Did anyone play Resident Evil Revelations?
I'm curious what people think of it (Revelations1)since it's the only RE game that I just played once, but mostly because I hated playing on 3DS little screen. I'm playing on WiiU and just curious if anyone bought any of the ports and what you think of it overall? I really loved Revelations 2.
On that note, what did you all think of THE LAST OF US? I missed the launch of this game for financial reasons at the time and it fell off my radar. I don't particularly like stealth games and I was under the impression that it was more of a playable movie with stealth. I had a friend bring up this game as being amazing and he rarely ever played any video games but that got him gaming again.
Also, what are your games that you are ashamed you missed playing for whatever reason, financially, lacked console, heard about it but cant get it now or is too outdated, etc. This comes from a recent Retronauts podcast where the hosts lamented not caring too much about amazing 2D castlevanias on portables until they stopped producing them and the series went 3D.