Tons of discussions on DLC, digital vs. physical and the like when it comes to owning, but what of renting?
Sure there's Gamefly, but who wants to pay a monthly fee and wait for games to come in the mail like the ancient version of Netflix? I might end up doing it, but it's not like it's my favorite.
Red Box is more readily available and convenient, as you can rent from the box for a night and have your game right then and there. But one night isn't often enough when you also have to install the thing, and a lot of open world/RPG games are not going to give you a good feel for the game in a couple hours in one evening.
Then there's streaming like PS NOW, which in theory are the Netflix of gaming, but in practice just don't have either the server strength or set the bar too low for whose internet connection should be able to stream video games. Plus, most would rather just have individual games available to download instead of behind a monthly subscription paywall.
While digital and physical ownership have enough merits and demerits I'm willing to debate them, video game rentals remain something we have yet to best Blockbuster with using modern distribution strategies.
At least that's how I see it. You?
Also, does anyone know if content I'm downloading during a physical disc install of a core game involves the Internet? If it does, it makes the "at least you own physical copies" argument seem a bit dubious. But maybe it's just installing data from the system itself and nothing more, i don't know.