I'm currently playing Yooka Laylee right now. I think they did a good job as a tribute to Banjo-Kazooie (which is a way better series than DK64, by the way), but I had the same problems as you with controls and camera and such. I think it could've used a bit more time in the oven, but then it would've had to compete with Mario Odyssey.
Yooka Failing
On 06/24/2017 at 01:06 PM by Super Step See More From This User » |
I really wanted to like Yooka Laylee. I really did. But it just did not rub me the right way at all.
The only 3D Rare game I really played often growing up was DK64, so I don't have much attachment to Banjo Kazooie, but I do have nostalgia for 3D platformers.
So it's too bad that the aiming seems broken, the roll mechanic and platforming is too slippery, and the camera spazzed out and became the final nail in the coffin for me as I was facing off against a door boss who was angry about non-existent door-to-door widow salesman.
If that last part sounds charming and fun, it is. The game nails the aesthetic, humor and general vibe of older Rare titles. Which in a way, just makes it more disappointing that the game itself was unfairly frustrating enough to wind up in my mailbox again so soon after GameFly sent it to me.
I did finish Life is Strange last night and loved it. I definitely prefer these games where you're finding clues and dialogue trees are a part of the game to Telltale titles where dialogue trees are the main focus and sometimes you walk around.
I can't wait for the prequel, which I'm guessing will have a different mechanic besides time travel, since Chloe doesn't have that ability. Or maybe that'll be a twist, but I hope not.
Mom wants to watch Moana tonight since it's on Netflix, and I'm going to see about getting back into Horizon Zero Dawn.
I'm working inventory again, but the schedule is pretty light. Only three stores this week and next, then we're off for a couple weeks unless they find us "support" jobs, wherein we help other districts with counting and such.
I will probably get around to necessary things like buying a new laptop, looking at cars (my '91 Accord is still doing fine, but won't be after too much more use), and lesson planning for late August. I'm also trying to room with my best friend, but circumstances might dictate I stay with my current roommate. We shall see.
How's your summer, Pixlcassos?