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Blake Does The Thing With The Words And Stuff.

On 01/13/2017 at 05:36 AM by Blake Turner

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 Man, it's been a while since I've done a proper update blog. It's been even longer since I've written anything even approaching article quality. The last thing was maybe my Plus10damage Bloodborne review... at the beginning of 2015. Christ. Well, one of my new years resolution is to actually publish an article to the front page rather than finishing a first draft and then shelving them for no apparent reason.

 Mental Health wise... things haven't been so great. The new meds have helped with my depression somewhat, but my anxiety has sky rocketed to the point that I'm often in bed rocking back and forward. I'm also having other side effects that are problematic but maybe a bit too heavy to relay to you guys. I don't want to be one of those guys who gets super t.m.i. and heavy and makes people feel uncomfortable reading my blogs. I know I feel a bit weird when people get super personal, so I totally understand.

 Anyway, let's talk about something less personal and uncomfortable.


 I had to shit in the woods. Yes. T.M.I as fuck, I know, but I feel this is one of those few times I really lived up to my "aussie" status and kind of feel obligated to tell you this story. So, Bilby and I were on our way to Grafton, which is about a 5 hour trip from where we live. We stopped in at a McDonalds about halfway there, and I had one of their horrific coffees that literally gives orphans ebola. There was my first mistake. My second mistake was not realising that there were no toilets between my current location and my destination.

 So I was driving along, minding my own business when I suddenly realised I had never had to shit so badly in my entire life. I drove for about 10 minutes, hoping to god I could find a toilet. I was sweating profusely, my eyes were wide and on the verge of tears. Eventually Bilby told me to pull over before my bowels caused a catastrophic accident. I pulled over, grabbed out some tissues and found a spot out of site of the road to... um... do my business. Midway through I realised that while I was out of view of the road, I was in full view of a farmhouse and hoped to god no one walked out the front door.

 Fortunately, no one did, but I soon realised my next mistake: there was only 4 tissues. That was not nearly enough for something conjured up by archdemons of capitalism and food shaped cardboard, so I half pulled up my pants and rushed back to ask Billby if there was anything I could use. To my dismay, there were only a handful of shopping receipts and an oily rag...

 I may have received a paper cut.


 So, um, let's talk about something you actually maybe want to hear about huh? So I've been playing a few games lately. Key among them are Fire Emblem: Birthright, Dishonored 2, All the fucking Tales of series, and Grim Dawn.

 We'll start with Fire Emblem because holy shit it's amazing! No seriously, this is like 10x times better than awakening - especially in terms of plot and difficulty. It's still a bit too easy (I've heard conquest is the hard one), but it's also a lot more fair. In Awakening, it often felt like there were times where I would just lose someone because of some arbitrary bullshit that totally wasn't my fault, whereas this time around it feels like when I lose someone it was because I was an idiot or I got cocky.

 The story is much more interesting this time around, as you are basically reverse Theon Greyjoy. As a child, you were kidnapped by Fantasy Hitler and locked in a magic tower. It's totally okay though, because the rest of your family are totally awesome and super nice. Which kind of sucks when you inevitably get taken back to your biological family of saints who love you sincerely despite you having no real memories of them, as your adopted family (Apart from King Adolf) are really confused as to why you betrayed them, since they think murdering random people and breaching peace treaties is what families do to bond.

 But god, my emotions! I have to kill some really nice, innocent characters simply because their Dad is satan incarnate, and it hurts right in heart thing.

 So Dishonored 2 is like Dishonored 1 but with a worse plot. It makes up for it though by having LITERALLY THE BEST LEVEL DESIGN IN GAMING. Seriously, an immersive sim this is in every sense of the word. While the plot isn't nearly as strong, the team have surpassed themselves in terms of worldbuilding. The maps are so crammed with detail and fun to explore that you would swear that they were made by actual Looking Glass Studios or even Irrational at their peak.

 Unlike the last game, I've decided to just improvise every scenario and not care about playing non-lethally. Man, does that make a lot of difference. It's a lot less challenging, but it's also a lot more fun! My favourite thing to do is to knock people out and then throw them out a window onto their friends and leg it. I may also be a psychopath.

  I've been playing far too many of the Tales of games. I played and completed Tales of Symphonia, Tales of the Abyss, Tales of Hearts R, and quit half way through Tales of Zestiria because it's fucking garbage. Well, it would actually be one of the best in the series if the camera could actually show me what the fuck was happening in battle scenes! I know you want to make your transitions more seemless, but when I lose a boss fight because the camera is literally stuck in a wall and I can't get it out, you've done fucked up.

 Anyway, Abyss is my favourite. I love the Kingdom Hearts-esque art style, and the battle system is maybe the best in what I've played of the series. I've heard I really need to play Vespiria though. Tales of Symphonia is like the FFVII of the series in that it's good, but people won't shut up about it so you go in with inflated expectations that aren't met. It's still really really fucking good though. Some of the puzzles are annoying though. I just want to punch shit, this isn't fucking Zelda!

Tales of Hearts R is quite good, even if they totally stole a song from Persona 4 It's not exact but it sounds way too close to a certain song from it for comfort. The thing that really makes the game is how much customization you can give your characters. The levelling system is quite in depth and really fun to play with. Some of the characters are annoying as fuck though.

Grim Dawn

 Finally, Grim Dawn. It's a Diablo. A really good Diablo. Maybe the best Diablo since the turn of the Millenium, which is saying something given how incredible Path of Exile was. It's exceptionally atmospheric, and it's not a fucking Cakewalk like most modern examples of the genre. I've actually died in this game, which is incredible.

