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Quick Hits: Chris Goes All Resolutions For 2017

On 12/30/2016 at 12:20 PM by goaztecs

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Good morning Pixlpeeps! So 2016 is almost over and it is time to look at 2017 and think about what we want to accomplish. There are a couple of items that I want to tackle and unlike last year when I had two separate lists, this year I've decided to go with one main list to include games and other stuff. Of course we all have the exercise and lose weight on our lists so that won't be included but other fun stuff will be. Shall we get started?


Gaming Resolutions

Cut Down On Game Purchases: I think we all have a Mount Backlog that we want to play through and when game deals pop up we tend to take advantage of them. Thanks to Backloggery (and because for some reason I stopped updating my list on my iPad) I have an accurate count of how many games I bought


To be fair, a lot of the games I bought were in bundles, some were free, and I believe a handful were at full retail price. In any case one of my goals is to not buy as many games this upcoming year. An added stipulation will be to not buy games I already own a copy of no matter of how good the deal is. I saw Lego Harry Potter I and II for cheap as a bundle and I did not buy it, so I'm starting early.


Try More Indie Titles: Playing on the PC has given me the opportunity to try more unique games that aren't found on consoles. From what I have seen from different sites that offer game bundles there are a lot of random games that I might find appealing, or hate. I'd like to give some of these games a shot.


Finish More Games: Again one that everyone here probably has on their resolutions list. I think I did well this year, and if I play more stuff from my list I should be happy. There are a couple of games I do want to tackle and hopefully I'll get a lot of enjoyment out of them.


Non Gaming Resolutions

Listen To Every Song In My iTunes Library: Ok so this has been on my list for years now but I haven't really planned out how I was going to do this other than just sit and try to get through as many songs as possible. As of today (12/29) this is how many total songs I have in my iTunes library


Which includes my CD collection, some of my vinyl collection, and a couple of Audio Cassettes along with anything digital that came with video games, freebie music, and the famous Amazon giving away hundreds of albums because of a glitch. Out of the 49,038 songs I haven't listened to


I had this number below 10,000 a couple of times this year but I bought a ton of CDs, and I finally moved all those soundtracks that came with various Steam games into the library. Now here's my plan of attack: I will try and listen to 50 songs a day and I can listen to everything in about 215 days. Of course I will add new music to the collection throughout the year and if I keep at the 50 song pace I could listen to around 18,000 songs in a year. Of course I will also listen to podcasts and other songs throughout the day but I figured if I break up the 50 songs to something like 25 in the morning and 25 at night or any combination I should be OK. The one thing that will be trouble is that I have about 60 tracks that are an hour long because they are DJ sets so I might save those for the end.


Read More: I have a Goodreads account and 2016 I didn't add much. 2017 I have a couple of books on my Android tablet and I brought back the Kindle app on my iPad and I want to take advantage of Amazon Prime's feature of borrowing books. I pay for the service why not use all of the features?

Get Better At Editing Photos: I've taken quite a few pictures this year and I want to improve on getting the most out of the pictures using programs like Lightroom and Photoshop. I don't go full on doctored pictures but I would like to get the most out of the shots I take. I've been starting to watch YouTube videos (I swear YouTube is the best for tutorials...and backpack review videos. I really like those too) and once I start working on using all the tools I have, I'll have a better product to share with family and friends.


Alright Pixlbit those are my resolutions for 2017. It is now 9:22am here in sunny Southern California and I started listening to my iPod around 7:30am with an hour of no use and I am already at 23 songs. So do you have any resolutions?


That's all for now, more later!




Matt Snee Staff Writer

12/30/2016 at 06:22 PM

I plan to read more too.  I really enjoy reading but sometimes it's hard to concentrate on it.  But it's so rewarding.  

Otherwise, I'm gonna kick ass in the publishing world in 2017!!!


01/02/2017 at 12:09 PM

It is tough to get going but once you get sucked in, man it's a trip. I'm debating if I should get a Kindle reader so I won't be tempted to play games when I should be reading. 

Kick some ass! 


12/30/2016 at 08:26 PM

Very good resolutions. I have a few that match yours. like read more and spend less on games....Like $00.00.  Ha! We'll see


01/02/2017 at 12:10 PM

Thanks! Oh it would be nice to not spend any cash on games but I know there's going to be tempting sales. I really should just concentrate on the games I have. 


12/31/2016 at 01:35 AM

I'm on Goodreads too: . 

I'm also going to try and spend less on games. I want to focus in on the ones I most want to play and not stray from that. 


01/02/2017 at 04:38 AM

I sent you a friend request on goodreads so if you see one from a weirdo chick, its me.


01/03/2017 at 01:23 AM

I saw ya, and I added ya. I should do more writing over there. So far, all I've done is rate things. 


