Hey, hey, hey! Another blog in April!? Sacre Bleu! (Didn't take French not really sure what it means) Anyways I finally finished my list of top 5 cancelled Wii games. So I hope you enjoy and make sure to read or leave a comment! Perhaps there was a cancelled game I didn't mention!
5. Sadness

The saddest part about Sadness was waiting to see if it would ever come out. Developer Nibris certainly had an intriguing premise to their game. It was described to be a survival horror game with fresh, new ideas and a black and white style. The developers talked up the huge expectations and all of the various ideas within the game. Once they finished it would all be revealed at E3. So what happened? Nibris honestly only had ideas. Rumors surfaced that Nibris wasn't even working on the game. It even escalated to the point of the developer not having even received a dev kit for the Wii. After all the promises and hype Sadness faded away. This of course left the people who wanted the game just Sad...
4. Bonk: Brink of Exctinction

When Hudson was still around (R.I.P.) they made several big announcements for Wii. One big announcement was to revitalize an old TurboGrafx series in Bonk. The Bonk series had been re-energized thanks to Wii virtual console sales and Hudson saw the potential to literally bring Bonk from the Brink of Extinction. Pi Studios was set to develop the game and they were a fairly new studio. Images soon leaked and gameplay videos surfaced. So what happened? Konami happened. Konami bought out Hudson in what was supposed to be a fruitful partnership. Unfortunately it got swallowed up into a subsidiary. Once it started making mobile games, Hudson just faded. Once Hudson dissolved fully into Konami any hopes to have a new Bonk game became...Extinct.
3. The Grinder

Ah the Grinder... In what would be High Voltage Software's ambitious FPS game for Wii certainly turned out to be the biggest let down of all. Before announcing The Grinder High Voltage software developed The Conduit (A similar ambitious FPS shooter with online capabilities) for the Nintendo Wii. It seemed like a surefire thing. The Wii would have an exclusive FPS series and bring in hardcore fans. So what happened? The Conduit unfortunately suffered from a lack of strong sales and strong reviews (Currently at a 69 on Metacritic which is only about decent). High Voltage still promised to bring it (This time multiplatform) Unfortunately what came to be was The Conduit 2 which was supposed to fix the problems of the first game, but managed to do worse. High Voltage Software then cancelled The The Grinder after failing to grind into the FPS market.
2. Project H.A.M.M.E.R.

Project H.A.M.M.E.R. was certainly a unique case. Revealed during the Wii's launch demo and being developed by Nintendo was certainly something that guarenteed a successful game. The project that Nintendo was working on was a beat em up game that many Wii gamers might have enjoyed. Plus you got to smash everything with a hammer! While it wasn't playable, the demo certainly showed that Nintendo was working on a game that would most certainly come out. So what happened? The project got cancelled. Many gamers speculated it was just to show what exactly the Wii could do with motion controls and that the ideas within the game were applied to other titles. Others felt that Nintendo wasted an oppurtunity even when motion plus was announced rumors surfaced the game would return. But Nintendo ultimately dropped the hammer down on this cancelled title.
1. Tenkuu no Kishi Rodea (Rodea the Sky Soldier)

And the number 1 cancelled Wii game is Rodea the Sky Soldier. Yes I know it's still TBA according to Kadokawa and various other sources. However setting a goal for the game to be released sometime in 2013 is a bit lofty. According to Yuji Naka, founder of Prope and 1 of 3 people credited for making Sonic...the Wii version is finished. It's done, complete, ready to go. So what's holding it back? Kadokawa is. While it may certainly see a 3DS release as the 3DS is currently the new portable system, the Wii has reached it's end. So what's happening? I have absolutely no idea. Xseed has stated it would help bring the game stateside should it ever see the light of day (The 3DS version they are less keen on). Kadokawa still has it listed on their website and until that website goes down...I'm going to remain optimistic. But if TBA really does mean That This bitch ain't coming then I will be one of the many who is sad disappointed to not travel through the skies with Rodea.