After saving, waiting, looking at myself in the mirror, begging the image of Julius Rock in my wallet for forgiveness and impatience, I finally Purchased a PS4 Pro.
I have Also watched the Ghost in the Shell Movie, the one at the center of the whitewashing controversy, I'll starts with this.
Ghost In The Shell

I am an anime fan and have watched all the GITS flicks, repeatedly. I briefly read the manga in my youth but I'm not too beholden to it as since the Animated Movie Directed by Mamoru Oshii, I've prefered the more contemplative than cheese cake portrayal. I'll decend into a rant but suffice it to say
It's Okay but has too many unnecessary deficiences.
Cast is Good, the relationship between Batou and The major is good, Aramaki the Director of Section 9 is (traditionally subtle) a Badass, the Music can be good but lakes a distinct sound/personality, Most of the Visual effects are good. The added theme of "consent", is good and interesting, Cinematography and shoot composition is all good. They used the song in the intro of the Original movie as an outro. It's nice.
Bad... ugh.
Yes the Whitewashing is real, utterly tonedeaf and barely matters to the plot making the fact The Major is in a western body even though she's japanses, not of her choice more than stupid.
The Plot is a Robocop rip off but with non of the comentary or charm of the Original, infact it's worse than the remake because it ruins The Majors character, she isn't special by her own merit, she's just made that way. A Marry Sue, if you will?
The Idea there are no full cyborgs already in this universe removes the existentiallism and ambiguity and uniqness of the series, Batou has always been full Cyborg, built for war but here, he loses that connection the 2 originally had and the movies Dynamic of his comfortability being a full cyborg and her contemplative and concerned. He was comfortable while she constantly questioned if her body wasn't her own at the very least she had her ghost, we do have that here but she has to be told it rather than have it her own path of self-discovery (but just as blunt as the original.)
The cast though good don't get a lot of (if no) development, they're just there and making The Major not the sole female in the section 9 group, I don't like.
The main bad guy/s, it boils down to a revenge plot, it's typical lazy Hollywood dumbed down writing, ruining the connection the character had to The Major in the second series (Watch 2nd GIG). There's almost no symbolism in this film, for a series more or less inspired by Blade Runner you'd think they'd try harder, I'm not counting the homages to the first GITS, as those are just callbacks to it and don't serve the plot like the original.
Batou, is traditionally the musle but here because he's not fully cyborg, you can't see how powerful he is, making certain action scenes more interesting.
Pet peeve, no cyborg food :/
In conclusion it's a rental film, serviceable but forgettable and it could have been soo much better, Watch the Original, even if you didn't like it, it's better than this. I was expected to hate it, but it doesn't cross the line hard enough.
Now The main event, My PS4 Pro
Before I bought this I wanted to prepare my library of games so I started with Persona 5 buying the Premium Edition because I knew it would be near impossible to get if I hadn't pre-ordered it.

Worth Every Penny. I like the Art book the most, I haven't trtied the CD yet, but I ilike the bag tey give you
The reason I even bothered was as of now I have played 3 in the series (including P5) but have only finished 1, P4. I liked that game well enough (quite a bit actualy) and the buzz and previews showed me it was worth the prepurchase. It Is. I'm not that far into it (I haven't cleared the first Palace) but so far it's of the high standard P4 set. The style is already leaking out my console.
I was planning to wait till the PS4 became cheaper however because it was the holidays, it was Full price but now a free game included. My Impulse got the better of me and now I have Horizon: Zero Dawn. Though I suck at it, I like it a lot, some of the environment is destrtuctible, the combat is responsive, I like the way you heal. The story is interesting, I find it interesting they still technically speak english
I haven't been spoiled on either games so i'm going into these games with a "clean slate", as it were.
So far, so good. I've recently finished the first Palace in P5 one of the things I find a problem is using SP, magic Attacks drain reeealy fast and recovering it is hard unless you leave the shadow world. And I hate other people telling me how tired I am, I want to go to bed when I want to, GODDAMMIT!
Not so far into Zero Dawn, I've only managed to defeat that saw tooth (after multiple deaths) and i'm about to start my adventure.
I've also bought Devil May Cry 4 because I've not completed any in the series before this, I'm not quite used to the rhythm yet, it feels awkward right now, but I'm getting used to it.
I hope everyone's chill,
This Is V saying "I hope we get a live-action Wolf's Rain"
