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The Holiday Haul

On 12/31/2016 at 05:20 PM by Super Step

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I'll post New Year's Resolutions tomorrow maybe, but for now I'll just do a quick update blog about what I've been playing. 

First though, let me just say F&*^%$#!@ 2016. On paper, it was a good year for me, but my first year teaching was marred by major depressive disorder which really put a cloud over most of my year. The celebrity deaths didn't affect me personally even though I really liked a lot of the people we lost this year (well their work anyway), but they did add to my sense of death and doom that clouded my judgment as part of this medical disorder. What's going on in Aleppo, the election (I don't care whose side you were on, that was one of the more ugly elections this country has seen and we're really divided right now), and being in Dallas when five officers were shot during a peaceful protest also didn't help the whole "world ending" narrative my brain decided to take on this year.

Returning to a part-time job in the summer that was meant to boost my self-confidence and be somewhat of a vacation from my teaching job, only to find out everyone was leaving and those remaining were incredibly negative about it didn't help either. Oh and working 12 hour days back to back with maybe 3 hours sleep a few times because we were short-staffed and it actually became a full time job (sometimes with overtime) probably wasn't a good thing to do given how weird sleep patterns can excaerbate depression. On the plus side, it meant more money, while on the downside it meant less time to plan for a more successful semester teaching. I also think that lack of sleep helped compromise my ability to memorize and focus a bit. Blech.

My income is higher than it's ever been though, and therapy and medication have me feeling MUCH better, so let's celebrate that part of 2016 by reviewing some compulsive PlayStation Store sale spending! And let's hope the abrupt tonal shift in this blog will be the same as the one between now and next year!

Resident EVII: biohazard Beginning Hour Demo: Ok, so this is a free demo, but let me just say I could not handle this in VR. I usually have no problem with horror movies or games. Mostly I'm not scared by them, I just think they're kind of dumb or silly. I can watch Exorcist in a room by myself and be fine or play a good amount of a survival horror game without being scared. 

But as with Eternal Darkness back in the day, something about actually controlling what you're doing (YouTube videos of REVII don't phase me) and the sound design really get to me. The first person perspective is I think the main difference that takes this game from "whatever" and plunges it deep into "nope" territory. It's not often I can actually hear my rapid heartbeat when playing a game, but they managed. 

I'm sure some will be able to get through the game just fine, but for me the first-person perspective immerses me in a way that makes me think if I do pick this up (never really played RE before, but really impressed; however, also not sure I can handle it given the reason I'm so impressed) it ain't gonna be in VR. 

I was able to go back a couple times to pick up more items, explore more places and try for the good ending, but I did stop midway through on some of those attempts because of the "nope" factor. 

Star Wars Battlefront has basically been the disappointment for me everyone warned me it was, even if it was only $10. I'm already feeling the lack of a campaign mode, and even from what little I have played it seems bare bones. Also, its graphics don't blow my mind like they did last year and playing through a Hoth training level made me realize that gameplay-wise this shit was better on N64. 

Ok, ok, so I have basically only played a couple online 40-on-40 matches (where I die quickly and my blaster is the beginner one) and training missions, but aside from the mission missions, it doesn't seem like there's a whole lot more to this game. I'll give it a chance so I can get my money's worth (including playing online with friends here; I'm JimBeamHortonWho on PSn and despite what I said, I would like to play this with you) but I can't imagine how betreayed I would have felt picking thios up new. 

Need for Speed was also about $10 (maybe less?) and I'm addicted to this one. I almost couldn't buy it because of the online verification horsecrap that I ran into when buying an NFS title on Steam. But I've been itching for an arcade racer and it was on sale, and while we'll see if I regret ignoring the online nonsense (my roommate's Internet is the lowest you can get, so we'll see how frustrating connecting is when I leave my parents and the holidays officially end) so far I l love it. It's been only a few days and already I'm at level 25 (out of I believe 50) and have customized my Subaru quite a bit already. Looking to get a Ferrari with the six figures in cash I have saved up. 

This is ironically probably the game I'm most happy I purchased despite my near hard pass due to online verification. 

Mirror's Edge Catalyst seems pretty fun so far. It was maybe $12? Reviews seemed to complain mainly that it was too similar to previous games. I've heard that before with Arkham Origins, but enjoyed that game and I never played Mirror's Edge other than a demo, so what the hell? I am starting to see why maybe some people find the characters unlikeable, but maybe I don't have the full story yet. I think the cutscenes look pretty good to bott. 

