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FF X, winter, and other stuff

On 12/21/2016 at 06:12 PM by Ranger1

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Really just another Random Stuff blog, just got bored using that for a title.

Playing: Hadn't played anything for a couple of weeks, just wasn't in the mood to continue 3D Dot Game Heroes for whatever reason. Oh, wait, it was the ridiculous sand temple area. Hated it the first I tried playing the game, too. It's this area with what the game calls quicksand, but is really just an alternate form of a moving conveyor belts type of puzzle. There's a ton of it, and it's not bad for the first couple of rooms, but then it gets tedious in the extreme. And I felt guilty for not wanting to finish, so I didn't play anything for a bit. And then there was a day of freezing rain and I suddenly felt the desire to play a long-ass jrpg. I'd been bad a few weeks earlier and got myself the HD remake of FFX and X-2, so I decided to play that. I'm having fun, I love the turn-based battle system, like the Sphere Grid, and hate Blitzball. I've just gotten past the Blitzball tournament and I'm on my way to the next area. I was going to be good tonight and go do my laundry, but I'd forgotten what living in an outlet town is like during the week before Christmas (actually, it's more like I repress the memory every year...)

Watching: Watched a couple of the movies on my list of "Movies I Really Ought To See at Some Point" list. Animal House cracked me up to no end. Apocalypse Now was good, but one of those movies I probably won't watch a second time. Jason and I also went to the movies last week to see George Takei's musical "Allegiance". It's loosely based on his family's experience in the internment camps during WWII. It was well done, it's the kind of thing that could have been heavy-handed, hit-you-over-the-head, preachy/guilt inducing, but wasn't. It treated the subject matter with grace, dignity, and some humor. I'm not normally a fan of musicals, but I really enjoyed this one a lot. I'm also slogging through Metropolis, another entry from my list. Two and a half hours of a silent movie is a bit long for my attention span, so I've broken it up into three chunks. I've probably watched a bunch of other stuff, but nothing terribly memorable at this point.

Reading: Nothing new here. I desperately need new glasses, mine are scratched to hell and my vision has changed and I know I need bifocals. Reading is currently uncomfortable.

Listening: Christmas music! I'm not feeling very Christmassy, so I'm hoping this will get me in the mood to at least wrap the presents I bought. CDs include: A Tapestry of Carols - Maddy Prior (mostly English traditional carols), Joy, Health, and Peace - Meridian (a mix of carols and other mid-winter songs done mainly a capella), Home for the Holidays - Schooner Fare (folkie Christmas music), Castlebay - Yuletide Revelry (more trad and folkie Christmas/Solstice stuff, along with some readings), Rejoice! - Jed Marum (more folkie stuff), A Celtic Christmas - various artists (trad stuff from the Celtic-speaking parts of the world), Medieval Christmas - Pro Cantione Antiqua, conducted by Mark Brown (Medieval music on medieval instruments, including some Gregorian chants), and New England Christmastide 1 and 2 (instrumental on trad instruments). Still looking for the rest of my Christmas CDs, I know there are at least two more that haven't run across yet.

Nature and fitness stuff: We've finally gotten some snow here, I'm guessing maybe 6" or so before the rain on Monday that then froze and turned everything to ice. The snow was great for tracking for a few days, I saw lots of deer, turkey, crow, and fox tracks. The fox came out of the woods and straight across our little field and climbed up and sat on a dirt pile for a bit before following a rodent trail across the snow. Or, I should say, under the snow. Voles and mice both make what are known as sub-nivean tunnels (which is a fancy way of saying tunnels through the snow), and both the fox and Beau like to follow them. The fox because he's hungry and needs a meal, and Beau because he's a terrier and that's his instinct.

Beau in the snow

I was doing really well with the running up until last week. The snow made things a little difficult, but I was still doing OK until the sub-zero temps and then the rain and ice of the past week. I invested in a set of IceSpikes, which are like really short drywall screws that you screw into the sole of your running shoes. Supposedly, they aren't supposed to damage the soles of your shoes, and are supposed to close up after you remove them. I really didn't want to test that theory out on my $160 pair of trail running shoes, so I bought a cheaper pair at Lamey Wellahan's today to try them out. I'll get them set up tonight so I can go running in the morning before work.

Well, PixlBit Nation, I hope you're all getting into the spirit of the season better than I am. Have a great holiday!

Bah humbug!



Matt Snee Staff Writer

12/21/2016 at 06:17 PM

Merry christmas ranger girl!!!


12/21/2016 at 06:23 PM

Happy Solstice, Matt!

And you should totally check out that Medieval Christmas music CD. 

Cary Woodham

12/21/2016 at 07:30 PM

I loved 3-D Dot Game Heroes but I never finished it either.  I think I did get to the last temple, though.  I love the music in the water temple.  I'm surprised Nintendo didn't sue the makers of this game since it's SO much like Zelda.  The makers of that game, From Software, also do the Armored Core mech titles, which are very popular so there are a few references and music tracks from that in 3-D Dot Game Heroes as well.

My brotther Jeff played FFX back in the day.  He said I wouldn't like it.  I hear one of the characters uses plush toys of classic FF characters as weapons.  That would totally be what I would do if I were in an FF game.


12/21/2016 at 07:47 PM

I know you loved 3D Dot Game Heroes, I bought it because you recommended it!

