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Random update 1/5/17 - The first PS4 edition!

On 01/05/2017 at 11:23 PM by Ranger1

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It's been a busy couple of weeks with the holidays, so much I meant to get accomplished, so little I actually managed to do. Things like send out Christmas cards, clean my house, visit my niece and her two little ones, write a Folk Friday Christmas music blog, etc. Or blog at all. Anyway, been busy, still busy, but not as hectic, so new blog entry.

Reading: Nothing. I need new glasses, I've always been nearsighted (almost legally blind in one eye) and now that I'm closer to fifty than I am forty-five, I can't see close up anymore, either. So freaking unfair! Anyway, I need to go get my eyes tested and get new glasses and then I'll tear into my book backlog.

Listening: Mostly to whatever they're playing over the loudspeakers at work. This evening it was 80s stuff. Ah, nostalgia!

Watching: Rented Kubo and the Two Strings on New Year's Eve. Great movie. Watched Iron Man, Ip Man, Mission: Impossible, and Snatch last week. I'd seen all of them except Ip Man before, but as I was sick most of last week, I needed movies that it wouldn't bother me if I fell asleep halfway through them.

Playing: Bouncing back and forth from the PS3 and FF X to the PS4 and Dragon Quest Heroes. I've decided that DQ Heroes is meh, and I may not finish it.

Outdoors, fitness, and other hobbies: Still training for my snowshoe races. The first one is just a bit over two weeks away. I'm not up for running the full 3.5 miles, but I have a strategy in mind and I know I'll finish the race, hopefully with a better time than the first year I did it. But it all depends on snow conditions. I'm not stressing about it wither way. All that matters is that I finish, not where I finish.

Along with running and walking with my little buddy Beau, I've also been slowly changing some of my (bad) eating habits. I've cut soda almost completely out of my diet except as an occasional treat, and I'm trying to do the same with chips. I'm also trying to eat more vegetables. The other thing that I've done that I think may be huge is not eating my big meal after I get home from work at 9 PM. I've been grabbing dinner from the hot food bar at the market, and I can get an entire meal including veggies for under five bucks. I've managed to drop another three pounds since Thanksgiving, and I think I'll manage to drop the other 15 I need to lose by the time I start at the park again.

I've started doing the photo a day challenge I'd been doing on and off for the last couple of years once again. It's a Facebook group I belong to, and someone posts a monthly list of daily prompts and we take a photo based on that day's prompt. Since I'm already taking a million photos of Beau, I added the extra challenge of having Beau in each photo, I'm six days in (the woman who started the group is Australian, so the Aussies are all a day ahead of me, so I'm trying to work within that time frame, too), and having fun. I'll post the photo for the 5th below, since that's the only one I have uploaded to my Flickr account at the moment. The prompt was "A fave thing", which immediately brought snuggling with these two on the couch while gaming to mind.

PAD Day 5



Super Step Contributing Writer

01/06/2017 at 02:58 AM

I feel the same about holiday productivity. I have 10 days to plan these classes. So much time spent on video games ...

I am also in a similar boat on eyesight. I have an app called Twilight on my phone, which helps make the light more orange than blue. But it's scary how close I can sit next to a TV without glasses and not see anything but blurs. Eye appointment in about 7 hours for me.

What kind of 80s? Pop? Hair metal? Anti-Reagan punk rock? 

I hear Kubo and the Two Strings was amazing, but not watched by many. I'm interested in that one. Looks like the kind of sleeper hit I'd enjoy.

I'm sorry DQ Heroes isn't great. From what I understood by seeing mothman's comment on it, it's really just a Warriors game? Those are kinda generic. The Zelda skin was fun for a bit, but it was very average.

You've got me beat on fitness. I have let myself go and can feel it. Ugh.

Congrats on the weight loss! Let me know if you start experiencing what I did dieting, where healthy food became what I preferred and heavy stuff became less appealing taste-wise.

Adorable photo. I already miss Catara aggressively snuggling me while I visit my parents.


01/06/2017 at 09:47 AM

I had a wake up call when I stepped on the scale in August and it told me I weighed 165 pounds. I'm 5'2", that's way too much, so I knew I needed to make some changes. The puppy has been really good at helping in the exercise department.

Yeah, you do need to see Kubo. One of the better animated movies I've seen. I rented it from Amazon (I'm really bad about taking movies back to Red Box, even though we have one in the store I work at) for $3.99 for the SD version. I thought it was worth the price. The other good animated movie I watched recently was Song of the Sea. That one was free with Prime, if you happen to have Prime.

