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Blog #3

On 04/17/2013 at 06:57 PM by jgusw

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Games I'm Playing:

Bioshock (360)

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I started my 2nd attempt at this game recently.  I was enjoying it the first time I played, but quit playing for something else (probably Mass Effect again).  I wanted to give Bioshock another try and since I didn't remember how to play it, I started from the beginning.  I'm not as far as I was when I quit, but it won't take long to get there (I was only a few hours in anyway).  I'm enjoying Bioshock.  I'll probably finish it this time and then I can work on getting Bioshock Infinite next. 

Ni no Kuni (PS3)

I finally got back to this game.  I'm putting in time and enjoying it.  So far I have no problems with the game.  Ni no Kuni is turing into a nice adventure. Smile

NBA Jam: On Fire Edition (360)

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This game can be a bitch.  It's way better than the NBA Jam (reboot) physical version, but damn.  It's been years since I played NBA Jam (SNES), but I was a beast on that game.  This game is a bit different.  I'm not big on basketball, but I remember some of the old players the 90s and early 00s.  I play with the guys I know.  Out of curiosity, I did the roster update that I saw available.  Damn, I shouldn't of done that.  Now my roster is full of dudes I don't know and they removed many people from the old roster.  IMO, the old roster was better.  There were more balanced players in the old roster.  Another thing I don't recall is playing offense being so difficult.  You have no real way to defend yourself against the defense.  All you have is trick dribbling, which if you do against a capable defensive player, you will lose the ball, easily) and elbow swings, which is prety much useless.  The defense just beats you to the ground (you can't even pass) until you lose the ball.  It's a frustrating mess. Yell  I may just play the com players on normal and not bother with the more difficult settings and the alternate rules.

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 (360) 

I unlocked all the characters and I'm having fun.  I really don't have a favorite character to fight with.  I just hit random select and learn during the fight.  I'm usually playing my son, who is pretty damn good.  He was always beating me in Generations.  Now, I do must of the winning in UNS3.  

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (DS)

I'm still playing.  I'm not sure how much I have left.  I haven't been stuck since the last time I mentioned, so I'm advancing well.  If I can dedicate more time to playing DoS, I'll probably have it finished over the weekend. 

Games I Bought:

Pandora's Tower (Wii) - I don't know when I'll start this game.  I need to get my Wii back in my game room.  

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner - Soul Hackers (3DS) - I've been waiting for this game a long time.  My plan was to get the SAT or PS version once it got translated.  Now, that's not needed.  Now, I only need a 3DS. Cool 

Mass Effect Trilogy (PS3) - Now I can play my favorite series on the PS3. Laughing 

MLB 10 The Show (PS3) - Seriously, the last baseball game I played was Baseball (NES) over a decade ago.  The latest baseball game I played was Bases Loaded.   

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2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa (360) - I hadn't played a soccer game in a long time either.  The last soccer game I played was FIFA '97 (SAT).  I bought more recent soccer games since then, but I hadn't played any of them yet.  Hopefully, I get to this one soon. 

Preorders & Games to Get Soon:

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Shin Megami Tensei IV (3DS) - I preordered this a little over a week ago and today I find out that there will be a limited edition.  I plan to upgrade to the LE.  

Project X Zone (3DS) - I saw a trailer and it looked interesting.  

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Cross Edge (PS3) - I walked into GameStop to pick up this game, but one of my friends beat me to it.  Another copy as been found and I'll get it soon.

Valkyrie Chronicles (PS3) - I have a bid going on Ebay.  It looks like I might win.  

That's the happenings this week.  What are you playing?  Any input on the games I bought or plan to buy?  And, if anyone know of any game sales, feel free to share the love. Cool



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