I have yet to actually download Mad Max (another I think $12 one? I liked the rental I got last year) and Mortal Kombat XL, which was the only game I bought for as much as $20 (my total for these games came to slightly more than one physical game would cost) and I bought partly for myself and partly so that my horror-movie loving friend could play it when he comes over. I might not buy another 2D fighter for a while, since I also own BlazBlue and Guilty Gear already. Trying to resist buying Revelator

Oh and I got The Last Guardian for Christmas. I've played it in fits and starts, but holy crap it is gorgeous. Despite already running into a couple of problems where I get stuck on an obvious puzzle (Zelda has trained me to stay in a room when stuck, but some puzzles are solved by traversing elsewhere) I am loving this one. I think the updates may have fixed some of the issues people had with Trico, cause he seems pretty responsive so far. 

Those are the new games I bought or received this year. 

I am pissed at myself for not redeeming my PS+ titles between March and December, especially because 2K16 (I have yet to own a sports title), Journey (been meaning to play it for some time now), Resident Evil Remastered (there are a few week 4 Holiday Sale titles I'm considering like The Evil Within and Resident Evil 4 when I could have just had this free) and Transformers Devastation (currently about $15) were some freebies. I'm about ready to kick myself in the face over it. Again, I really wish PSN just assumed I wanted all my PS+ games and put them in my library every month. 

I've also been wanting to get Until Dawn, Ratchet and Clank, and Uncharted 4, though I may get The Nathan Drake Collection first since I have never played those games the whole way through. Then again, I want to save money for Horizon: Zero Dawn. Also, I need to stop spending money on games. Hmmm ...

I decided to delete Bloodborne and Withcer III to make room for my newly purchased games, since I wasn't getting far in either (I'll redownload them, don't worry), but I've been playing Shadow  of Mordor: GOTY a bit as well. It's really empty and looks kinda meh, but the Arkham-like combat and stealth are decently entertaining so far. What exactly is this nemesis system everyone keeps mentioning? Is it where you choose what captain to go after?

I also finally got around to playing through BlazBlue ChronoPhantasma Extend arcade mode. It took me a bit more time to learn since it's slow compared to Guilty Gear, and I'm not sure how to block upon getting up yet, but it has its own cool style apart from GG both in art style and gameplay, as well as some music cues being more classical than metal. I tried playing through story mode, but so far it is WAY too involved and has a lot of anime traits I don't like. I know I watched all of GG Xrd -SIGN- story mode, but while it was also overly convoluted and extremely anime, there was more to look at than 2D figures you'd see in a portable title. I'm looking forward to learning the different fighting styles in the character roster though. That's a lot of characters!

Glad to be back, Pixlbit! Have a great New Years!



Matt Snee Staff Writer

12/31/2016 at 05:32 PM

Hey Superstep.  Sorry to hear the year was so rough. On the other hand, it's nice to hear from u again. 

I battled depression for a lot of years too, but after a lot of work, we've finally figured out a pharma cocktail that leaves my mood pleasant and balanced.  It wasn't easy though.  


Anyway, happy new year!  Next year will be better!

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/31/2016 at 11:39 PM

Happy New year, snee!


01/01/2017 at 12:27 AM

Happy New Beer! I mean, Year! 

I agree with you on SW Battlefront although I liked the Hoth training mission. I like skirmish mode the best, but there wasn't much there to keep my playing more than a few hours. Game looks incredible though. 

Just bought Mad Max. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/01/2017 at 01:52 PM

Yeah, I still have some BF modes to try.

Cary Woodham

01/01/2017 at 12:58 AM

Yeah 2016 wasn't a good year for me either.  So many false hopes and broken dreams.  But at least I'm still here.  I got a couple of games for Christmas, like the Storybook Edition of Odin Sphere and Tearaway Unfolded.  I think some of the best presents I got were the pretend ones on my blog! :)  Well, time to go finish up my Game of the Year blog so I can post it!  Yay!

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/01/2017 at 01:54 PM

I'll be c interested in seeing your picks.


01/01/2017 at 03:40 PM

Yeah, even though REVII is thankfully a step away from the over-the-top action movie that was RE6, it still doesn't appeal to me. I'll still try the demo though.

