Went to the Spartan Race at AT&T Stadium yesterday. Here are my results:
I got a cool shirt as swag, some cat food was free there (weird, but Catara was happy), a Finisher medal (re: participation trophy) and some free snacks/samples.
Sadly, I can no longer accept free beer now that my doctor thinks I may have a hiatal hernia and has placed me on an anti-reflux diet. I can no longer have tomatoes, onions, chocolate, caffeine, greasy/fatty foods, alcohol of any kind, carbonated beverages or citrus-based fruit juices.
Also, I beat TitanFall 2's campaign mode, marking the first time I've ever completed an FPS game. I thought some of the first-person platforming was annoying, but mostly welcome and cool ideas like time traveling during firefights really added to the feel of the game.
I will say I thought the titan battles were more or less luck-based attrition affairs, but maybe I could stand to boost out of the way more? I dunno. I honestly preferred the on-foot sections.
I'll play some more multiplayer before sending back to GameFly, and then finish Wolfenstein: New Order at some point, even though I'm not really feeling that one.
Actually, come to think of it, I'd rather play Life is Strange, which is free on PS+ this month.