Awe. Poochy! I'm looking forward to that Pikmin game.
3DS Daze
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![]() On 01/19/2017 at 11:01 PM by ThatKidOverThere ![]() See More From This User » |
As per my previous blog, I got both a New 3DS and a laptop!! Woo we're back and fully gaming, baby!
3DS games I got:
Pokemon Moon: I didn't really wanna pick this up, but a few of my friends were talking about how Sun was great, so I joined in on the fun. Toy's R Us was doing a buy 1 get 50% off deal on 3DS games, so I picked that and Dragon Quest 7 up. I didn't expect to be as captivated with the game as I was. I'm thoroughly used to the Pokemon formula by now, and I thought I wouldn't really enjoy it that much, but it sucked me in. The one thing that struck me was how easy the game was. I only lost one battle, and it was an unexpected 4-way round, with only 1 pokemon, which the game sets as your first slotted pokemon. Just my luck, I had my newly hatched Eevee in that slot! It might just be because I'm older and the last time I played through a Pokemon game was 2012, (and also because I abused the heck out of the Mystery Gift Snorlax) but I shred through the Island Leaders quickly. At least it felt quick -- in total, the story took me about 30 hours. I can't say any of the post game or side story content intruiges me, however. The Battle Tree is nice and a interesting challenge, and I forsee me returning to it, but the social aspects are underwhelming and ultimately a bit pointless. The story is pretty solid. I loved the reappearance of Red and Blue at the end. Their new designs are awesome. I chose to battle Red, and the battle came down to both of our last Snorlaxes, which were coincidentally the same level. Mine edged out his because I had its Z-Move available. It was awesome.
DQ7: Only about an hour in so far. I heard this one's a slow burner. I'm gonna pick it up again after I beat...
Ocarina of Time 3D: This is my first Zelda game, and I'm totally blown away. the game design is so tight, and the writing is incredibly charming. It's really amazing how well they get you to sympathize with the characters. I highly, highly reccomend this game to anyone who is interested, and I'm not even halfway done yet. It gives off such a fantastic sense of adventure, and the fantastic soundtrack complements thhis perfectly. I find that the less I rely on guides, the more I appreciate each dungeon. After I finish this I difinitely gonna pick up Majora's Mask 3D, and borrow A Link Between Worlds from a friend. I love Zelda now!
Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright - I thought I would love it, but I'm not really a fan of the story. It leans a bit too melodamatic for my tastes, and the plot is really thin, but I enjoy the gameplay itself. It's my first Fire Emblem game, and I really enjoy the challenge. I started the game on the highest difficulty and gradually worked my way down until I could beat the tutorial level. It was brutal. I'm not used to playing many SRPGs, so it was a nice change of pace for a while. I only got about 3/4 f the way through the story, because I was trying to accomplish all the side missions. I think my perfectionism burned me out on the game, so I think I won't be as meticulous when I pick it up again. The new 3DS title they announced in the Direct, Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia has a much more appealing art style to me, and the story seems more compelling. Plus, the dungeon crawling looks awesome. I'm definitely gonna pick it up.
I also plan on picking up Poochy and Yoshi's Wolly World. How can you not watch this and die of adorableness????
Also Dragon Quest 8. And Pikmin 3D. And Lady Layton.