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BaD 09: Day 9 Song 9 & Two Games Off Of Mount Backlog

On 02/13/2017 at 11:48 AM by goaztecs

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Day 9 Song 9

Save Ferris – The World Is New


Most folks know Save Ferris from their cover of Dexy's Midnight Runner's Come On Eileen, which is a damn good cover, but for my Desert Island Mix I am going with their song The World Is New. This upbeat intro track was my first exposure to their other work and in an interesting piece of Chris trivia, I bought this CD the same day as I bought my first Playstation. I bought this CD at the old Tower Records by campus and then I walked over to the Warehouse Music where I bought my Playstation that was on sale for $150 and a basketball game. Little did I know that you needed a memory card to save your progress (thank you campus bookstore)

Back to the song, I love this song because it starts off the album with a high energy song. Of course there isn't much of a difference between this version and the version that appears on their EP Introducing Save Ferris, but for me The World is New along with the album It Means Everything is the soundtrack for 1997. That CD was in heavy rotation because this was my first Ska CD and to this day it is one of my favorite CDs of all time.



Chris Finishes...

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel – Steam


I think I bought this game as part of a bundle and even though I was trying to finish it on the PS4 in the Handsome Jack Collection I decided to give it a go on the PC. I do have to throw out a disclaimer that I used a program that let me change my character so I may have given them a slight (max) rating. After that it was like that scene in the first John Wick where he was running around taking people out with one or two shots. Oh so much fun. To be fair I played 90% of the game on PS4 without video game steroids so I got the enjoyment and challenge from there.

Love the game, but I felt it wasn't as funny or fresh as the B2. I think going into this game I already knew the humor that was ahead of me which kind of killed the mood a bit. I think I will start a new character and give them a lower level so I can unlock the 10, 20, and 50 level trophies. Anyways if you like Borderlands and haven't given this game a try, check it out. It's a lot of fun, there are jokes, you can blow up bad guys, and see how Handsome Jack became the crazy character in the second game.


Rise of the Tomb Raider – Steam


I finally finished this game last week and holy cow it was such a fun game. Going through the final handful of missions was a blast because you could see the end but you still wanted to get through the levels and take it all in. Rise feels like a fluid continuation of Tomb Raider where this Lara continues to look for answers, take out bad guys, and my personal favorite: unlocking hidden areas that haven't been seen for centuries...sees a lit campfire. Yeah little things like that were odd and funny but didn't take anything away from the actual game.

Once I finished the story I went back to a couple of early levels to unlock everything: finding tombs, reading different languages, finding coins, you name it. This is a nice feature to continue to get the most out of the game without restarting, and I can build up Lara's weapons. Rise is one hell of a Tomb Raider game with beautiful graphics combined with all the puzzles and action you expect from a Tomb Raider game. Give it a try.


Alright folks I am off, I need to get my hair cut and in desperate need to run some errands (maybe buy some donuts).


That's all for now, more tomorrow!




Julian Titus Senior Editor

02/13/2017 at 02:10 PM

Man, that album is one of my favorites, and I still listen to it often. Very rare to see people bring it up!


02/15/2017 at 11:22 AM

It is a damn good album and they put out an EP last week. I just bought it while looking them up earlier this morning. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/13/2017 at 02:43 PM

Save Ferris deserves more recognition. 

I still have to play my Handsome Collection. Too bad I have no more free time ever again ...

I'm loving Rise as well. I'm about 26% into the game/story, but I've been caught up in all the side missions. Only problem is I backed out of a tomb on accident and the game doesn't seem to want to let me back in. Like she just crawled under that bar last time and there's no other entrance I can see, so what gives? 


02/15/2017 at 11:25 AM

Yeah they do!

When you do find a moment or two play the Handsome Jack collection.

That's odd about the tomb. I wonder if it glitched or you have to enter it through another spot. I haven't run into any problems but I'll be on the lookout for something like that. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/15/2017 at 02:09 PM

It worked the next time i started the game up.


02/14/2017 at 12:21 AM

Everyone on Pixlbit is playing Rise at the same time!


02/15/2017 at 11:27 AM

It seems like it. I've read a couple of blogs about it and its interesting to read everyone's opinions. 


02/14/2017 at 01:12 AM

I want to play Rise because of all the exploration stuff I've heard about. 


02/15/2017 at 11:27 AM

Oh its good. If you liked the previous game you'll love Rise. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/14/2017 at 10:51 AM

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm donuts. 

Halochief is right, it seems like everybody is playing Rise.  I gotta get on that. 


02/15/2017 at 11:28 AM

Right? I didn't get donuts that day. Maybe today, if I have some time.

You have to give it a spin. Its a good game. 

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