BYOJC just sounds dirty.
I think I might just buy a Wii U on the cheap so I can play Zelda on it. Then again, I do like that HD rumble idea. But $80 ...
I'm good with just PS4 for now. Hopefully, nothing on the Store will be too tempting.
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![]() On 02/21/2017 at 03:37 PM by Catherine Hauser ![]() See More From This User » |
I listened to the NWP special podcast about the Switch as soon as I arrived at work this morning. I thought I had wanted it before, but now I don't know how I'm going to handle my existance for the next ten days.
I got my preorder as soon as I possibly could the night of the announcement. I managed to grab the system with the neon joycons, Zelda: BotW Special Edition and a few of the Amiibos that are being released for the game. Of course, I'll also have to get the collector's edition of the guide and the DLC pass with some money that will magically appear from somewhere.
I did not get any other games mainly because I have no more money to spend but also because I want to hold out for Mario Kart. That game was super fun on the Wii U; certainly one of the best MK's ever made. I can't wait to see what it looks like on the Switch, and to play with other people. But for that, of course, I'll need another set of joycons, and at $80 I'm not sure when that will happen. Maybe it will have to be a BYOJC kind of party ;)
Those two games are going to have to hold me over for a while. This gaming year is really expensive, and I've already had a scare with my PS4 where it randomly shut off and would not turn back on. Luckily we were able to open it up and rig it well enough to work again (well, I did nothing but stand there and question the purpose of life), but who knows for how long. If I need a new PS4, though, I'm going to spring for the Pro. I figure it would be silly not to at that point.
The thought of that with all my cosplay expenses? I think I need another job. At least I don't have kids!
I have a Wii U, but I'm a Nintendo girl. I buy all their systems no matter what. I would have gotten the Switch regardless of Zelda, but it does REALLY help!
I'm good with PS4 until the FFXII remake comes out in the summer. Man...I better preorder that.
I have my Switch reserved along with Zelda. I wanted the collector's edition, but they didn't have any more. After playing 1 2 Switch at PAX South, I preordered that game, too. Although I still think that should've been a pack-in game. Looking forward to when I can pick it up next week. I have to work a lot around that time, though. Which is good because I'll get more money to help pay for all that, but I'll have less time to rescue Zelda! Boo! I hope Zelda packed lots of snacks for her to eat while waiting for me to save her!
Cosplay expenses, huh? Cosplay sounds fun, but I'm probably too old for that by now. Who do you like to dress up as? When I go to conventions like PAX, I have no idea who most of the cosplay people are supposed to be dressed as.
Too much adulting for you!! I saved a PTO day specifically for March 3. I will at least get a three day weekend. I'm hoping my store does a midnight opening so I can get in even more playtime. I completely agree with you that 1 2 Switch should have come with the console, but to be honest I'm so excited about Zelda I won't even care.
I've cosplayed lots of different things over the years. This year I am doing Ignis from FFXV and I'll probably wear our Jacob from Assassins' Creed Syndicate again. My Ignis outfit is coming along nicely, I'm so excited. Benefits of being married to an artist is that I can buy materials that can be made into outfits instead of buying premade things. Saves me some money and looks better in the long run!
Aw, there you go, dressing up as characters I've never heard of. :)
I'd like to cosplay as Kirby but I don't have the body for it. :) Also I think it would be fun to get a group and all dress as Lemmings. Please tell me you've heard of that game.
I forgot to menton that along with the Switch, Zelda, and 1, 2 Switch, I also preordered the five new Zelda amiibo figures.
First of all, I love Lemmings. I played that game on DOS endlessly because it was a-mazing. That would be a sweet cosplay.
I did not get all five of the amiibos for Zelda, as I skipped the bobokin. I'm sure I'll end up getting it anyway just because.
I'm still unsold on the Switch, mainly because of how little I played my Wii and Wii U. But I played my DS and 3DS so much. Argh! Get your home console out of my portable!
I think Zelda will keep people occupied for a really long time. I just wonder if it is going to be compelling enough with the open world format. I have yet to see that Japanese developers understand what makes open world design work, and hearing that Zelda's map dwarfs Skyrim's worries me. Open worlds are terrible if you don't put interesting things to do in them that don't feel like you are just checking off boxes. *glares at Final Fantasy XV*
I want to cosplay as Agent 47 if I can lose 60 more pounds. It sucks going bald. Not that I had cosplay quality hair to begin with-I looked like Hank Hill in my 20s.
I agree with you about open worlds. There is only so much you can look at before that loses its novelty. I'm still playing FFXV just because, and I find myself doing what I need to do then warping back to the car. Not like in Assassins' Creed Syndicate, where at least you could use the rope to glide yourself around for fun, or Far Cry 4 where you could hunt with more purpose. The last release of Star Ocean for PS4 was the worst by far. They tried to incorporate the concept much like in FFXII, but they had no world map, no capability to warp and no fun mode of transportation. If you wanted to get from point A to point F all the way on the other side of the world, you had to walk, and you had to remember what route to take to get there. I never finished that game.
I am so in your corner to cheer on your weight loss goal. I am only cosplaying this year because I have done well in my own respect. I will still be completely nervous, but I think I've earned a shot. Agent 47 would be awesome! But also, you are a prime candidate for Rude from Final Fantasy VII! The Turks were the best, after all.