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Three Atypical Acoustic Guitar Songs by Heavy Bands + Gaming Updates

On 04/13/2013 at 01:48 AM by Super Step

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These are not at all relevant to Rangergirl's excellent Folk Friday #5 songs today, which are all "work songs" (don't worry, they're fun to listen to, just used for working people to keep rythm, etc.), but listening to those did somehow remind me of a few acoustic songs by heavy bands that I really like, and that work, despite seeming to be completely outside the style the bands typically play in, though I mean that in the public sense, as even most heavy bands write their music acoustically before plugging in the amplifiers to record the album versions.

Starting out is probably my favorite acoustic rock song, and the only one on this list that's original version was much more in the typical style for the band. The dense and cryptic lyrics just work so well with the haunting ambiance of the guitar work though, that I find myself rarely listening to that version, even if it comes off what's arguably considered the band's best offering by core fans, Suffer.

Here's the good doctor and his band of misfits, Bad Religion, with "1000 More Fools." A bit negative lyrically, as is the norm for these guys, but see if you don't get the same chills I do when listening.

Then, from the band whose frontman described their work as the negative end of a battery, comes a positive love song; I never bought the "we wrote it to our fans" thing, someone had a damn crush, but didn't want it tainting their image, say I; and in the eyes of many initial core fans, it ruined their image, anyway. Whatever, I've always admired this band for its ballads, whether or not they crescendo into a wah solo at the end. This stripped down version of an already mellow song is just perfect. Gives me "warm feels" and such.

Here's Metallica with "Nothing Else Matters," played on acoustic with Michael Kamen's original symphony work. I believe his collaboration with them on this song is what led to the Symphony & Metallica (S&M) album.

This final song comes from an album that veered in quite a different direction musically from the band's Freshman efforts, opting for less rap-metal with crazy-person lyrics, and more sweeping choruses with vocal theatrics and at least decent attempts at deeper lyrical meaning.

It never got rid of the band's usual form of low-tuned electric bar chords until the very end though, when it went in a completely opposite direction from their previous effort with this somber arrangement with cello.

I was a fan of both the overall change in direction, and this song, although I'll spare you the live version where singer David Draiman requests tits to be shown. It's not so much the request itself, which is pretty typical of rock musicians, but the nature of the song plus that request that made me laugh until I cried when I heard that version. Well fuck laughter, I just want you all to cry, so here's the album version of "Darkness" by Disturbed.

On that note TGI... S. Who else is thinking of seeing 42 and/or Place Beyond the Pines this weekend? I'm pumped for both.

And in gaming news, the N64 still works. No issues with Star Fox 64, 1080, or Snowboard Kids 2. Still, going to make sure to clean all of it beyond just blowing at some point.

Just need to figure out what non-screwdriving device gets these out

Looks like the website this pic is from could come in handy

Oh, and be proud of me, I even played some Golden Sun. Pretty sure my farthest file is nowhere near where I had gotten to at one point though, so I must have erased a main file somewhere down the line. Level 11 at Mercury Lighthouse? Pretty sure the ice puzzle thing (in a town, not a dungeon) was way, way farther than that, but oh well. Kinda lost in those waterfalls of Mercury Lighthouse anyway, although the puzzle aspect as well as the story I always liked. It's that damn random battle, turn-based combat system that gets on my nerves.

Actually, looking at screenshots of the lighthouse being near snow, maybe level eleven really is as far as I got.

I do suck at these enough, I might have spent THAT much time getting there. Hmmm...

Otherwise, I've been using my GBA to play Pokemon Pinball like EVERY time I get bored; seriously, I had to wait for a form I was filling out for a new job (woohoo! More freelance is always a good thing) and just turned the thing on cause I was having to wait a few seconds. I quickly turned it back off so not to make it an addiction, and got back to work. lol

Thing about that game is, I either do incredibly well, get a billion points and go to Mewtwo's Bonus Stage, or fail miserably in every way, which is a lot more common. At least I've finally been capturing Pokemon I don't have. The title of that thing alone is like blatant admission they mixed the gaming form of crack and heroin, and I haven't even touched a Pokemon game since I was nine or ten when I had Blue, but damn that collectathon aspect hooks you in! The fact it's pinball and not a JRPG, which I have a notoriously difficult time getting into makes it a million times worse.

Pretty sure Slowbro and whatever the oysters are called are representations of drugs,

like how the animals were in Alice in Wonderland.

But hey, it hasn't hindered my weight loss progress (finally below 190, woohoo!) or the firing off of my resume, so I guess I can't classify it as a true addiction. Gonna be careful with that thing, though.

That's all for now, what are you guys up to? I think my Gamecube needs my attention, so I'm gonna go take care of that. G'night, and happy weekend!



Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/13/2013 at 03:12 AM

It's midnight here on the West coast, I've just done about five pages of writing.  debating whether I can do more, so I'm wasting time on the internet.  Tongue Out

I've been playing Tales of the Abyss, which is chill.  It's a Tales game for sure, for better or worse.  Actually, I really like it.  I don't play my 3DS enough, and I'm glad to have a great game for it now.  

I've played the beginning of Golden Sun but haven't gotten too far.  IT seems like an awesome game though. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/13/2013 at 04:21 AM

Glad you got more writing done.

