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Happy Holidays and Whatnot

On 12/24/2016 at 11:09 PM by Blake Turner

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Just a quick blog since im on holidays and dont have my computer. I dont celebrate christmas really, but i know its important to a lot of you and i hope youre having a great time. I also know that despite (or perhaps because of) this seasons themes of merriment and togetherness, it can also be rough on a lot of those that dont have people to be with or cant be with them in general. To those of you, i want you to know that one of the best things about this small site is how close knit it is. It kind of feels like a weird little family of misfits, brought together by an extreme love of something. To that end, if youre feeling kind of down this holidays, please know that if you feel like shit, you can always talk to someone, even if we are just weird internet strangers. Ill be here to listen, and i know a lot of other people on this site feel the same way.

 I wish you all the best, and to lighten the mood a bit, what the fuck have you guys been playing? Let me know!




12/25/2016 at 12:02 AM

Well said. I've been playing the Division. And I'm loving it.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/25/2016 at 12:11 AM

I played it for a little bit but ended up sticking with destiny instead. I heard the new expansion was pretty fun though?


12/25/2016 at 12:17 AM

My friend Mark is stuck at home alone on Xmas. He's wheelchair bound and his family is scattered all over. Him and I will be gaming soon though. I have family to go to, but Monday and probably during the week while I'm off, we'll be gaming for sure. And on that note, I've been playing Diablo III: U.E.E. with him for the last few weeks. I'm working on getting all six characters to level 70 for an achievement. I've done a Witch Doctor, Demon Hunter and am at level 43 on a Wizard. I just follow Mark's crazy high level character around adventure mode and power level. I got a level a minute earlier today when I started the Wizard. I am starting to feel like maybe I'll start something new though. I'm feeling the grind right now, and I'd rather have fun. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/25/2016 at 09:13 AM

Damn, i wish him my condolences and hope he doesnt feel too down. Its good he has a friend like you who cares a lot though. Damn you guys are getting some crazy value out of Diablo 3 though! Do you know what your play time is?


12/25/2016 at 10:36 AM

I'm at 58 hours on the U.E.E. version for this year. Of course, Mark is not working anymore so whatever I have, he's got like double that. 

I just looked at last year and saw I put in 174 hours in the first version of Diablo III on Xbox 360. Man I still didn't get to 1 million gold in that version. I easily hit 1 mil gold in the U.E.E. version with less time. Many changes were made between those two versions. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/25/2016 at 06:35 AM

I've been playing a bunch of games I either didn't dl or never got far in or just want to get trophies in. 

LEGO Marvel Superheroes was $6 when I bought it and is my first LEGO game. Tbh I think it's a mix of outright boring tedium and a few chuckles here and there from inside jokes. But, I do like certain mechanics like flying ( though the "go through these hoops" challenges really highlight some control flaws therein) and it is addictively simple. I'm actually enjoying exploring the open world NY hub and collecting secrets and trophies a lot more than I enjoyed the linear storyline. What ... happened here?

I finally killed the Griffin in Witcher III and was asked a bunch of questions about a war I knew nothing about. My dialogue tree choices were meaningless, cause hell if I know if I was making Geraltb lie or not. I then skipped what looked like a LONG tutorial on a card game. I might come back to it, but it's on the burner for now.

I deleted Bloodborne from my HD (still at beginning stages of that one as well; hoping to come back to it as well) to dl Shadows of Mordor. So far it feels like Arkham Knight with worse graphics and an LOTR skin ... I'm actually kind of enjoying it, though it has not been too challenging thus far.

I downloaded a demo of Gravity Rush 2 and think I might get that if it goes on sale

I also completed the FFXV Platinum demo. I was excited for an FF game with an action-based combat system, but it does seem real repetitive. Also, maybe the demo's different, but while I certainly find the game pretty, it wasn't the shit-my-pants gorheous I've been reading about. That said, the boss in the demo handed my ass to me if you don't count the fact I revived no matter what. That challenge may actually encourage me to buy the game.

Then I decided to torture myself by realizing that not having my PS4 hooked up for the better part of the year made me miss out on free Journey, Nba2k16, and REHD Remake. Still wish PS+ would just auto add free games to my library.

I've kinda been binging on games of late because I recently got over a bout of MDD and can actually enjoy these things again, so your holiday message is appreciated even if Wellbutrin has gotten me past the worst of it the past couple months or so.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/25/2016 at 09:01 AM

Final fantasy is far from gorgeous. The character models are quite nice, but the world design is kind of lacking and it never really wows you as a result. The gameplay is king here howevet, and fortunately the combat system (which isnt great) isnt the meat of the game. Id recommend holding off for a while though as thw game is not finished - to the point of square speaking of adding story cutscenes later (24 hours in and ive seen barely any.)

