hmmmm, I'm so hungry I could eat a God! ha ha.
so is this basically a monster hunter clone? I never liked monster hunter maybe cause of the lack of a story. This seems like a lot of game though!
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![]() On 06/21/2017 at 03:34 AM by Nicoleb1989 ![]() See More From This User » |
So unlike May I actually beat a game this month. Im officially caught back up but I might try to finish a second game since May wasnt a good month. I have probably talked about God Eater before on here. If I havent I have no fucking clue why not. Regardless though, this game is fucking fun and worth a playthrough. They rereleased this bundled with the second game but you can buy it on PSN for $19.99. Personally I say its worth the $20.00 but I know not everyone likes the monster hunter type games. Let me atleast say this game is way easier to jump into than Monster Hunter. Its beginner friendly and single player friendly. The story for the game can be beat completely by yourself. Other then maybe achievements, there isnt anything special to use the multiplayer for.
PS:I will play this with anyone, Im not the best but I do think having survived the story of the game by myself I can for sure hold my own. I have both the first and second game. Let me know if interested.
When starting out the game you create a character. Its nothing extravagant but it isnt by no means bad either.
This was my Char. which she has changed since I first started playing the game. I only used Scythe and Assualt Guns. However there are other weapons which Ill get into later. After all that you land yourself into the Fenrir Far East Branch as a New Type God Eater. God Eaters are the military soliders who can fight Aragami using God Arcs which essentially are a Aragami since they are made up of Oracle cells. New Type's can switch between a sword and gun form. A lot of the characters you team up with are Old Type's. They have 1 form of attack. You also do not change their equipment, the only thing you can change is their personal abilities. Have I lost you yet? There is quite a bit to this game. As a new recruit your first missions are quite easy and simple to get you in the groove of how the game plays. You of course start in Difficulty 1 but Im gonna tell ya now the story itself goes all the way to Difficulty 13 which after you complete the last story mission you unlock 14. It consist of challenge missions you can attempt. There are 3 Story Arcs and I believe 1 of them is new to the remaster. Im not sure which one because I honestly didnt get no where near as far in my original Burst playthrougth.
*not my image, google searched it*
Story missions light up like "Devils Tail" and of course say Story instead of Free. You dont have to do Free missions technically but they are great for fighting Aragami that you need parts for weapons/upgrades and just ingeneral learning the fight patterns of the monsters. The awesome thing? All these bastards have a weakness to either Blaze, Freeze, Spark, or Divine. Take weapons and bullets pertaining to their weakness and normally you have an easier fight. I had like 4 to 5 Scythes alone because of that. If you look in my Char. pic the circles denote what my Scythe and Shield had. My Scythe dealt Divine damage and my shield was particularly good with defending against Blaze and Spark. There isnt many areas but each mission takes you to a different setting which is a pretty good size map except for 1. There is one that unlocks way later after Arc 1 that you will start going to regularly and OMG did I hate it. Its one Medium sized area that the only good thing is the monsters cant run off to recover health. Other then that, you fucked if the aragami is a bitch to fight. Fucked. Dead. NOPE.
All the areas also have materials you can scavenge for during missions. Note to you: Collect the materials before the big fight if possible. They give you 40s to collect after the mission is done and trust me you cant run the entire map in that time. I tried and it cant be done. Also I forgot to mention you devour a monster once you defeat it for the 3 materials it will give you. You also get even more items from just completeing the missions successfully. So you can come out with a quite a bit especially if the bonus support you choose at the end is super good.
See how Shio has "Support Redraw" well if you pick hers there is a good chance you will get a a support card redraw but sometimes it doesnt work so that one can be tricky to choose. There is also a chance to encounter a scene with the character of the support card you choose. Its nothing big but they are kind of fun to see. I mostly used the reward or bond break reward up. However on several occasions I had to use the ignore endurance one because I fainted way too much. Like in Monster Hunter you can only faint so much in a fight. You have what they call Endurance and every time you lose all your health it goes down. Now their more forgiving in GE. You have 50 and thats way more then carting 3 times. However, if they revive you and give you a small amount of health you can easily be knocked backout because you revive right in the middle of the fight. No going back to the starting point in this. You have to quickly heal or sprint to a safe spot to heal. Your teammates also have 50 but once they used up their's you have to link aide them to revive.
