Nice. Looks like the Pac-Man C.E. treatment for Galaga. I like it.
BaD #6: A Day with Galaga Wars
On 02/08/2017 at 10:41 PM by daftman See More From This User » |
On the face of it there is very little to no surprise about what this game is. It's free-to-play Galaga and it comes with a lot of the typical baggage. There are different ships you can buy and coins to spend on upgrading your power ups (not your ship but the power ups), which can also be used to continue. You can watch adds to continue as well. It's all pretty normal F2P stuff so if that drives you up a wall, you probably won't like Galaga Wars. But what's here is really well done. Especially if you play in little spurts, this can be a great way to scratch that Galaga itch.