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BaD 07: Day 7 Song 7

On 02/09/2017 at 11:20 AM by goaztecs

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BaD Day 7 Song 7

Squeeze – Pulling Mussels (From The Shell)


We're going back to the 80s for today's addition to the Desert Island Mix. Squeeze is one of those bands from the early 80s I didn't know about until or didn't know their name but knew their songs especially because of their song Tempted, which was on the Reality Bites soundtrack and I listened to a bunch in high school. Anyways what I really dig about this song is the runs that build up right before the chorus. “Squinting faces in the sky” and “Surfers drop their boards and dry” I think are the fun parts of the song. The beat is an uptempo pop beat, with the imagery of a typical summer at any beach. While listening to the actual lyrics especially the chorus the light bulb goes off and this song much more than spending time on the beach. It's about sex. Sure enough I look it up and apparently Pulling Mussels is English Slang for sex. Sneaky 80s New Wave.


That's all for now, more tomorrow!




Super Step Contributing Writer

02/09/2017 at 03:14 PM

This sounds really familiar even though I've never heard it before.

I saw Reality Bites on Showtime on cable once. It gave me nostalgia even though it was like 2008 and I'd never seen it. I still remember Siskel and Ebert saying Ethan Hawk's character was a douchebag and she definitely should've gotten with the more responsible Ben Stiller. I think that review is where I learned the term "meet cute."

The other New Wave I know is "Blister in the Sun" and I'm pretty sure it's about wanting sex ... I think. I know Fall Out Boy's "Sugar We're Going Down" is about masturbation. 

Come to think of it, is there a non-Christian/gospel outfit that DOESN'T have a song about sex? Hell, pretty sure even gospel/Christian groups have a few.


02/12/2017 at 12:46 PM

You know I've never seen Reality Bites. It was one of those movies that came out when I was in high school but never got into. What got me to buy the soundtrack was Big Mountain's cover of Baby I Love Your Way, along with Lisa Loeb's Stay. Stay especially (thanks MTV) because it was part of the morning music video rotation.

Yeah Blister in the Sun, and Turning Japanese were about masturbation. I didn't know that about Sugar. I should listen more closely to the lyrics because that song lives on my phone.

There are a lot of songs about sex, and what is funny is pop and rock songs get a pass while rap songs gets under folks skin. It's probably the delivery and use of colorful language. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/12/2017 at 02:59 PM

Yeah, presentation is everything.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/09/2017 at 09:54 PM

pretty sure I was there for some of the 80s and never heard Squeeze!  PErhaps I am in the wrong universe???


02/12/2017 at 12:47 PM

They were around, but I don't think they were as big as other 80s bands. 


02/26/2017 at 12:02 AM

Boy, that song brings back memories. Some songs just instantly conjure a place and time for me. Pulling Mussels definitly does that for me. Not so much the lyrics but the whole sound transports me. 


03/02/2017 at 12:12 AM

I love when songs can trigger memories like that. I have quite a few that can do that. 

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