It's been a busy couple of weeks with the holidays, so much I meant to get accomplished, so little I actually managed to do. Things like send out Christmas cards, clean my house, visit my niece and her two little ones, write a Folk Friday Christmas music blog, etc. Or blog at all. Anyway, been busy, still busy, but not as hectic, so new blog entry.
Reading: Nothing. I need new glasses, I've always been nearsighted (almost legally blind in one eye) and now that I'm closer to fifty than I am forty-five, I can't see close up anymore, either. So freaking unfair! Anyway, I need to go get my eyes tested and get new glasses and then I'll tear into my book backlog.
Listening: Mostly to whatever they're playing over the loudspeakers at work. This evening it was 80s stuff. Ah, nostalgia!
Watching: Rented Kubo and the Two Strings on New Year's Eve. Great movie. Watched Iron Man, Ip Man, Mission: Impossible, and Snatch last week. I'd seen all of them except Ip Man before, but as I was sick most of last week, I needed movies that it wouldn't bother me if I fell asleep halfway through them.
Playing: Bouncing back and forth from the PS3 and FF X to the PS4 and Dragon Quest Heroes. I've decided that DQ Heroes is meh, and I may not finish it.
Outdoors, fitness, and other hobbies: Still training for my snowshoe races. The first one is just a bit over two weeks away. I'm not up for running the full 3.5 miles, but I have a strategy in mind and I know I'll finish the race, hopefully with a better time than the first year I did it. But it all depends on snow conditions. I'm not stressing about it wither way. All that matters is that I finish, not where I finish.
Along with running and walking with my little buddy Beau, I've also been slowly changing some of my (bad) eating habits. I've cut soda almost completely out of my diet except as an occasional treat, and I'm trying to do the same with chips. I'm also trying to eat more vegetables. The other thing that I've done that I think may be huge is not eating my big meal after I get home from work at 9 PM. I've been grabbing dinner from the hot food bar at the market, and I can get an entire meal including veggies for under five bucks. I've managed to drop another three pounds since Thanksgiving, and I think I'll manage to drop the other 15 I need to lose by the time I start at the park again.
I've started doing the photo a day challenge I'd been doing on and off for the last couple of years once again. It's a Facebook group I belong to, and someone posts a monthly list of daily prompts and we take a photo based on that day's prompt. Since I'm already taking a million photos of Beau, I added the extra challenge of having Beau in each photo, I'm six days in (the woman who started the group is Australian, so the Aussies are all a day ahead of me, so I'm trying to work within that time frame, too), and having fun. I'll post the photo for the 5th below, since that's the only one I have uploaded to my Flickr account at the moment. The prompt was "A fave thing", which immediately brought snuggling with these two on the couch while gaming to mind.
