Just found out Rival Schools came to PSX in '98. I'm sorry, RIVAL SCHOOLS.
games i played in '98
On 03/21/2017 at 04:31 PM by Super Step See More From This User » |
MvC Arcade ... maybe ... I mean I've played it since cause movie theaters exist, but I THINK I actually played it in '98.
Bust A Groove (neighbors)
Tenchu: Stealth Assassins (older brother's PlayStation)
1080 Snowboarding (owned, but not loved ... controls were awkward and not much to do)
Gran Turismo
X-men vs. Street Fighter? Seems familiar. I know I played the SNES game with Psylocke and Gambit in it. I realize this is different. What year was that SNES Venom and Carnage game released, what with all the roller blading women you hit cause you were a superhero?
Banjo Kazooie (neighbors)
F-Zero X (rentals)
MediEvil (demo)
Metal Gear Solid (moreso watched my older brother play it in '98)
Spyro (think this was on PC in after care ... maybe that was Croc)
Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit (Might have been a different NFS, but I remember really liking the intro)
Pokemon Blue (I was an 8-year-old in the middle of the craze; I liked the game, had the cards ... and preferred the Digimon TV show, pretty much not watching Pokemon once Togepi was on. I still remember getting a VHS promoting the show in the mail well before the pilot aired)
Body Harvest (rental)
Apocalypse (watched older brother play)
Rush 2: Extreme Racing U.S.A. (Might have this mixed up with Cruisin' USA, but I played plenty of arcade racers at home and arcade alike)
Ocarina of Time (much later; might have rented in '98, but I hated the fantasy aesthetic something fierce as a kid; I still prefer sci-fi/modern environments)
Sonic Adventure (neighbors; thought this was '99 to be honest)
Area 51: Site 4 ... ok looking up footage, I think it was more the 1995 Area 51 arcade cabinet ... does NWP accept arcade games?