Hope you enjoy Mirror's Edge Catalyst and The Last Guardian. I'm going to have to get TLG eventually, but I'm waiting for the price to go cheaper. Games are just too expensive brand new and I only bought two games at full-price last year.

Anyways, Happy New Year.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/01/2017 at 09:38 PM

I save room for about two games new every year as well. Because my birthday and Christmas happen. 


01/02/2017 at 12:42 AM

2016 was actually pretty good for me. Dated a lot and got a good girlfriend (so far). Got my bank account back up to a satisfactory level. Got inspired creatively. Went out a lot more and had a better overall social life than the previous few years.  Made strides in my long war against my own depression. Played less games, but I simpy didn't have the desire to invest time in that. Was working on producing instead of consuming.

I'm only one person. There is nothing I can do about the state of the world. Too many people today are letting events they  have nothing to do with take hold of their minds. I ask them "Is your life perfect? Then why don't you work on yourself before you start worrying about everyone else's existence?!"  That doesn't mean I don't think people should get involved in charity and helping others. celebrities will be crying over your death. No one in Aleppo is going to help you with your struggles.  There are no awards for being concerned from the couch. All the virtue signalling people do from their keyboards is not going to shelther or feed anyone. It's vanity to proclaim how concerned we are for the state of a world of which we take very little part in. Worrying about the state of humanity does not automatically make someone a good, moral person, which is what I think many people believe. So while I can sympathize, this stuff mostly doesn't affect my quality of life or disposition.

And yes, your rest is important. The negative thoughts come when I'm tired. I worked graveyard all year. My sleep rhythm was out of wack. I had to realize that my defenses are down when I am drained or exhausted.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/02/2017 at 11:11 PM

Not claiming to be a moral arbiter because of my concern over world/local events, just that seeing these things through the lens of MDD had a much different feel than it would have had it just been my every day anxiety/depression. That stuff sucks, but can be managed well enough with good habits, therapy, medication, etc. MDD is a bit of a different beast, at least the way I experienced it. It's exponentially more intense and difficult to fight. 

I need to get back in the dating game, at least for some fun if nothing else. 

I didn't do much gaming or tv at all in 2016 for the opposite reason. I couldn't enjoy it when I tried anyway. Anhedonia sucks. That's honestly part of why I went kind of insane with it these last two weeks. It feels like the first time eating after you've starved for months.


01/03/2017 at 11:57 AM

Sorry about the rough 2016 but I'm glad to read that things are much better. Here's to a kick ass 2017!

Awesome pickups! I played the hell out of NFS because it was a Black Friday pickup (I want to say 2015?), I wouldn't worry about Battlefront I am the guy who pads the kill stats for the other team. I think I am a Level 5 player. Enjoyed Mad Max (I bought it the same time as NFS) and driving around was actually a lot of fun. You got a hell of a deal on MK. That was the big game I bought along with the season pass, and yet the only MK game I play a lot is the freebie tablet version. I should have waited. Transformers seems like fun but I haven't progressed past the first couple of levels, and Ratchet and Clank is so much fun. It reminds me of early gaming. 

Good to see you roaming around Pixland! 

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/04/2017 at 03:48 AM

I may pick up R&C soon since it is just $20. 

I remember playing Injustice on iPad before buying console version, but I definitely liked console better/played it more.


01/04/2017 at 12:51 PM

Oh no doubt the console games are better, I got caught up in the funky story mode on the app, and wanting to upgrade everything in the game. 


01/05/2017 at 10:37 AM

Wondered where you'd disappeared to. I spent a chunk of 2016 dealing with depression, but I think mine was situational.

I've been watching Jason's younger brother play Star Wars Battlefront. It's the kind of game that would bore me silly after not very long but then again, I'm more into exploration than I am combat. Ben seems to like it fine, since that's what he's usually playing when we go over to visit Jason's parents.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/05/2017 at 04:32 PM

Oh it's already kinda boring for me. Shooters can be fine, but I need a campaign or local multiplayer to care very much. That was definitely a "well, it's on sale" purchase and I kinda wish I saved the $10 for something else.

My depression started out situational (realizing amt of student debt I have, feeling like I may have chosen wrong career path, the shame of thinking I was a bad teacher etc.), but it morphed into something I couldn't seem to control and was a lot more intense than usual. It definitely wasn't seasonal affective disorder cause I started feeling better when it stopped being so damn sunny every day. Lol

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