Well hello Pixlpeeps! This is a special Saturday edition of Quick Hits because the family is visiting so much of the day is spent hanging out, playing games, and enjoying the company. So because of that here we are and yes I have some things to talk about. Let's get started.
Chris Watches...
WrestleMania 33 – WWE Network
Last week was WrestleMania and yes I watched the entire thing. I believe the kickoff show started at 3:30pm and the last match ended around 9pm, and I never left my seat. Yeah that was a lot of wrestling.
The Undertaker retired and since it is kind of a soap opera there was a proposal
The best comment was from a guy who said “How could she be engaged to him when she can't see him” (that's his tag line)
Overall it was a good show, there was a couple of slow spots, and the musical performance was not good. Sorry Pitbull fans, but I'm not a fan. Also that was a lot of wrestling to take in, but it had its share of surprises, fireworks, good amount of drama, fireworks, and some familiar faces came back...also a lot of fireworks. It was a little disappointing to not get the Shaq/Big Show match that was kind of teased last year. The next big pay per view is SummerSlam, but in the meantime there are a couple of smaller PPV events in between.
Chris Checks Out Art
So there is a valley wide exhibit going on right now of a bunch of installation pieces. Lots of folks are into it, but its not my thing (funny coming from a guy who studied art) but as it turns out one of the pieces was down the street from my house. Originally I thought it was a drug house because who puts a random shack out in the middle of the desert?
The shack. It was locked but if you text the name of the piece to a number you are given a code.
The little hallway in the shack. Still it looks a bit shady
The art piece! No not really but the whole thing runs on solar power.
It wasn't charged when I went. I was bummed but I did go grab some breakfast, take it back to the house, ate, read some Twitter, and then went back almost two hours later
And that's what the piece looks like. Unlike other folks I didn't stand on it but I did put my foot on it.
The marker letting all the touristy artsy folks know where they are at. What you don't see is behind the sign is a burm and one a canal taking some water from the Colorado River to the farmlands. Bonus the San Andreas fault off to the right of the sign.
Chris Listens To...
Last week on my quest to listen to everything in my iTunes library I was at 7,161 tracks with zero plays. As of yesterday I am at 6,772 tracks with zero plays. I've also slowed down my listening from the frantic 88 songs a day pace, back down to the manageable 50 tracks a day pace. At 88 it became a chore to listen to and enjoy the music. At 50 I can listen to 25 or more tracks in the morning, and then 25 in the afternoon without feeling that I need to hit some magic number and stressing about it. As dumb as it sounds, that is what it was starting to feel. Now as I type this I am just relaxing listening to my playlist. Anyways I'm still looking at three months before I finish my goal so here's to listening to more music and finding new favorite tracks!
From a random trip to GameStop with the cousin I bought
because it was on sale for $25 which is $3 less than I had originally pre-ordered it from Amazon. I also bought this random DS game
I'm a sucker for football games.
From the Walmart in the same shopping center as GameStop I found the game I put down next to the TVs a month ago. Yep Walmart doesn't clean and it shows
The best part is, is that the game dropped an additional $2 down to $14 bucks. Thank you developers who also include a Steam code because there is no way I was going to sit at my laptop and install 9 DVDs worth of content. What was weird was that the original download said 70GB but the total installation was 37GB.
A Steam purchase
Yeah I don't get how a game originally released on the Wii U can be so buggy. I have more graphics intensive games that run buttery smooth on my laptop yet this one under performs and when anything “taxing” happens the framerate drops. I should have bought this on PS4. I saved $20 bucks but is that really worth the headache?
Final game is a freebie from Amazon/Twitch for being a Prime Member
I haven't tried it yet but I did install it.
I bought another fighting game because it was $2.99
It's looking like this summer will be me writing a lot about fighting games.
