Games Beaten
-Sonic: Lost World (Wii U)
I really wanted to like this game. It keeps the colors power ups from Sonic Colors but whereas the levels in that game were brilliantly designed around the colors, those power ups feel tacked on at best here. Some levels are still very good but many feel aimless or frustrating. The new villains are a misfire too. Between their cliched personalities and generic designs, they are easily forgettable. The free Yoshi and Zelda DLC is awesome, though, and the music is quite good.
Games Bought
Other than the PS+ games for the month, the only game I got was a birthday present: Splatoon (Wii U). Now I can finally find out what the fuss is about this game. PS+ netted me Stories: The Path of Destinies (which looks pretty interesting) and Invisible, Inc. for the PS4. I didn't look into what Tiny Troopers: Joint Ops (PS4/PS3/Vita) and Color Guardians (PS4/Vita) are about but Hyper Void (PS4/PS3) looks like a variation on Tempest. Finally, there was VVVVVV, the super hard gravity-flipping platformer, which will be a great fit for Vita.
Now Playing
-Destiny: Rise of Iron (PS4)
Destiny has had its holiday event, The Dawning, going for the last couple of weeks and I've been playing a lot of that in what time I have.
-Pokémon Sun (3DS)
My wife has already finished Pokémon Moon but I still have a ways to go, I think. Heading to the ghost trial next.
-Diablo III: Reaper of Souls - Ultimate Evil Edition (PS4)
We played this one time in our busy December but it was the first time we'd played in a while. Hopefully we can finish it up this month.