So this year was rough. There was way more bad than good and some how I lived. I freaking lived, someone must love me in the spiritual world. That or I am just super lucky.
The ending of this year is a blessing for the most part. Im ready to wash my hands of this year. My new year resolutions are hobby based this year. Im not gonna make losing weight my main focus, it seems to just not work out when I do. I will continue to work on it though. My 2 hobbies I'll be focused on are reading and video games. I shall aim to read 35 books total for year and beat atleast 1 game a month.
Im working all weekend. I work a night shift tonight and a double on Sunday from 3pm to 7am Monday. By the time this weekend is over, Ill need alcohol.
Happy New Year Everybody!
I hope we all have a good start!