 One thing I like is that 15 hours in, I'm still discovering new mechanics. I'm still discovering new ways skills can fit together and compliment each other. And I'm still finding exploding, fiery, ragdolls entertaining as hell.


 There it is, first real blog of 2017 bitches! There's other stuff I wanted to talk about but this blog is long enough as is so I'll just go through quickly: Reading the Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb and loving it. Fantasy that can be dark but isn't defined by it's darkness. Robin is really great at characterisation especially, and crafting interesting relationships and dynamics. Listening to Run the Jewels 3 and Danny Brown's Atrocity Exhibition. The former is just an excellent and fun hip hop album that is a touch more political than the previous two albums while the latter is an excrutiatingly honest look into chemical dependency with some of the weirdest hip hop beats I've ever heard.




01/13/2017 at 06:21 AM

Are you playing the tales games on PC? I've been wanting to go back and play some of the earlier games. I've only played a gamecube one, Symphonia, I think? Also an Xbox One, but forgot what it was called? Also Zesteria, but I lost interest about half way.

I enjoyed your Castlevania podcasts by the way. Sorry your having a hard time with meds. I like your articles and think you should be featured on other gaming sites as well. I'm still finishing up FF15 and playing more of Dragon Age INQ. Might try to go back and finish Xenoblade on WiiU as well. 

Also, I like your metal music picks as well. Throw them at me. Have you heard of "Inter Arma"? Been listening to their latest record. Stumbled upon it and remembered you liked that kind of music. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

01/13/2017 at 03:41 PM

I played Symphonia on PC, Hearts R on Vita, Zestiria on PS4, and Abyss on a PS2 Emulator. It's legally sketchy, but they never released the game here and apparently have no intention of it since we didn't even get the recent 3DS port. Gamecube one would be Symphonia, and Xbox would be Vespiria, which a lot of people consider the best one.

Have you played the original Xenoblade Chronicles? I'm finding it to be really excellent for entirely different reasons. I still can't bring myself to finish DA:I.

As for metal picks... hold on to your arse because I've been wanting to recommend some for a while!

I'm going to stop because I could literally go all day.


01/13/2017 at 07:55 PM

Thanks for the music picks. I'll add to my listening rotation. Trump has me pretty angry all the time, so metal is about the only thing thats calibrating with my hate threshold. I could double down on rap too I guess. The Tales game I played on Xbox was Eternal Sonata and not a Tales game--oops! It was based on classical composer named Chopin and looked like a Tales game to me. 

Yeah I played Xenoblade on Wii. I gushed about it before. I thought the story and world were interesting enough, very long though and combat is, umm..well it is what it is.

You didn't finish DA:I? I'm just playing around with combat abilities since you can respec quite easily with a cheap shop item. The environments are very nice to wander around in. I just have a bit of down time so I'm chipping away at it. It feels more like a Diablo3 or Torchlight than a tactics game to be honest. I'm also invested in the games lore from previous games so I just to finish it out, like with Mass Effect, and before another DA sequel is announced.


01/13/2017 at 03:19 PM

I enjoy the Tales Series. Symphonia is my favorite, natch. Hearts R was my trigger for getting a PSTV so I could play it on my big screen.

Anxiety and depression suck ass.


01/13/2017 at 04:20 PM

I agree about the level design in the Disohonored games (More Deus Ex 1 quality than Human Revolution and Mankind Divided), but wish Arkane would stop with all the hand holding shit though (that you can turn off, but still). We didn't need awareness icons above guards in Thief, and I don't see the need for them now. Body posture and dialgoue would be more immersive. Or icons every time we approach a grabbable item; I think most people can remember that X picks things up. So they are still not at Looking Glass level when it comes to immersive design. I am glad they got rid of being essentially invisible when you peak around corners.

And in case you didn't check your inbox, thanks again for the key.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

01/13/2017 at 05:22 PM

Yeah you can turn most of it off but you're right it's a shame they didn't design around that stuff. I was talking purely in level design when I said they were on par with looking glass. But still, I'll take this shit over half the "choose your playstyle" games that litter the market.

 And you're welcome. If you want some good pc bundles, check I think they're better than Humble Bundle these days, and they have some rpg, fps, retro, and action game bundles for $3. Most of the games are pretty garbage, but I got Stuff like Fancy Skulls, the games offered here, Sudeki, Lichdom Battlemage, planetary annihilation, Disciples, Sudeki, Postal 2, System Shock 2, and the commando series for less than $25. Check it out if you're itching for a sale. 


01/13/2017 at 04:39 PM

I don't know man, answering the call of nature in a place where it seems like everything that lives in Australia is trying to kill humans, is pretty ballsy. I wouldn't worry everyone has a story like similar to yours . 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

01/13/2017 at 05:24 PM

Where I'm at, snakes and spiders are the only things I have to worry about. Snakes will mostly leave you alone unless you corner them or are near their young, and spiders take long enough to kill you that you can get to a hospital pretty safely, though the bites still hurt like a motherfucker. The really deadly shit is on the other side of the country fortunately.

Joaquim Mira Media Manager

01/13/2017 at 06:07 PM

At least you didn't get bit in the arse.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/13/2017 at 07:38 PM

I sometimes have anxiety shits. You're welcome.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

01/14/2017 at 05:10 AM

I've shit in the woods. It sucks.


01/16/2017 at 02:01 AM

There's been some interesting Diablo-like games recently I'd like to try like Torment: Tides of Numenera.

Catherine Hauser Staff Alumnus

01/16/2017 at 02:32 PM

You're a brave man to post your struggles. I'm sure there are a number of us who can understand through experience, to some degree, what you're going through. We're here for ya :)

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