a dash of psycho to her. She pops up randomly always pointing a damn gun at you acting like a crazed psycho. You find out in the end why she is like that and while it does justifiy it some I still thing they should have toned her down some, the reason is also why she is connected to Murphy. Some of the other characters are Officer Sewell, a corrupt asshole cop who also play a role in the stories od Murphy and Anna. Howard Blackwood, the mailman who delivers mail to people who clearly arent living in Silent Hill, he will occasionally give Murphy some cryptic message which drives him in turn crazy. Pat Napier who is a inmate at the same prision as Murphy and is a convicted murderer and pedophile. He and Murphy have a connection as well and your journey through Silent hill is what explains it. The rest of the characters I dont feel are much worth mentioning, not that there bad but these seem to play a key role in the plot line of the game.

Ther story is actually a good one, makes sense, oh and doesnt try to confuse the fuck out of you! That was what was wrong with SH 5 for me, I was lost from point A and onward. Now at the end it did make sense but at first it was like "wtf?" That makes no sense. Maybe it was just me. Anyway the main theme for the story is revenge. They actually excuted it well too and kept it kind of nice and simple instead of trying to make it complexed and difficult. As the Nun said "Revenge is a long, treachorous road, isn't it Mr. Pendleton? Where do you suppose it ends?"

The music of the game was really good, kept ya on your toes and they matched some really good parts with it. I think this was there comback because in previous installments, the music was to some people piss poor. Well they decided to make a comeback in Downpour and they didnt disappoint to me. I got creeped out a few times because of the music mixing with the environment way too well. They also did good with some of the song choices for the radio songs. If you found a radio you could turn it on and it would play a song requested for Murphy. The one I really liked was Words Of Love by Anna Ternhiem, its such a good song even if it is sad.


Anywho I overall liked Silent Hill Downpour, Im hopeing that they dont stop making the games because I feel its finally coming back to being on it feet. I really see the next game being a next gen release so its kind of exciting to think about.




04/11/2013 at 02:33 PM

Been wanting to check this out awhile. I just have the nagging premonition I'm grown too old and jaded for games to scare me anymore. To compound the issue we haven't gotten many true survival horror games this generation to begin with! As much as I enjoyed RE 6 (I'm still going back to it) I wouldn't call it scary. I've been missing the Fatal Frame frachise in particular.

It really seems like Downpour is a decent entry in the series though. I also like the fact it opens up and lets you explore some. You also perked my interest in the characters.

PS: Dead Space "did" actually scare me and I'd also highly recommend Alan Wake and Deadly Premonition! You can't go wrong with those three! Cream of the crop!


04/12/2013 at 01:13 AM

I still give horror games a chance, I dont care what my age is, if it looks like Ill atleast enjoy the game ill buy it. I loved RE6 when I had it. I hated that Chris's campaign got shit talked about it because it was more action like then survival horror but it still was a good game. It was a big step up from RE5. Fatal Frame was an amazing series. I watched my sister play 2 thru 3 and loved them. I wish they would release them in a HD collection or atleast put them on the PSN store. Id def buy them.

I have plans to try Alan Wake and DP however I have played Dead Space. I couldnt get into it and I dont know if Im gonna try again to give it another chance.


04/11/2013 at 03:41 PM

I only played one Silent HIll game. I've been wanting to try the old ones someday. My brother's wife has all of them. Nice song. I'm glad you got your blog posted. Don't forget you can easily save them in notepad before hitting that post button! Wink


04/12/2013 at 01:51 AM

 Thanks again for that, Im using it def for my blogs since that last incident. Def do play the older games, there worth a go around!


04/11/2013 at 05:24 PM

I'll be buying it.....I have them all except DP and The Room


04/12/2013 at 01:56 AM

The Room wasnt horriable but it def could have been better. The story wasnt really out of place but the characters werent memorable nor really likeable. You however can prolly find it super cheap now.


04/11/2013 at 06:50 PM

I was into the series when it was on the ps2 and then when it came to next gen consoles. I lost interest in the series mainly cause i wasnt scared,it just wasnt scary like the older ones and being I played the fatal frame series and then came Alan Wake they just didnt hold up,with that said i know nothing of the latest intro,s so maybe i need to see what im missing.


04/12/2013 at 02:01 AM

I can def agree they lost there scare factor but Downpour is slowly bringing them back. 4 and 5 werent all that scarey though 5 had a few enemies that made go "WTH!!!".the third one is my fave when it comes down to it.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/11/2013 at 07:58 PM

I actually really liked that song. Thanks for sharing!


04/12/2013 at 02:04 AM

No prob! Im glad you liked it, I def love it and literally stayed next to the radio to listen to it.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

04/15/2013 at 06:48 AM

I just found this on for $8 and I couldn't pass it up. Currently I'm playing Skyrim and Bioshock Infinite, but this is going to be my next game to bang out once I finish what's on my plate already!


04/15/2013 at 05:52 PM

I think you will like it, even if it doesnt fully scare you. The story and characters made it interesting enough. I wanna re buy Skyrim but the price on it is still a lil ridiclous. If they would release a GOTY edition id be all for it but since I have to buy the DLC separate, im really only will to spend 15 or 20 on the game and its still 30 to 40. The new bioshock im waiting on because I have to play the first 2,lol

Chris Yarger Community Manager

04/15/2013 at 08:19 PM

The new Bioshock is AMAZING and I would definitely recommend it wheneveunit comes down to a price that suits you!

as for Skyrim, they recently announced that they are stopping all DLC for it and moving onto new adventures, so I'm sure they'll be releasing a GOTY addition soon!

sorry for constant italics too. I'm on the iPad and can't undo it.... Lol

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