Damn, that was sure nice of him. Plus bargain bins are dominated by PSP games now, so you can get a lot of games for cheap. One I really recommend is Mega Man Powered Up. Best game in the series and on the system IMO.
This one is for Dave. Thanks 4 the psp,brotha!
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![]() On 04/13/2013 at 05:34 PM by BrokenH ![]() See More From This User » |
Getting gifts usually leaves me flabbergasted and speechless. Especially if said gift is given merely because I blog online. Back during my 1up days Dave said he’d send me a psp. I didn’t want to push it and I told him if he found someone more deserving in the mean time (Be it a child in need or beloved relative) I wouldn’t take it personal. After a few months I assumed the psp went to charity or a family member on account Dave is that kind of nice guy.
Well, life’s full of surprises! Today Dave’s “gift” arrived in the mail. It couldn’t have appeared at a better time on account I’ve been scraping my vacant noggin for “blog ideas”.
Dave, you’re the best. May haps you see something valuable in what I do and when I have difficult days it’s people like you that make life worth living. There are many people in the world who cynically enjoy breaking other people down for their own decadent amusement but only a special few are benign and compassionate enough to build someone back up again. If earth’s population was composed more of the later than the former methinks we’d be in a much better place right now!
Anyway, enough gush from me! Again, you’re awesome Dave!
Other topics 1 # Doodling
I’ve been drawing a lot more lately. For Alex’s birthday I drew another picture of his character Liam. The first picture of Liam in his pizza uniform is okay but it never really expressed what Liam’s powers were. In this one you can see Liam is a “shadow-shaper” due to his hidden partly demonic heritage! Shadow shapers are more or less like Eddie from Guilty Gear. Aka, they can shape living darkness into monster familiars and all sorts of lethal weaponry. (I guess they are also like Jackie from The Darkness comics too. Extra point for my geek cred,oh yeah!)
I also drew little guy “Spin” who uses his huge bowl shaped hat as a weapon & break dancing aid, Xander The Brander (I know he looks like John Simm wearing Goenitz’s clothes and that’s what I was going for!), and these two sexy sketches of Amy and Deidre. (The later two were drawn earlier. Might have shown them before.)
Sorry if the females are in more provocative “sexy poses” than the males. I could draw Xander hiking up his wizard robe or Spin dressed in a tuxedo holding a glass of wine but those will have to wait. (Awwww!)
Other topics 2# Women I’d like to see address feminism & objectification of females in videogames
Most of you know how I feel about Anita Sarkeesian (She’s “aight” but I don’t consider her a knowledgeable gamer geek in the truest sense) so I thought of other women I’d like to see address the same issues.
Felicia Day
Felicia Day has been in the geek sphere since her guest appearance on Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Since then she’s moved onto other awesome projects that include Eureka, The Guild, and Dr. Horrible’s sing along blog! She has been around long enough to experience both the wondrous and revolting sides of geek and gaming culture. Her input would definitely be insightful!
Nixie Pixel
Nix is smarter than me by far and she makes my knowledge of tech look like the crudely drawn napkin notes of a machine hating ludite! Yeah, Nix is “hawt” but if you go to her you tube videos “just for the tits” you’re missing out on a wealth of helpful tech related information. I’d be interested to know Nix’s opinion on objectification and feminism both because she’s more open with her sexuality and because she has actually taken flak from feminist geeks in the past.
Jessica has no problem cosplaying as sexy game heroines and she comes off as both cheeky and smart! I bet she has extensive foresight into what happens in the cosplayer community and she’s a gamer too. Being most feminists in gaming see scantily clad female characters as “negative portrayals” I’m left to wonder, how would Jessica respond to that?
Jennifer Hepler
Jennifer is a writer for Bioware and she put up with quite the shit-storm when Dragon-age 2 failed to meet expectations. To say Jennifer was “harassed” is putting it lightly and most of the things written to her were sociopathic and misogynistic. If there's anyone who has seen the dark-side of fandom and geekdom it's Jen.
Many people accused her of trying to push homosexual relationships down gamers’s throats but keep in mind these same-sex romantic trysts were “optional.” There was also an uproar when she stated she “didn’t play many games” but given as to how busy she was at that moment, can you blame her?
It’s difficult for me to comment on how good or bad Jen’s writing is. I’m sure DA 2 wasn’t the only game she worked on and let’s be honest here, a few blunders aside, Bioware is renowned for its’ excellent story telling! Wanting to burn Jen at the stake for one fumble seems a tad unfair to me. Beyond that, what writer isn’t guilty of a bit of “Mary Sue/Marty Stu” empowerment fantasy?
Anyway, I hope Jen is still at Bioware and reading her first hand account of fighting hate and dealing with close minded gamers with a “hetero-only” mentality would be a fascinating and enlightening article!
Raychul Moore
Raychul Moore gets hits for being gorgeous. There’s no doubt about that! But I absolutely love how she geeks out over rpgs and shooters! Raychul is a ditz only in that satirical way that let’s you know she’s smarter than she lets on! Akin to other female geeks, Raychul has been grilled for getting inane trivia wrong and not liking games everyone else liked. It’s funny because as a guy no one has ever got up in my face and made death threats over me mispronouncing “Xenomorph” or saying Torchlight 2 was better than Diablo 3. My point being, “girls” seem to get flamed extra harshly for their opinions and mistakes within our lifestyle. Raychul’s thoughts on being a gamer,geek,and a cosplayer would be eye opening!
Rhianna Pratchett
If you wikipedia “Rhianna Pratchett” you’ll realize she’s written for many of the best games out there. Bioshock Infinite? Yup, she was there! Tombraider? Ditto! Rhianna has likewise took flak from the political correctness police. Remember that big hooplah over Lara “possibly” being raped only for it to end up being a brief scene where a bad guy barely felt Croft up before getting his ass kicked and his teeth kicked in? Yeah, that hooplah! It’s a bit ironic that such a prestigious female writer would draw criticism from radical feminists and white knights but sure enough, some people have way too much free time on their hands.
PS: Rhianna is the daughter of Terry Pratchett who created Disc World! Talk about one talented family!