Good morning Pixlpeeps! Yep today is a holiday and once again folks are posting anything and everything MLK on my social media. Talk about jumping on the bandwagon. Where's this love in the middle of June? Anyways so last week I earned my first Platinum of 2017, and played a couple of other games including a new one I found last night. Sounds like fun? Let's get started.
Chris Plays...
Telltale's Batman – PS4

So this is what happened, remember my situation with episode 2? Well I decided to skip it, play episode 3 for two chapters and then while in the shower (because all great thinking happens in the shower) I figured out what I was having problems with. I stopped playing episode 3, went back and restarted episode 2, and sure enough it works. The curve arrows just tell you what direction to push, not to try and make the shape. A simple straight arrow would have done the job Telltale. After this it was smooth sailing, and it seems like I made the same choices as the majority of players until episode 5.
The game itself is fun, and the story would fit in with the movies, and the choices at times seemed easy to pick the “right” ones. There was enough surprises to keep me interested and I can't wait to see what Telltale offers for the next installment. Of course I would probably wait until all five episodes are available so I can just play through the games within the span of a week.

Seriously each time Bruce Wayne was on screen I kept waiting for him to either say “Danger Zone” or lana...Lana...LANAAAAAAAAA! Seriously Telltale NEEDS to make an Archer game.
Skylanders Superchargers – PS4
I had this game for about two days and from what I read online I am at the halfway point in finishing the game. I'm glad I also got the plane and boat toys so I could jump into those missions and complete the levels with three stars. Of course after I thought that there was also another mission but for the dark Skylanders which means if I want to check those out I need to shell out I believe $16 at the local Toys R Us or in about an hour and a half check out the local GameStop hoping they have one in the used section.
To compare this to other Toys-to-Life games its better than Disney's Infinity but not as fun as Lego Dimensions (there might be some bias in that statement). The graphics are really nice, almost as nice as Ratchet & Clank, the controls are fine but it initially it gets weird when your car is facing you and your controls get turned around a bit. I do like collecting the gold coins, and gears along with the random hats that give you powerups (I'm currently using a hat that looks like an elbow pipe) The races are similar to Mariokart. I tried the easy and medium levels first on one race, realized I should stick with hard. I had no problems until my first land race when every time I would get close to the finish line I would be hit with a powerup or some random would pass me. After 30 minutes and a lot of yelling I stopped playing. I went back to playing the story mode and sure enough the next level I played I unlocked some area where you can upgrade you vehicle. I did some important upgrades, and proceeded to kick the crap out of that stage. Suck it random land race!
When I was exploring the rest of the racing section I spot this

Yeah because people who spend a ton of money on the toys also need to be hit in the face with more microtransactions. Seriously what is this a glorified tablet game? The only other money I will spend on this game is getting a dark Skylander to race in the locked sections and that's about it.
Lego Star Wars The Force Awakens: Escape From Star Killer – Steam
I tried one of the DLC levels and its more of the same but with different characters. This time this level takes place during the epic battle on the base that gives Star Killer its powers. You play as two X-Wing Pilots who crashed and are trying to find a way to get off the planet. It's not bad, it has the typical Lego humor, and most of the minikits are easy to find. Of course you need that second playthrough with all the characters to unlock everything and I wasn't in the mood to play it twice. Maybe later.
Star Wars Force Arena – iOS

I saw this last night while watching the series on ID Is OJ Innocent? (more on this on Friday) I played the tutorial last night after watching the OJ show before I fell asleep and earlier this morning I decided to give it a spin. Basically it is a multiplayer game where you face another player in who can destroy the other's generator first.

You have cards of soldiers along with your leader, which is usually a Jedi or someone from the films. I have Luke, Leia, and Finnick from Rogue One. Anyways you play the game, and if you win you earn points towards a special pack of cards.

Every couple of hours you can unlock a pack of cards. Each pack contains cards that you can add to your deck, gold to upgrade your cards, and other random goodies. The best part of this freemium game is it seems that there is no time limit (like the other Star Wars games where you have to wait before a recharge or other items that slow gameplay). It seems like if you want, you can play as much as you want and have some kick ass decks. I will most likely be the guy who plays one or two games a week.
Chris' New Thoughts on the Nintendo Switch
Like many of you good people I watched that horrible excuse of a presentation last week and overall I am underwhelmed. The Switch isn't a console, its a tablet that has a slot to play Nintendo based games. A tablet with a battery life that is either 2-6 hours long depending on type of game you play, and the only redeeming quality about this is that it has a USB C connection so in theory you can connect it to a battery pack that many folks, like myself carry around for our phones. I missed the beginning of the presentation but I don't remember anything about the ability of downloading games to the 32GB of internal memory or to the SD Card slot. If Nintendo offered the ability to download games from their library onto each of these storage options I could be interested. If it is like the 3DS having the ability to have Netflix would be ideal especially now that you can download some of their content for offline viewing, this would also be a huge plus for someone like me who has an Android tablet that is used for gaming and media consumption.
I still have a lot of questions about this piece of hardware and if it is able to to offer some of the things that a conventional tablet offers, than I could see this as a big win for Nintendo, but as of right now I'm not excited about this tablet.
Alright Pixlpeeps, I am off to get my morning walk in. There's no rain and I want to enjoy the most of this cold weather as possible. Have a good week!
That's all for now, more later!