As for the music, it was all over the place. It's one of those piped in channels that we have no control over. Billie Jean by Michael Jackson ( a song I loathe, by the way), Stepping Out by Joe Jackson (a favorite back in high school), Take On Me - A-Ha (love that one, too), and I think there was some Billy Idol playing when I was grabbing dinner at the hot bar. I don't remember what it was, but I was amusing the little old lady standing next to me because I was singing along out loud. Now that I think about it, it's probably all top 40 stuff because I remember it all from listening to the radio back when I was in high school.

The problem with DQ Heroes is it's really just battles and a central hub where you can buy better equipment and make upgrades. There's a bare-bones generic story and you recruit characters from previous DQ games at various points, etc, but I'm only into the third area and it's gotten old already. I really should have read some reviews before I bought the game. Oh, well. At least it was only twenty bucks.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/06/2017 at 06:00 PM

Luckily enough, my mom has Prime, just need the password. I'll probably watch Green Room if it's still there. Punks vs. Nazi Patrick Stewart!

At 5'9" and 175-176 lbs, I'm a bit overweight on BMI. Usually, I take BMI with a grain of salt, but given my lack of exercise I'd assume it's actually accurate this time. 

Yeah, those all sound like hits. I like all of those including Billie Jean ( it's ok at least), but I can't remember the Joe Jackson one. 

I feel similar about Battlefront. Any more than $10, I'd be pissed. 


01/06/2017 at 03:15 AM

If you have a fast internet connection, I recommend downloading demos from PSN store. Gravity Rush 2, Nier Automata, and Resident Evil 7 are quite good for demos. I might buy a Nintendo Switch next year instead of upgrading PS4 or XBOX One.


01/06/2017 at 09:18 AM

We have a crappy internet connection here. Comcast sucks. I can't even get webpages to load properly if there's too much going on on the page.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

01/06/2017 at 10:33 AM

did u see the newest mission impossible?  I liked it. 


01/06/2017 at 10:39 PM

Which one? Rogue Nation? yes, I actually watched half last night and half this morning before work.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

01/06/2017 at 10:47 PM

yeah. I liked that a lot more than I've liked the others. 

Cary Woodham

01/06/2017 at 12:01 PM

I'm really enjoying my PS4 as well.  Just got finished with Shantae: Half Genie Hero, and I'm now starting up Tearaway: Unfolded.  They're both such charming games.  Wish more games were like 'em.

Question for you.  Is Dragon Quest Heroes two player?  I ask because Hyrule Warriors was two player and it was so much more fun with two.  And it's basically the same kind of game.  I ordered Dragon Quest Heroes because I found it super cheap.

I wish my workplace's loudspeakers played 80s music!  All they play is pop music from the past ten years.  Barf.  I miss Christmas because they would play Christmas music on the loudspeakers, and I liked that much better.  I actually kind of liked working retail at Christmas, surprisingly.  Maybe there's something wrong with me? :)

Since I can't see out of one eye, I'm techically legally blind, which means I can't get a driver's license.  Just as well, because it wouldn't be safe for me to be on the road at all anyway.  I will wear reading glasses when I look at my phone or handheld games, but that's it.

I've never liked sodas, even as a kid.  The only time I'll drink a soda is when I'm sick, because they help my throat feel better.  The past couple of days I had a bad cold, so I did drink a root beer or two.  Today is the first day since New Years that I feel normal and well again!


01/06/2017 at 10:45 PM

Unfortunately, it looks like DQ Heroes is just one player. It might actually have been more fun if I could have played it with a friend.

I like soda, I love Cherry Coke, and it was hard to give up my daily Cherry Coke after work. There's a locally-made ginger brew (non-alcoholic) that is really good and not made with processed sugar that I will sometimes treat myself to. It has a lot of ginger in it and pretty much bites back. I find it's really good when I'm not feeling well - ginger is good for your immune system and digestion.

I'll have to pick up Tearaway: Unfolded, you're the second person to recommend it to me.


01/06/2017 at 12:37 PM

You inspired me to write an update blog. We're having some similar experiences/goals as far as health, photography,etc.. I started back volunteering for the forest preserve district. I took some photos of the scene that I've linked to on my blog. Think you might like them. 

