I think the windstorm is over. Yesterday in the morning it was calm and then right when it hit 2 or 3pm the winds kicked up and soon the news was filled with various trees around the valley being toppled and the police telling people to not go outside if they don't have to. That was an interesting Thursday afternoon. Good morning Pixlpeeps! Friday is back and I am ready to hit the local mom & pop later on today in hopes of finding something “new” (not in new releases but in older CDs I don't have in the library) and take part in the weekly trip to the local casino buffet for seafood night. Before all of that let's get started with Quick Hits!
Chris Watches...
Green Batman – CW
The season is almost over which means the episodes get really good. Now we're faced with how Oliver & Co. will go after this season's bad guy and how will this effect him.
The Challenge: Invasion – MTV
Last week's episode is once again a two part episode where the elimination is left in a cliffhanger. The new mean girls of the house get into it with some of the veteran women and security has to be called. From what Challenger Shane said on a podcast there was a lot more to the argument and there might have been a punch thrown that MTV didn't show. The reunion show is going to be fun.
Other than those shows I haven't watched much of anything else. I've had Dancing with the Stars and The Voice playing in the background but not really paying attention to them. I'm struggling to finish Iron Fist, and I'm back to not liking it again. It's back to a snail's pace of slow. I'm realizing that if this show was 7-10 episodes it would be fine. 13 not so much.
Chris Listens To...
Since I am roughly a couple of days ahead of my planned pace to listen to every song in my library that has zero plays I have stats for this month. I was supposed to listen to 1,550 tracks for this month and I ended at 2,508 tracks. As of the last day of the month I am at 7,161 tracks with zero plays/rating. I also added 1,123 tracks coming from CDs and mixtapes.
In other music news I found my old Sansa Clip
I removed Rockbox from it but it still tries to load from it which sucks especially since I can't get the damn program I pulled from Sansa to upgrade to the latest operating system. Minor inconvenience that I have to hold the left button and power to boot into the regular OS. Anyways I bought a 128GB micro SD card for it so I can have a little FLAC player until I get something like Fiio's High Resolution Lossless Audio Player. I don't anything like that right now, but after reading some forums I found out that my old 1TB drive that I used with my old Macbook Pro is more than enough room for my CD collection in FLAC format, so I started ripping CDs with the travel version of Foobar2000. If I can get the damn skins to work I'd change the look but for right now the default look isn't bad.
Last weekend the neighborhood had a garage sale but once again HOA was late letting people know so there wasn't a lot of homes participating. The best part was that the city requires you to pay $10 for a permit to sell. You would think that since we have a clubhouse (where the gym/pool/game room live) they would have it there. Nope. You had to visit the Senior Center of all places to get the permit. I'm pretty sure most of the handful of sellers didn't do this. Anyways in previous years I was followed by neighborhood security (yeah because the dark guy wearing an SDSU Hoodie, big camera around his neck, and big headphones is going to steal old clothes), and in other trips one guy was selling his card collection was ridiculous prices but the damn adult in me said “you don't need them” and moved on. Well this season I didn't buy anything except I spent $2.00 at a lemonade stand where I bought 1 .50 cent lemonade, and 2 three for .50 cent cookies. The cookies I asked the kids running the table that I didn't want the cookies but if I buy them will the kids eat them for me. The older one was down, the younger kid didn't understand it. Hopefully the kids made some money, and the lemonade was really good (sweet powder mix but still good)
While doing all of this I finished my audiobook
I enjoyed it. It was interesting to listen to the events where Jobs left Apple to only come back years later and take it over again. I miss the funky colors of what was then the new iMac. I used to connect a bunch of them on my floor during move-in day because parents would be hit up by the “deals” at the campus bookstore for these all in one desktop computers. I thought it was funny to listen to an audiobook about the guy who created the iPhone while listening to it on an iPhone.
I'm currently listening to a western audiobook I found through a site called LibriVox, which is a collection of books that are in the public domain. The quality of the audiobooks is excellent and the only difference between these recordings and ones you would buy is that at the readers are volunteers (skilled volunteers) and the first 15 seconds of each track they say the recording is from LibriVox. Anyways if you like books check out the site LibriVox.org
Last week when I was at Target killing time before the casino buffet opened I saw that Target had put a bunch of games on Clearance so I went to check out this store and I bought this
for $10. I bought one for me and one for my cousin. I thought about getting the first game on Steam because it was on sale for $5 but decided not to.