From the local mom & pop there was a lack of new material so I focused on the Jazz section
Fantcha is apparently from Africa and this was a total blind buy. Turns out I enjoyed her music. Its upbeat, and a lot of fun. I want to check out more of her music. Nina Simone is also another solid buy
Bond is a girl group that plays classical music but with a mix of classical with a drum machine. It was good. The Charlie Brown album I was disappointed with. I thought it was going to be something similar to Wynton Marsalis' Joe Cool's Blues, which is a legit jazz album. This is that garbage smooth jazz (think of the crap you hear in outlet stores or trendy jazz radio stations that hipsters would listen to) I like to pride myself on being open to all types of music but I can't stand this stuff.
Bee Gees five track EP was solid, and yep the She Drives Me Crazy folks had a remix album. Surprisingly it wasn't bad.
All of a sudden in the jazz section there was a ton of Diana Krall stuff and I found an album I didn't own. American Hi-Fi had a single named Flavor of the Week, which is your typical pop punk music of the early 2000s where a guy sings about a girl he likes who likes someone else. I forgot to mention that American Hi-Fi was still sealed.
From the regular used CD section (this is where they've been hinding all the rap CDs) I added these two albums that were $4 each
I had Let It Be...Naked as an old digital album on my old iTunes library. I like it because the last track is 20 minutes of the Beatles trying to figure out how to record a song. I'm not a huge Beatles fan but its cool to listen to what goes into creating a song. Encore isn't my favorite Eminem album but my copy was missing the album (it had the bonus disc) so now I have a complete album.
From Amazon
Earlier this week I saw that it was the anniversary of Selena's death so I went to listen to my favorite album of hers*
*so back in high school I went to a school where 99% of the folks in school spoke Spanish. I was part of the few who didn't but took Spanish for my foreign language requirement. I was struggling with it, and my friend at the time said to listen to Spanish music so I can get used to listening to the language. Yeah I never understood Spanish but I found an artist I liked.
Apparently somewhere along the way from high school, to now I lost the CD I bought way back when. This is a re-release where at the end of the album there is a 20 minute audio track where her husband, and family talk about the album and what went into the song writing.
Easy-E because I didn't have this album and it filled some holes in my playlist. I do want to get his other stuff including the older copied tapes I used to own as a happy high school kid.
Final CD was purchased at Walmart when I was buying my game
Can't go wrong with Metallica for $5
This is my current stack of stuff from the past three weeks that I haven't put away yet
I'll get around to it, eventually.
Final pickup of the day is back to the local clean Walmart (this has replaced Target for me) where I was picking up cleaning supplies, I hit the bargain bin full of blu-rays and I bought another movie for the iTunes code
I've never seen it, but hopefully its good and it comes with a book. The digital codes that the discs come with is pushing me to slowly build a blu-ray library.
Alright Pixlpeeps before the family wakes up I should get going to make some bacon. During the time it took me to write this latest entry and number my pictures I listened to 18 songs Not a bad 52 minutes. Have a good weekend Pixlpeeps!
That's all for now, more later!
For the song of the week I am going with one that was a favorite for elementary school Chris and his first Radio Shack knockoff of a Walkman
I didn't have the ability to copy songs off the radio yet, but this was the point when all I would do is listen to the radio and when my favorite song came on, I would listen to it with the volume turned up a bit. My marching band tried playing this song for a parade but eventually ended up on Red Red Wine. Yeah we played pop tunes instead of stuffy marches.
Super Step
Contributing Writer
04/08/2017 at 02:50 PM
That undertaker pic and retirement is great timing. Looking forward to romo on cbs. Glad he's smart enough not to kill himself on the field even if he's going to be one of the most hated announcers i bet. Not saying hell be bad. But probably hated.
Y'know, I'm usually on the side of "art is subjective," but sometimes people take it too far. Lol
I really want to play a Lego city undercover game while at the same time i hate how Lego games take time away from other games id probably enjoy more. When i get close, i just want that damn platinum and it almost feels like a chore i have to finish. I mean i like that there's so much content and i mostly like the games, but i dunno. Mild ocd i guess.