The Gravity Rush demo was pretty fun and i loved the art style. Do yourself a favour and check out the Nier Automata demo as its quite a blast and ill definitelt bw picking it up.

Shadow of Mordor is fun. Ive never really gotten far in the story though because i mostly just dick about with the nemesis system.

 Sucks about missing those ps+ games man. Invisible inc is on there now and is pretty great so you should grab that.

 Also, its just great to bear from you again. Its been a while. How have things been?

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/25/2016 at 08:24 PM

I've been a lot better since about mid October. You? 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/29/2016 at 01:08 PM

Thats good to hear. I've been okay, finally getting my own place in january so that should be good. Although im currently in between jobs, which isnt as good.


12/25/2016 at 08:25 AM

Still have to finish DQ VII on 3DS. I've been through most of the last dungeon but I'm still pissing around trying to max out all the vocations and grinding King Metal Slimes and liquid metal slimes.

I've been playing World of Final Fantasy quite a bit on both Vita and PS4 (cross save). Once you get past the cutesy Pop figure characters it's a really good turn based RPG with some "gotta catch 'em all" elements. Lots of strategy in building your stacks for the best attacks.

Went back and re-started Tokyo Mirage Sessions on Wii U. I'm quite enjoying that one too.

Spurred on by the offer of Lost Odyssey for free I got ambitious the other day and retrieved an older 27" flat screen from the basement. It's in my office now opposite my desk with my Xbox 360 and PS TV hooked up to it. I may add my PS2 and Dreamcast today. 

Played a bit of L.O. on it and some Persona 4 Golden yesterday. 

Be sure to post some Blunk Drake over the holidays.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/25/2016 at 09:11 AM

I cant cooy and paste on phone and didnt reply before typing so just read the comment below this one.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/25/2016 at 09:08 AM

Ive been tempted to get WoFF, and it is on sale. Dont know whether to get that or dq builders.

 I saw your blog just after i went and bought real final fantasy xiii  lost odyssey. It was only 15 bucks but im still kicking myself. I also bought trails in cold steel for 50 bucks the day before it went on sale for half that price. Oh well, its a damn good game so i dont regret too much i guess.

 Tokyo mirage sessions is definitely on my list of must buys.

And sorry, no blunk drake, om kind kf staying sober atm.

Edit: ironic given my woeful typing xD


12/25/2016 at 09:24 AM

Yep, Trails of Cold Steel is a good one. I bought the second game the day it came out.

I need to go through all the Trails games. Never finished the first Trails in the Sky in 4 attempts. I need to focus and do it. 


12/25/2016 at 12:27 PM

That's a generous offer to lend an ear to those that feel down. You never know what people are feeling and a kind word or a little encouragment can sometimes make a big difference. 

But on the light side, Sometime kicking butt in an awesome FPS like Killzone HD can also lift the spirits too!

Merry Christmas


12/27/2016 at 07:25 PM

I never really thought about it, but it is kind of like a funky little internet family here. You guys/gals/little green men are crazy but I dig all you folks. 

As for what I'm playing I'm playing a ton of Toad Rally on Super Mario Run. If I spent that much for a tablet game I'm going to get the most out of it. Sprinkle in some Star Wars Battlefront and a little bit of Batman Telltale game for taste. 


12/28/2016 at 02:15 AM

You too!


12/28/2016 at 12:00 PM

Happy Holidays! Things have been....interesting. Ive just been trying to keep busy. Ive been playing Dragon Quest Builders, Dragon Quest 7, Walking Dead Season 2, Monster Hunter Generations, and Pokemon Moon mostly. I finally finished the first half of Dragon Quest 7. The freaking Abbey was ridiclous! 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/30/2016 at 09:48 AM

Honestly, busy can be be the best thing for "interesting" times, so hopefully its working out for you.

Man i got super into the dq builders demo and then went to buy it and nowhere had any. Guess they sold out from xmas. 

 I havent played dq7 but i really enjoyed 8 and what i played of 9 so i might get on that when i finish my tales craze.

 Thinking of getting moon, but i might wait until my gf is done with sun or ill never get to play it xD. Shes making a living shiny dex... so it could take a while.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

12/30/2016 at 04:29 PM

did I seriously not comment on this post?  Happy holidays man!  Hope you've been playing awesome games!  I got the PSVR for xmas and I'm loving it!

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