I've been in a fighting game mood this past week so earlier in the week I bought these games for $12 from BundleStars
I thought it would be fun to jump into Injustice again without having to install the game on the my PS4 and get used to the game before the next Injustice is released. Plus the game was $5 so why not have a copy on Steam. I also picked up Skullgirls with the DLC. The vanilla game was $2, and the DLC I think was $5. This is one of those PS+ games awhile ago that I can't play unless I start up my PS+ account again. No dice Sony.
Yesterday on Twitter I saw that a couple of other fighting games were $1.99 each so again I said why not and bought these games for $3.98
From the Mom & Pop last week
These are compilation CDs of a bunch of songs I wanted for my Oldies playlist that I didn't have. It's all original artists and it was a steal to get these CDs at $1.99 each.
I only know a handful of songs from Poco so why not give their Greatest Hits a try. Sister Hazel because they're a fun 90s band.
More 90s stuff and some Donna Summer for the library. One CD is a greatest hits, and the other is her top dance hits. Can't go wrong.
This Barry White collection is different from the one I currently have. This has maybe one or two of the same greatest hits but it also has a couple of different songs I don't have. The Swing Out Sister album is cool because its a Japanese release.
I also added a CD single to the mix and
A new audiobook for the library. When I was adding this audiobook I had no problems with ripping slowdown, it ripped like it was a music CD.
While looking through the Walmart bargain bin on a whim I find this two pack for $8
I already own both films in the uber special two disc sets but for some reason I can't find original Hunger Games. The only reason I bought it was because I wanted to add the digital copy of Hunger Games to my iTunes. I now have all four flicks living in my iTunes. Not a bad deal considering the films I think are $13 on iTunes but for $8 you get the digital copies of two flicks and the physical copies as well.
Alright Pixlpeeps I am off. Have a good weekend!
That's all for now, more later!
For my song of the week this is one I found in my playlist that I can't stop listening to because it is so good
Just listening to it, this piece has a to be a lot of fun to play because it is a joy to listen to. This piece easily earned five stars in my library and made it to the Classical Playlist. This will be one of those pieces where I kick up the volume a bit and maybe annoy the neighbors.Anyways have a good weekend!
Matt Snee
Staff Writer
03/31/2017 at 01:59 PM
I love Bach and his Brandenberg concertos. Listen to them all the time. I have a bluray of an ensemble performing it. Cool stuff.
Yeah, we got a windstorm too, but maybe not as bad as u guys. A little annoying still though, but not without its beauty.
I bought Mirrors Edge a couple months ago off PSN during a sale. Haven't gotten to it yet. I'm 29 hours into Mass Effect right now with no end in sight.
04/05/2017 at 11:43 AM
That's some cool stuff right there. I had to make sure I owned the CD when I was listening to it because its something I want to have a copy of in FLAC. Amazon sells these bundles of 100 pieces done by composers for a buck and I thought it was a good idea to buy the Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, etc. bundles.
Yeah Mirror's Edge is going to sit a bit considering I just bought Lego City Undercover or what I like to call GTA Legoland.
03/31/2017 at 07:13 PM
I'd like to hear more Squeeze albums. I only had a greatest hits I copied from my sister years ago. Rock that Bach.
04/05/2017 at 11:44 AM
I was shocked to see them in the $1.99 section, so I'm excited to add them to the library.
Super Step
Contributing Writer
04/02/2017 at 01:53 PM
Let me know what you think of Blazblue and Guilty Gear. I love Arc Systems fighters.
04/05/2017 at 11:45 AM
Will do but I probably won't get to them for a bit because I'm replaying MK X and Injustice along with throwing Lego City Undercover onto Mount Backlog.
Super Step
Contributing Writer
04/05/2017 at 03:05 PM
You owe it to yourself to play a more fun, colorful game with a deeper fighting system. Play Guilty Gear over one of those you're playing. Do it! Do it! Do it!
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