Hello everyone, how are you? Another year, another Blog a Day. This might also be the very first BaD post here too. First off, sorry for being a ghost around here. I've been busy and playing a bunch of games. I'll also be a ghost even more once the Switch releases
Anyway I'm hoping with BaD I may get back to the swing of things, and since the Switch isn't that far off, I'm most likely gonna write about it unofficially and share stuff on it and gameplay experiences here. That is if I can get one. Yes I have it on pre-order with a copy of Link vs. Wild which is my way of calling Breath of the Wild because that just sums it up.
Enough of the Switch, lets get back to the point of this post. So as usual here is the obligatory "what I'm gonna post on BaD" BaD post:
What I've been up to, as in game stuff. Can be about the games I've played.
What I've been watching, like anime and movies.
Stuff I'm gonna buy, like games and the usual toys based on games and whatnot and stuff I have bought.
Games I'm excited for, which will most likely be on Nintendo platforms.
My 2016 Game of the Year stuff, gonna divide it between platforms so it wont be a huge wall of text.
Stuff on games I've played, like games I have played and my thoughts on them.
And not sure, gonna try to have more, hopefully? Don't like making promises I can't keep.
I know people like focusing on a certain theme for their posts, and that's great. Not me though, I try to have a variety of them, since variety is the spice of life. Plus it would get boring if I focus on one single thing for this. I think I would also find it hard if I did that, even though it seems more harder if I focus on different things rather than one. I find it more fun if I'm being honest that way I wont sound too repetitive talking about the same thing over and over.
So I suppose that's about it. This is probably the most boring post of them all, but at least you get a clear idea of what I'll do. Also, everytime I have done this, I have an Q/A thing as my last post. I wanna do it again this year, but gonna save a different post for last. Should I keep the Q/A, or should I scrap it? And no, don't ask anything Q/A questions here. I wanna know if you guys and girls want me to keep it so I can do a post on it.
Well that's all for now, so thanks for reading and...