Please just play a match in guilty gear and tell me what to think. You're teasing me buying all these guilty gear games then not playing and talking about then. Lol
American hifi brings back memories. I grew up on that 2000s pop punk. Anther good song in that vein is girl all the bad guys want by bowling for soup. They seem to be making their money on tv theme songs these days. I mostly know bfs cause they're from ft worth or dallas if I'm not mistaken.
Kill em all is definitely the most club/party sounding album metallica ever released. Not dance music, but if you listen to it you'll see what i mean if you've never heard it/the lyrics. They definitely had a different sound after that one.
04/19/2017 at 12:00 PM
I think Romo will be more respected if he gives good honest opinions during the game. He doesn't have to be animated like Michael Irvin but if he's solid on the mic he'll be fine.
Oh art, some of it I seriously question especially the modern stuff.
The thing with the regular Lego games is that the Platinums are a lot easier to earn than regular games. Its usually just collect everything, but it takes up a chunk of time. I don't know what the Undercover trophies look like but it might be more of the same except now in addition to studs you also collect pieces. The pieces are used to build spawn points for cars, and buildings.
I'll get around to playing Guilty Gear, I've been caught up in other games but this weekend I'll give Guilty Gear a spin. Ooh maybe I should compare it to MK.
Bowling for Soup, that's a band name I haven't heard in a while. I should check them out again and see if I should add their CDs to my library.
Kill'em All sounds different. Also the random guitar track kind of threw me off. Overall not a bad album.
Super Step
Contributing Writer
04/19/2017 at 03:00 PM
You mean bass track, "Anasthesia (Pulling Teeth)."
That's actually Cliff Burton's bass guitar hooked up to a wah pedal. lol
04/26/2017 at 11:20 AM
Haha oh ok, that's what I get for listening to it while doing other things. I'll give it another listen.
Super Step
Contributing Writer
04/26/2017 at 03:40 PM
Not your fault he intentionally made the thing sound closer to a regular guitar than a bass.
I remember when I first realized the opening notes of "For Whom The Bell Tolls" were actually done on bass. It sounds like a lead guitar part!
04/27/2017 at 12:42 PM
Wow Cliff was insane on the bass.
Cary Woodham
04/08/2017 at 05:36 PM
I've been playing LEGO City Undercover for a review and I haven't found any bugs in it yet. But I am playing it on the PS4 so maybe that has something to do with it. I will say that so far, it's one of the better LEGO games I've played. I kind of regret not playing it on the Wii U earlier.
04/19/2017 at 12:01 PM
Yeah the console games seem to be more stable. I should have gone that route instead of PC. If it drops in price I may just get it on console and start over.
Matt Snee
Staff Writer
04/09/2017 at 12:27 AM
I forgot about Quantum Break. That was supposedly a pretty good game!
I would not stand on that shit either, ha ha.
04/19/2017 at 12:03 PM
Good to know about the game. My cousin said he liked it to.
Haha yeah but I did put my foot on it so I'm kind of daring.
04/09/2017 at 09:32 PM
I so want to pick up more Lego Dimensions stuff but there really hasn't been a killer sale around me yet.
04/19/2017 at 12:04 PM
I think the next 2 for X.XX at Toys R Us I will pick up some of the characters with exclusive powers like that robot from Dr. Who. As much as I refuse to support the new Ghostbusters one of the characters has a special ability to carry a charge from one station to another.
04/20/2017 at 12:04 AM
I do want to get all the level packs because that's new areas to explore, but I have to be really choosey right now because of money and none of the level packs have really excited me except for that Midway one, which I got. One day there will be a really great sale and I'll jump on a huge load of the stuff.
04/26/2017 at 11:33 AM
Yeah a couple of Fun Pack characters seem to overlap when it comes to their special abilities, and I've stayed away from those. The good thing in Dimensions is that you can rent a character in game to open a certain section.
04/26/2017 at 11:16 PM
That's cool.
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