Yeah, I have Lulu equiped with Cait Sith right now. I'm enjoying the game so far (except for Blitzball).


12/21/2016 at 09:49 PM

Have you ever listened to the accopella(spelling) band, Protonax(again spelling) they do a killer..Little Drummer Boy


12/21/2016 at 09:51 PM


12/21/2016 at 10:46 PM

Thanks for sharing, James.

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/21/2016 at 11:47 PM

Your hatred of that sand temple sounds similar to my hatred of the last dungeon in Spirit Tracks, which I still have not finished.

I'm guessing you watched Animal House on Netflix. I ... thought it was ok. Speaking of National Lampoon though, I think I'll find that Christmas Vacation VHS my parents have and watch it soon. Christmas tradition. 

I would love to see Allegiance ... or Hamilton ... or The Book of Mormon. 

I also tried watching Metropolis on Netflix ... and Nosferatu ... and Battleship Potemkin. Have yet to actually make it to the end of one of those.

I'm near-sighted, but my glasses are also scratched and spotty as hell. I feel you. 

The alternative station in Dallas was just replaced with Christmas music and is now "part of" the hard rock station's format, whatever that means. So while I usually like Christmas music, it's made me bitter. 

You guys have snow and seasons. I was just glad we stopped having summer weather somewhere towards the end of November. Heck, not even summer weather, it was nice out. But now I know why that professor who moved from L.A. was complaining about the lack of variety where he's from. 

Cute animals as always. 

Merry Christmas!


12/22/2016 at 12:10 PM

Animal House was on either Netflix or Hulu. Can't remember which now. I thought it was pretty funny.

Allegiance was a one night showing across the country at numerous movie theaters. It was well worth the $20 per ticket I paid. No way in hell was the theater getting any more money for over-priced concessions out of me, though.

I hate the Christmas music that is piped into every mall and retail store across the country. If I hear Santa Baby (a song I loathe to the nth degree) one more time, I will shove chopsticks through my ear drums. Luckily, if it's busy at work, peoples' conversations will drown out whatever shite pop crap is being played over the speakers. If they stuck to classical, I'd be ok. As for Christmas music in general, what I like tends to be more trad, folk, and classical than what I'm likely to hear over the radio or in stores.

And happy holidays back at you!


12/22/2016 at 02:21 AM

Merry Christmas. I can't think of a better time then being around snow and watching foxes chase rodents making subnivean trails. I want to work "subnivean" into a Xmas song: "dashing through a subnivean tunnel, a vole runs from a fox." Something like that. 


12/22/2016 at 12:12 PM

Happy solstice!

I don't actually get to see the fox, just where he's been. He's usually out and about in the wee hours when I'm asleep. And keep working on that song!


12/23/2016 at 03:04 AM

"subnivean" is now my word of the week, replacing "tartlet". Some previous words of the week were: peregrination, ineluctable, insalubrious, and integumentary. Now I have to use it in conversation as much as possible and watch people give me strange looks. 


12/23/2016 at 05:51 PM

I do the same thing at work to my customers. Most are amused, some just think I'm insane.


12/24/2016 at 03:56 AM

Every so often I meet someone who gets it and has an interest in words. It's too nerdy for most people. I hate it when someone calls me out on that too. "Sorry I'm not cool enough for you," I think to myself. "I'm a little tired of the body part humor, ok." Glad to hear you're like me in that regard. 


12/22/2016 at 09:26 PM

Is this your first time playing FFX? If so, enjoy. You're in for a ride. While I greatly enjoyed FFX-2, I'm not sure it will be your thing. It is pretty jarring after playing the first one.

Merry Christmas!


12/22/2016 at 10:34 PM

Kevin, it is my first time playing FFX. I did play a demo of FFX-2 eons ago, and I do remember liking it.

Happy solstice!


12/25/2016 at 04:02 PM

Merry Christmas!

I enjoyed FFX and you know I love the series as a whole, but what made you decide to play it, if I may ask? I don't think I've ever seen you really play a Final Fantasy title before.


12/25/2016 at 11:03 PM
I've played FF Origins, both I and II (PS1 and GBA), made it almost all the way through III on the DS, and got to the final boss in IV (PS1) and kept getting my ass kicked and rage quit. I actually have all of them through XII with the exception of XI, I just haven't gotten around to playing them. But to answer your question: it was on the top of the pile and I was jonesing for a long-ass jrpg.


01/03/2017 at 12:38 PM

I'm really late but Happy New Year!

Also wait you just now saw Animal House? I'm glad you watched it. It's one of those movies I'll watch whenever it shows up on TV and the Stephen Bishop scene always gets me.

Your pics of your furry friends are comedy, especially the look on your cat's face. 


01/03/2017 at 06:37 PM

Yeah, I have a lot of gaps in my "I really ought to watch this movie" movie list. Especially the last ten years or so. Jason and I used to go to the movies once a week back when there was a second run theater in Portland. We could both go, get a popcorn to share and a beverage apiece for less than $15. Then the theater got greedy and switched over to first run movies and what we used to pay for tickets and concessions became just what we paid for tickets and we stopped going unless it was something we really wanted to see, and didn't buy any concessions, just the tickets. Now it's rare for us to go more than once or twice a year.

Oh, Kaylee was so annoyed with me when I put that hat on her head! If looks could kill...

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