01/02/2017 at 12:11 PM

Awesome I sent you a request, my picture is of the little Lego guy in SDSU gear.

I want to concentrate on the games I have but some of the bundle deals are too hard to pass up, but I'm going to try!


01/03/2017 at 01:00 AM

Just added you to my friends on Goodreads. I should do some reviews there. All I do is give a star rating. It's mainly a time thing. 


01/03/2017 at 11:41 AM

I do the same unless it is something I need to talk about. Other than that, stars are fine. 


01/04/2017 at 02:49 AM

It takes me a while to organize my thoughts in writing. Otherwise I'd review everything. It just takes me too long to do it. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/31/2016 at 04:08 PM

Big Spender: I have the same resolution about games on sale. I did the math and I spent about $250 or so on games between last year and now. That's a whole PS4 Pro, at least on sale. Granted, considering how many games I got for that, it's still a deal technically.

I'm pissed at myself for not getting my PS+ games, especially since 2K16 and Transformers Devastation (which I'm currently debating whether to get on sale for $17.49) were on those lists as well as Resident Evil and Journey. Kicking myself in the face over those.

I was just thinking about how many games I'd own for my older consoles (usually about 7-8 games for each N64 or GCN and about the same for handhelds) and the insane amount of games I own on PS4 and Steam. Digital sales have really changed my gaming spending habits. I used to buy new games almost exclusively and physically. Now it's the opposite. Only physical PS4 discs I have are The Last Guardian (which was a Christmas gift) and Arkham Knight

My New Years resolution is ironically to go back to my old ways. 

Indie Hero: I'm the opposite. I'm kinda sick of indies and am going to wait for sales or PS+ games from now on, unless there's a game I just reeeeeaaaaally want to support. Maybe Firewatch

Finish Him: I usually finish the storylines on all games I care about, so I'm mostly ok here, though there are some games (Spirit Tracks) I am at the end of but haven't finished. I am also ONE trophy away from Platinum for the main Arkham Knight game and have been for two years. Brutality 101 is brutal. 

Beat-hoven: You sure 50/day plus others is doable? There any way you could just figure out which songs you've not listened to already?

You're a reader, 'arry!: Oh man, I could stand to read way more outside of textbooks at work. I might buy an eReader to help. They have settings that help your eyes and won't keep you up at night, right?

Better Editor: I need to delve more into PhotoShop as well, so I can teach it better. 

I might post resolutions tomorrow. In the meantime, I've taken the liberty of giving your resolutions titles like PS trophies. Hope you get platinum!




01/02/2017 at 12:24 PM

Its crazy how much we spend on games. I think I will go more digitial this year especially since I won't spend as much time roaming around GameStop as I did in previous years. I do however want to start buying the PS3 games before they disappear.

I bought Transformers on PC. So far it's ok, and I spend a lot of time with 2K16. I really do like designing uniforms.

I never really played a lot of indie games so it will be a new thing for me. 

I do want to finish the storylines of games unless they are really bad then why waste the time. I'm also debating on if the game is really bad do I need them to take up space on the laptop. 

Yeah I have a smart list on iTunes that has just the songs with zero plays. Once I listen to it disappears from the list automatically. I think I can handle the 50 because I have 50 songs with zero plays on the phone for when I'm tired of listening to podcasts or my regular playlists, the iPod Touch has a 2k song playlist of zero played songs, and since I'm on the laptop a lot Im listening to that playlist.

I mentioned it on my reply to Snee that I might get a Kindle to help with the reading goal. I won't be distracted by the other things tablets do. 

Good luck with Photoshop. I love the program and there is always something new to learn.

I'm diggin the titles and hopefully we both earn the Platinum for our resolutions!


01/02/2017 at 04:42 AM

My 2 main resolutions this year are to read 35 books throughout this year and beat at least 1 game a month. So maybe by the end of this year ill have at least 12 games beat. For Jan game wise im not sure what ill be beating but id like to have Dragon Quest 7 complete before the 20th since DQ8 releases on the 3DS. My chances are slim but maybe I can do it.


01/02/2017 at 12:29 PM

Wow that is a lot of books, I hope you smash that number in 2017! I'm going with my book a month goal, and I need to get started! I have one book in mind for January.

I like the approach with a game a month. I have the Telltale Batman game for my January game. 

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

01/04/2017 at 08:36 AM

Funny you mention reducing game purchases. I'm in the same boat. I'm still debating if I even want to get a PS4 or Xbox One at this time because I have so many games from previous generations in my backlog that I need to finish.

I'm using to find out how long it would take me to finish the RPGs I have especially.


01/04/2017 at 12:40 PM

Haha yeah I think that's the resolution we all share. We have a bunch of games yet we still buy more. Hopefully we both can cut down on spending in 2017. 

I tried that site a couple of times but a lot of the games I tend to play are short but that is a useful tool for longer games like RPGs.  

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