I'm working. Then I come home and fall asleep in my mashed potatoes like my daddy used to do, lol. Not really, but I have fallen asleep with a controller in my hand or in the middle of a movie more often than not in the last two weeks.
Blog #2
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![]() On 04/12/2013 at 08:59 PM by jgusw ![]() See More From This User » |
I finallying made the time to write another blog. I wanted to do this a month ago, but I've been a little busy with work, family, and you now..., life. Well, update time.
Games I Finished:
Fallout 3
I bought this game a little over a year ago. I got the Game of the Year edition for $20 and the game has been sealed since I started playing about a month or so ago. Well...., I have to say it's a shame I hadn't played this game sooner. Awesome game. It was a bit slow at first, but once you start adventuring, the game opens up big time. The whole experience is pretty damn cool. UNTILL.... Beware of the dlc parts. Now, Fallout 3 has little parts around that makes the game crash. This happens moreso on the dlc parts. The game crashed so often that I almost just quit the game out of frustrated. Hours down the f'ing drain. It's clearly the worse part of the game. The most important advice I can give you when playing this game is to SAVE OFTEN. Other than that, it's a freaking great game.
Games I'm Playing:
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (DS)
I finished off the 3 Castlevania games on the GBA and now I'm starting on the DS. So far, DoS is a pretty decent game. It's pretty much like any other Castlevania/Metriod game that been done before. So, if you're the kind of person that has not grown tired of those kind of games, then you'll enjoyed this one too. I know I do. I'm currently a little stuck, but I plan to fix that problem soon with a quick trip to Gamefaqs. Getting it done on my own is taking too long and I'm out of ideas.
Mass Effect (360)
Yeah, I'm sick.
P.O.W. - Prisoners of War (PS3/PSP)
I got a heads up on this game on PSN and I couldn't pass it up. I always enjoyed playing P.O.W. and I couldn't pass up picking it up for less than $3. It's harder than I remember though.
Yakuza 3 (PS3)
Been trying to get back into this game, but I'm stuck doing bullshit. I'm a freaking ex-gangster and I'm looking for an accessory to help an orphan kid look better for the girl he likes? Can't I just pay a prostitute to hangout with the little dude for a while. She could hold his hand and give him a kiss?! Maybe not a kiss. Seriously thinking about quitting it for now and picking it up later.
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 (360)
I just recently picked this one. I had a chance to pick up a brand new copy for only $40 and I took it.
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (PS3)
I barely started this up, but I plan to continue soon. I'm trying to clear up some stuff before dedicating more time to it.
Games I Bought:
Alice: Madness Returns (360) - I wanted to get this game a while back, but I never saw any copies of it. Lately, I've been seeing copies at GameStop, so I finally dropped down the money on a used copy. Lucky me, I found a copy that had an unused redeem code for American Mcgee's Alice. Yay.
Persona 4: Golden (Vita) - If only I had a Vita to play it on.
Crysis (360) - I don't know a thing about this game. I got the digital version for free.
Sniper: Ghost Warrior (360) - I don't know a thing about this game. I got the digital version for free.
Crackdown (360) - I was told this game is good. I only paid $5 to find out. If I like it, I'll pick up the sequel.
Tony Hawk: Shred (360) - I bought Ride/Board controller a while back. I wanted to pick this up to complete the set. Damn shame I couldn't get another board with it.
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (360) - It was cheap, so I picked a used copy. I never played any of the FPS that everyone loves or hates, but I'm interested to know what all the fuss is about.
Battlefield 1943 (360) - That used copy of Bad Company 2 came with an unused redeem code for a digital version of this game.
Resistance 2 (PS3) - I bought the first game and now I own the 2nd.
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood (360) - I played the demo years ago and saw it at GameStop real cheap.
The World Ends With You (DS) - A lot of people love this game. I played it a bit a few years ago and just couldn't get into it. I've been told it's kind of like Devil Survivor. I loved DS, but TWEwY didn't grab me at all. I own it off Ebay for less than $13.
Hyperdimension Neptunia (PS3) - I plan to get all these games on the PS3. This is my first. I read it's not the best of the 3.
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (PSP) - It's been a while since I played a MGS game. I hope this game is as good as the others.
Games I Preordered:
Pandora's Tower (Wii) - This will probably be the last new Wii game I will buy.
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner - Soul Hackers (3DS) - It took a while. We finally have a US release of this game.
Shin Megami Tensei IV (3DS) - I really hope this game will be good.
I really need to do blogs more often. This one ended up being longer than I like. Though it doesn't look like it, I'm still trying to spend less money of games this year. Lately I've just been lucky finding games real cheap or free. It's going to get harder to not buy games now that I just got a new job with better pay. I'm planning to get either a 3DS or Vita soon. I'll probably get a 3DS because it's cheaper. I wonder what version I should get.
What are you guys up to lately?