I was getting lazy at my night job and drinking soft drinks almost every day instead of bringing water or juice with me. Also candy and snacks from the nearby Walgreens. Burger King when I was too lazy to prepare a high protein meal. I'm over it now, although I enjoy some gummies once a week. It's been expensive too. Those dollars add up over the week

Some of you people have so much going on, I don't know how you guys fit it all in. I mean, I know I'm bad at scheduling my time, but I can't imagine the pace of other people's lives when I read about them. I'm going to have to sit down and record how my time is spent. I suspect too much time on the internet. I'm an information junkie. Today I'll be lucky to get my workout in and do some straightening up.  And forget about games/entertainment outside of a couple hours a week. I'm bad :(


01/06/2017 at 10:56 PM

Awesome, I'll read that as soon as I'm done replying here.

It's both easier and harder working in a grocery store in respect to diet. I've been bringing a water bottle full of water from home, and when I finish that, I buy a bottle of water there. I'd drink the tap water, but the town water is so heavily chlorinated that it's like drinking swimming pool water. When you can taste the chlorine in a fountain Coke, it's bad! And there's all the goodies to tempt - chips, chocolate, donuts (we get the leftover bakery items at the end of the night, I've been really good and not taking any!). But there's also fresh produce and the hot food bar, which does have some healthy choices.

I wonder how I fit everything in! I could get more done if I spent less time on the internet, but then again, it's how I stay in touch with family and friends all over the world. Less Netflix probably wouldn't hurt, either, but sometimes that's what I need to unwind after a day of dealing with people. The dog has made it impossible to skip the exercise, which is good, and I can frequently take photos while we're out and about. Gaming is in fits and starts. It also helps that I'm only part time at the market.


01/06/2017 at 02:16 PM

My friend Sean pointed out the blind martial arts guy in Rogue One was the actor who played Ip Man. I want to see Ip Man real bad. I missed it in the theaters.


01/06/2017 at 10:57 PM

I haven't seen Rogue One yet. And Ip Man is on Netflix, I know it's not the same as the big screen, but better than nothing.


01/09/2017 at 12:57 AM

I have Netflix again, but I've only had time for the occasional TV episode, that's 22 minutes. Maybe I'll look it up tomorrow though. 


01/11/2017 at 11:32 AM

I'm late in saying this but congrats on the new PS4! I'm GoAztecs on PSN, and all I'm doing right now is trying to get through Telltale's Batman. 

I think I've seen the Ip Man trilogy. I did watch one of his student's films yesterday Enter the Dragon. It was a random find on cable, but I do like that Netflix has Return of the Dragon with deleted scenes.

Cutting soda out of the diet is an awesome choice. I did that two years ago, and now I have maybe one Caffeine Free drink a day like Ginger Ale or Root Beer. The rest of the day is ice cold water. 

I like the candid shots of Beau you've been sharing and a picture a day sounds like it will be a fun but challenging project. 


01/11/2017 at 12:52 PM

Thanks! I'll add you later when I get a chance to game again.

Oh, cutting out soda is hard! Getting easier, though.

Thanks! Gad you're enjoying them. I posted the list of prompts in my Beau album on Facebook. You should join us, there's no judgement, and if a prompt doesn't do it for you, just skip that day. Interpretation is pretty loose too.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

01/11/2017 at 10:56 PM

DQ Heroes definitely feels like it's one of those games that's only really fun if you play with others. I deleted it off my HDD pretty quickly.

And I feel like this is payback for me having to fit in with US schedules most of the time, except aimed at the wrong person :p. Our super-power is being from the future, but because we're on an isolated island news doesn't get to us until at least a week after so it's pretty useless haha.


01/13/2017 at 10:35 PM

Yeah, endless battles by yourself are boring as fuck. And the AI isn't all that helpful.

LOL, I dunno, I like it, because if I miss a day, I'm posting at the same time as the rest of the people in the US. Gives me an extra day! It's hard to compete with photos of wild kangaroos and cockatoos in people's front yards, though. Kinda like "gee, all my local wildlife is pretty boring!" By the way, I think one of the coolest animals in the world is the quoll. Bilbys are pretty awesome, too.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

01/13/2017 at 11:28 PM

Ah, Tammy, you've discovered my BaD trick :p The problem with that is when you start missing days it becomes much easier to miss more days.

 Quolls are adorable... except when you're camping. They come right into your campsite and eat your food, sometimes trying to sneakily take it out of your hand! I had one try to take an apple off me and ended up biting my finger. Fucking hurt. 


01/18/2017 at 04:01 PM

So far, I'm keeping up OK. But then, Beau is one of the most adorable dogs I've ever met (yeah, maybe just a wee bit biased).

OK, so quolls are the Aussie equivalent of raccoons. Note to self: cuter from a distance.

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