I'll probably have my Game of the Year Awards up here sometime in Janurary.
Ranking My Favorite Games of 2016
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![]() On 12/26/2016 at 12:39 PM by Halochief90 ![]() See More From This User » |
Full disclosure, I only played six games that came out in 2016, so this isn't really a "Top 6" list. Anyway, here's how I rank the games I played this year:
6. Overwatch
Quite the overrated game if you ask me. Ironically, this won Game of the Year at the Game Awards this year. Overwatch gets last place on my list. I wish I had good things to say about this game, but honestly, I spent full price on the game and I regret it. There's a huge variety of characters, yet not much balance. Then there's a slim variety of modes, so the game got old very quickly for me. I guess there is a lot of players out there who really liked this one. Unfortunately, I wasn't one of them.
5. Mirror's Edge Catalyst
I'm not sure what most of the reviews didn't see in this one. Considering that I usually don't like open-world games, the fact that I enjoyed this game as much as I did is pretty phenomenal. Running around Catalyst's city is so much fun and the scale of some of the story mode levels is amazing. Such a shame this one sold so poorly. There won't be a Mirror's Edge 3, but luckily, Catalyst delivered on everything I could want from the series. Maybe it's good thing Mirror's Edge isn't run into the ground and ends on a high note.
4. Gears of War 4
Not a whole lot I can say about this one; it's more of that great Gears of War gameplay. Horde mode and multiplayer come with slight improvements, and you can bet I put a lot of time into those. Campaign isn't as good as the series-best Gears of War 3, but it is still a lot better than Judgment. Overall, if you liked Gears of War before you will probably like this one as well.
3. The Division
This game is similar to Destiny in that it's largely a part-MMO based shooter. Like Destiny, this game can get very addicting too. Unlike Destiny though, the world in The Division is massive and sports probably the most detailed environments I've seen in a game this large. I love taking on side-quests and just exploring the world. One glaring problem however is that the story missions kind of suck. They are just full of cheap waves of enemies, that never seem to end. Otherwise, The Division is a great game and though I prefer Destiny, it rivals it in nearly every regard in my opinion.
2. Monster Hunter Generations
There was a span of two weeks this year where I did nothing but play this game. I would even forgo sleep to play it. Taking down giant monsters with three other people is where this game really shines. Ranking up and getting the best armor you can is so satisfying. Only real downside to this game is the amount of recycled content from previous games, but since I only played Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on the PSP, most of it was fresh to me.
1. Final Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy XV is a game with a lot of problems. The story is a complete mess, many of the chapters are pretty boring and the combat is a step-down for the series, in my opinion. However, the open-world elements were so engaging for me, and it took up over 2/3s of my playtime. I had so much fun doing the sidequests, taking on hunts, and just generally exploring the world. This is the first game in ages where I'm looking forward to the DLC. Is it the best Final Fantasy game? Not by a long shot, but it is the most fun I had with a game this year, and it's one I will not be forgetting for a long time.
And that raps up my ranking of the games I played this year. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and I wish everyone the best in 2017.