I saw quite a few people getting hyped for this game and from what I've seen the art looks good. It's not a game I would play but I might give it a try this weekend. Some of these games where they offer little cheats and what not for real money, I would rather they just charge $2-5 bucks and give the player a full game but that's just me.
BaD 3: More on Fire Emblem Heroes (iOS)
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![]() On 02/03/2017 at 08:08 PM by asrealasitgets ![]() See More From This User » |
BaD 3
Date 02.03.2017
More on Fire Emblem Heroes (iOS)
Now that I've had some time to play some of FE: Heroes, actually-- I think the game is pretty good. It's similar in presentation and execution to earlier games in the series, the classic 2D games. I didn't partiularly care about the artwork from previews but now that I've seen it in action, I don't have a problem with it anymore. The character portraits are quite nice and detailed. The combat animations have backgrounds scenery that match the environments of the map and the music is fantastic. So far I've only completed 2 chapters and unlocked Hard and Lunatic difficulty modes as well as acquiring extra party members who arent that bad in stats, but I did have repeats. So far, the maps are bite sized, which is good because it makes the battles nice and short and I mainly have a party of 4 versus similar number of enemies max, which again, makes it easier to manage. It's perfect for short breaks of play time, and not long drawn out battles like XCOM or 3DS fire emblem. I've seen people complain about Pay-toWin cheapness, but so far I haven't felt the need to pay for anything. Its fine for a little distraction here and there and it's free. Can't really defend pay-to-win either way.
BaD 2
Date: 02.02.2017
Fire Emblem iOS.
I downloaded it on iPad. I was refreshing the App store last night waiting for the game to appear. It's on my iPad, but I haven't tried it out yet. What are y'alls take on Nintendo going mobile, and are any of you playing this shit on mobile? Are any of you Fire Emblem fans at all because I rarely see the love? I was in the camp of bring on more, and I want to play that obscure FE game Nintendo is remaking for 3DS. Now, on to my FE Heroes, if that's what it's called.
Preview: Tomorrows blog will be about abortion.
BaD 1
Date: 02.01.2017
Dragon Age Inquisition.
I'm a hypocrite! I was just asking where everybody went and then I went and almost missed the first day of BaD! Truthfully, I haven't been playing much of anything. I can't really afford to buy new games and seeing all these damned new releases makes me depressed more than anything, so I'm sticking to playing classic games or replaying newer ones.
I haven't yet finished Dragon Age Inquistion. Im probably about 20 hours left to see the ending and I can see more playthroughs in the future that won't take me as long as the first, now that I've figured out the game and what it really wants me to do to progress the main story. I don't feel like it's a bad game anymore, although I did feel good and bad about it as I went on.
At one point, near the end there was a spy mission where I had to attend a fancy ball and go around easdropping on guests and servants of a mansion to piece together a mystery, which had very little combat and more cutscenes which I actually enjoyed. It was a departure and change of pace from the rest of the mostly combat driven side quests, and closer to something from Witcher 3 long ass side quest that is very good. Before this quest, there was a fun main story mission where I had to raid a fortress with a dragon attacking all around. I fell of the wall, along with my party and we ended up traveling through a rift and into 'HELL'. Its one of my favorite areas in the game. Look like an area out of Bloodborne honestly with all the creepy ghoulish enemies crawling around. I love the Dragon Age lore and world enough to finish things out. I still prefer 2 and 1 is good too. This game is just different.