Golden Sun is indeed awesome, even I can admit, as a non-JRPG fan. Only thing I don't like is the combat, which, sadly is a pretty large chunk of the game. lol


04/13/2013 at 10:25 AM

Great songs you picked. I'd heard the Metallica and Disturbed songs,but not Bad Religion. That one was very moving,I thought. One you would not expect by them. I remember all the hubbub when Metallica did that song originally. I respected them for trying new things. And James Hetfield for showing the world he can feel and sing! Man does not live by thrash alone. I like when bands do that. Congrats on success with the N64. Glad it is firing on all cylinders now. The Place Beyond The Pines is one I really want to see. Huge fan of Ryan Gosling,though my wife can't stand him. May have to see it alone. I could not get her to watch Drive with me. I like the idea that his character is a motorcycle stuntman who robs banks. Sounds cool to me. My vacation is underway! I will begin drinking at noon,just to be respectable,you know?

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/13/2013 at 12:48 PM

Most of Bad Religion's songs, when they're stripped down like that, have a very similar folksy feel to that one, you might like them. There's also a Youtube girl named Emily Davis that does some good acoustic covers of their songs.

I think there was even a big stink when Metallica released Ride the Lightning, and people thought bells was "too slow." They just can't catch a break. Ironically, it's their versatility that probably helped make them so big. That and their insane work ethic in terms of touring.

So you are a fan of Ryan Gosling, and your wife is not? I have never had a girlfriend that was not enamored with him. lol Is it something to do with his personality, or just the movies he in, I wonder? Either way, it's five o' clock somewhere, enjoy your vacation! Smile

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/13/2013 at 10:33 AM

That Bad Religion track really kicks ass. It was always one of my favourites. I don't really like slipknot, but their acoustic tracks are pretty awesome.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/13/2013 at 12:42 PM

I really dig "Circle" and "Vermillion Part II" by them. Although the latter gets kind of creepy, lyrically....

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/13/2013 at 02:52 PM

Vermillion part II creepy? It's just about the pain of unrequited love. That was my break up song in high school. Snuff is pretty phenomenal too.

 Death Whispered a Lullaby - Opeth is another really good one, although the entire Damnation album is brilliant. There is an electric guitar in some songs, but it is mostly electric. It's chilling and beautiful.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/14/2013 at 12:01 AM

I liked the McDowell cameo in Snuff. And looking at the lyrics after years of not having done so, they're not that bad, I guess certain vocal choices Corey made in the first part were a bit creepy to me, and I let that influence my thoughts on part 2 having not heard it in forever. Ironically, that first part is one of my favorite songs because of those vocals, and I really like when it gets to around the middle and he starts yelling. What that says of me, I do not know.

I want to say I've heard the Opeth song before, but I'll look it up to make sure.

Cary Woodham

04/13/2013 at 11:06 AM

Pokemon Pinball is great.  If you like it on the GBC, you should try the GBA version.

Two good games I've been working on reviews for lately are Toki Tori 2 on Wii U and BattleBlock Theater on 360.

Last night we grilled steaks.  I ate a big steak and a salad, and two bowls of seafood pasta salad.  It was good, but I had to loosen my belt a little bit afterwards.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/13/2013 at 12:49 PM

I'm playing it on my GBA, does that count? lol

And steaks sound delicious right about now.


04/13/2013 at 11:09 AM

You need a 3.8mm security bit to take N64 games apart. The bad thing is once you take them apart then you need a little tiny screw driver and I don't know WTF size that is. The tool you need looks like this. It also works on NES and SNES games.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/13/2013 at 12:51 PM

Thanks Aaron! That helps a lot, although now that I know there are such specialized and tiny tools involved, I'm really just hoping they don't get any dirtier than they already are. lol


04/13/2013 at 11:35 AM

Don't even think i've finished the first Golden Sun all i remember is that i thought on a boat i went to port and there's boulders blocking the way i need to go with a Djinn on the right hand side.Surprised

I was one of the first people in my school to have Pokemon Pinball, what a great game :)

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/13/2013 at 12:52 PM

I think I remember that too, but man, it has been forever.

And yeah, Pinball is awesome.


04/13/2013 at 04:14 PM

I love Nothing Else Matters. I've always liked the way James works in the growl even on a ballad. LOL. I only have the DS Golden Sun but I really enjoyed playing what I played of it.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/14/2013 at 12:06 AM

Yeah, both Jame's growl and Dave's snarl seem to work their way into the songs they do. I'm glad I've never seen the end of a porno with either of them in it, and that I left you with that image. Laughing


04/13/2013 at 11:17 PM

Is that one of Disturbed's newer songs? I used to be pretty big on the band when I was in high school but then my music tastes seemed to change. I never thought Disturbed would make a song like that though.

Oh man, Pokemon Pinball brings back memories of when I had the GBC version. Wish I hadn't sold it oh so long ago.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/14/2013 at 12:10 AM

Not new at all, it's from their Sophomore album Believe, released in 2002. I would still have been in middle school, meaning I'm pretty sure so would you. lolLast album I paid attention to by them was Ten Thousands Fists, but I still like a handful of their new songs I've heard, just not buying the stuff at this point.

I'm actually wondering if I sold Blue. There's still places it could be, but if that's what I did, I'm going to kick myself. It's the only game in my collection I'm missing.


04/14/2013 at 02:09 AM

Ah, I see. I probably did listen to the song on youtube or something but quickly passed it over because it wasn't what I was expecting. I haven't listened to much post-Ten Thousand Fists either.

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