Combat for the most part is very hack and slashy which I love. Its really simple to pick up, nothing crazy diffcult to learn. There are different devour technics but I mostly used the main one you start with and that was pretty much it. Speaking of devour, when you devour a living Aragami you not only enter Burst mode which makes you more powerful but you get special bullets from that particular monster/ You can also choose to give that burst/ammo to a teammate if you so desire. There is different melee weapons like Hammers, Short and Long Blades, Buster Blades, and Spears. They all of course have their pros and cons but I went through the whole game weilding Scythes. There very quick but if you dont dodge or guard good you might get struck a lot by Aragami. Guns also have a variety, Assualt, Sniper, Blast, and Shot Gun. Guns to me seriously dont have that much of a crazy impact on play. You dont have unlimited ammo so you can rely on being gun only. When in Burst or attacking a monster you gain Oracle Cells which essentially become bullets for your gun. However depending on the bullet type decides how much of the cells you use each time you fire your gun. Also, depending on your weapon loadout is how easy it will be to break bonds. Some monsters piercing or crushing attacks will easily break them, some slashing will do the trick. The big thing is to learn and remember what their weak points are since those are normally bond break parts. The more bonds your break the more rewards you might get.
While new weapons do unlock as you fight more different monsters your biggest thing you will probaby use is the upgrading part of the crafting system. I found like 5 weapons I liked and just kept them upgraded. You also craft more than weapons, you also craft clothes for your character and extra upgrades. Clothes are pretty simple to make, they normally dont require anything too crazy. The extra upgrades I pretty much kept the health and Def ones my whole playthrough. There are more of course, those just seemed more beneficial. There is also the install skill system. After each mission you will choose 1 of 3 abandoned god arcs. If you like the skills from one in particular you can install them on one of your current weapons. You can also put 3 or more together and create a new god arc with new skill however keep in mind you dont know what you will get in the outcome. I typically just installed skills that suited me best. To make a skill active it has to have 10 or more points.
Need I say more? No. If you dont like it I cant help you. The music in this game is fucking fantastic and it makes the fights so much better.
Story Im not gonna spoil anything. If there is any chance that someone will buy and play this game from my review then Im staying the hell away from spoiling it. Just know, the story is a lot more thought out and intriging compared to MH games. It also can be long, I put 85 hours into this game. No Regrets!
I will say the final story fight, was bullshit.....just bullshit. I fought that fight so many times. I was about to tear my fucking hair out. It was the only mission that gave me fucking hell. There were a few tough ones of course but that one can go fuck itself.
What I loved most? The characters. They made so many of the support characters have unqiue personailties and I honestly loved them the best out of the whole game. Some of my faves are Kota, Soma, Lindow, Tatsumi, Sakuya, Gina, Kanon, Alisa and Habari. Soma is sort of prick at first but he changes throughout the story.
Well if you made it to here, congrats, you survived my review for GER. I know its quite long and maybe a bit of everywhere but it is my thoughts on the game. I for sure give this game a A even an A+ in my book. I honestly feel that this game is better then MH for me but thats because this game is so single player friendly. MH is geared toward the multiplayer aspect but the problem is the community. It can be so fucking toxic. If your not so damn good and or even cart once you can run into the most horrid of people. Ive been lucky because I know people who play it and they dont fucking criticize me if I cart or I accidently hit them. Hell My sister could probably write a book about the number of times I hit her when I used the hunting horn. GER, I dont got to concern myself with that. Turn it on, load my save and I fucking go. Multiplayer is optional and while I know I might have beat that final fight quicker by getting outside help I just decided to stick it out and beat it myself.
Im now playing GE2 and Im still loving the game. I think it will probably also get a pretty good review because they kept a lot of the good stuff in and added new stuff to the game that so far makes it even better. Still very single player friendly so far. Im only on Difficult 3 stuff and so far nothing has been hard. Anywho its 2am, Im staying up tonight so I can get on my night schdule for work Wednesday and Thursday. Think I might go play GE2 some more.
Hope yall are doing great!
So the only thing that really interested me about the God Eater games is the music. I've heard that the music in those games was done by Go Shiina, who happens to be my favorite video game music composer. If you'd like to hear more of his work, check out the soundtracks to Mr. Driller and Tales of Legendia.
I didn't know much about this game other than seeing the box art from time to time and I never played Monster Hunter, is this game like other games where you can go and improve your skills with side missions before heading out into the story mode? Hack and Slash does sound like fun, and I do like collecting random items in games. I should check this out.
Skills are mostly gained by what you have on your gear. Say you have HP 2 and a HP 8 on a gun and shield. You will gain more HP since the skill activates at 10 points. Essentially there isnt a free mode persay. In each difficulty rank you will get both story and free missions. To advance rank you do have to continue the story side of it but I honestly enjoyed the story to this game. Now you can do free missions to fight different monsters and you most likely will at some point because upgrading or creating new gear is needed as the difficulty rises. By the end game your at difficulty 13/14. Hopefully didnt scare you away from trying it out, it is a lot of fun and I enjoyed the time I put into it. Im playing the sequel now and I just crossed 100+ hours in it.