I played a bit of Grid 3 as it was a free game with Gold on Xbox 360 at a certain time. Didn't get into it, but that's not a surprise as usually only arcadey racers are the type of thing I enjoy.
I Turned On My PS4! And Other Games I Played
On 12/13/2016 at 11:41 AM by goaztecs See More From This User » |
Good morning Pixlpeeps. The weather here in sunny Southern California has been odd. Last week it was cool, and now its going to be in the 70s today and because of all this, I'm starting to fight a cold. Yeah it sucks but what can you do? Before all of this, I did continue to play some games and I thought I'd share what I played up until last night.
Chris Plays...
Ratchet & Clank – PS4: I tackled this game on Friday and Saturday and I think I am two missions away from completing the story mode. I don't know if I am at the end but looking at the trophies I am missing two hidden ones that are grouped with the rest of the story trophies. It is a fun game where you don't have to worry about crazy button combinations, and I'm more focused on destroying things so I can collect bolts and having enough to buy the latest weapon. This could be a game I could go back and play through again because its not frustrating, the story is a lot of fun, the game play is enjoyable, and the graphics are really good. This is a hell of a game for $10.
Star Wars Battlefront – PS4: I bought this yesterday because it was $10 and why not right? Anyways I knew what I was in for but I didn't do this until later on in the day
Yeah I decided to install it when I wanted to play it knowing full well there would be a huge update because it's Playstation. Thanks Sony. I watched a documentary about Ben Simmons (not a fan of this kid. The part where he was talking about shoe deals soured me) Anyways once the game finished installing I didn't want to play so I watched another flick before falling asleep. Earlier this morning I played a quick offline game, got my enjoyment and when I went to play online I was hit with the “You Need PS+.” This by far is the dumbest thing Sony has done since being the easiest thing to hack (and the reason why I refuse to use my credit card on their store.) I'll get plus so when my brother comes down for Christmas he can play online. I would have been in a better situation if I bought the PC version for $10 more and was able to play online for free.
NBA 2K16 – Steam: I started a new Franchise with the Atlanta Hawks because I thought it would be fun just to create random jerseys for a current team, and I went with Atlanta because throughout their history they used a ton of different colors so when I turn them into the Oregon of the NBA it makes sense. The first uniform I created is one that reminds me of a jersey you would see in high school or college
I also went with a dark gray and it doesn't look half bad. I also created another jersey that I call a new retro jersey but I'll post pictures of that later.
Ford Racing – Steam: This is one of those games where you have to go into the exe file to change the controller, and resolution of the game. When I did that to the normal resolution of my screen the game crashes. I dropped it a bit and then it worked but now I had to map the controls to the controller. Finally when everything was ready it was time to play and for a bit it was fun to play a game from the PS2 era with pretty PS2 graphics. I was quickly kicked out of this feeling when leading by over three seconds I was passed right before the finish line and coming in second in the final of a four race series. I felt it wasn't a big deal considering I won the previous three until I went to check the game and I was awarded a silver. A freaking silver. I'm done with the Ford Racing games after that. Good thing I spent only $1.50 on three games.
Grid – Steam: To get rid of that awful taste Ford left and I went with a solid racing game and played a bit more of my career mode.
I raced a couple of races before the end of the current season where once again I was presented with the 24 Hours of LeMans. I didn't want to race for a couple of hours so I skipped it and proceeded into the next season.
Transformers Devastation – Steam: I bought this game last night after getting a notification that a wishlist game was on sale.
It feels so good to play a game with Transformers that look like the ones I grew up with. The cell shaded graphics are nice and it reminds me of Auto Modelista. The controls aren't bad but at times I would try to do something and instead turned into a car. I haven't progressed far into the game, in fact I'm still hovering around the first level but I'm getting my fill of destroying generic Transformers, and fighting Devastation and Megatron. Again I get a kick out of Megatron being a gun but when transforming it becomes bigger than a two story building. Same with Soundwave. Anyways I look forward to playing more of this game because I waited months for a price drop.
Alright Pixlbit I am off. I need to visit the Post Office to send some stuff out I bought yesterday. Hopefully it makes to its destination before Christmas. Have a good week!
That's all for now, more later!