Nice extras! I still got mine from Gamestop and im happy with that. I am gonna keep a look out though for some of the figures for a few of the characters I like. I also spent like a 58.00 more dollars when I went to go get it because I bought tthe season pass, a gift set with a headset, another controller and another HDMI cable and I put 5$ down a piece on Dragons Crown and Dynasty Warriors 8. I normally dont buy season passes but since I bought the game instead of waiting for the GOTY edition I decided to get it.
Mystery Gifts: Injustice Edition
On 04/17/2013 at 01:43 AM by Captain N See More From This User » |
So like I said a while back that I was getting Injustice: Gods Among Us, I had already had it paid at Gamestop but I saw a better deal.
I got all of this at Toys R Us and it was only 65 bucks. I know GS gave you exclusive dlc, but they had Animated Series Batman for Arkham City and G1 Optimus Prime for Fall of Cybertron as exclusive dlc. But later on it made it to PSN/XBL. I cancelled my pre-order at GS and bought this at Toys R Us, you didn't need to pre-order it, you just need to buy it. Plus how could I pass up on an Injustice Batman figure? It looks even better up close. I may not use the guidebook but it's a nice bonus and glad they still make them.
If you want dlc, go to GS or Best Buy but if you want some sweet physical goodies, Toys R Us is the way to go. But one more thing, just make sure to call first to see if they have any of the bonuses left and get on it because the deal last through saturday. All in all, an awesome late bday gift, after all I bought it with bday money :P Well I'm off to be the Goddamn Batman, thanks for reading and later.